Hello everyone. My name is Cathryn. 1st timer

Hi to everyone I'm Cathryn and this is my 1st time using this tool. I am 308 pounds. I am aiming to lose 2 lb per week. I have been on every diet/healthy eating thing that has been invented.So can other users tell me why they think this tool works or not. I have lost up to 3st in the past but i find it very difficult to keep it off. Have other had this on going proplem. Love to hear others thoughts.
Note to myself
I have stayed with my alocation of caloraes with 47 to spare. Happy bunny
( P.S. I am Dyslexic and I can't do anything about it :) )


  • Craine1998
    Craine1998 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome Cathyrn

    Nice to make your acquaintance. Looking forward to reading of your experiences and hoping we can share some support

  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome. I've been at this since January 1 and have found it to be a very good tool to help manage weight loss. I have a whole list of what I have found that works, and what I have found that hasn't helped, in my blog on here. If you'd like to add me as a friend then you can check it out.
  • Secondgoround
    Hi Cathryn,

    You can add me if you like so we can support each other through this process. I've been on here for 3 weeks and find it is really helping my motivation and I'm religiously sticking to my eating plan.
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    Hi Cathyrn and welcome to the fam! :flowerforyou:

    Feel free to add me for support!
  • jjean905
    jjean905 Posts: 175
    Hi Cathryn and welcome!!! I absolutely love MFP and if you have a smartphone it will make entering foods even easier, just scan the item and it will go into your database. I find it so much easier to stay on track with my calorie goals and calorie burns than using a standard journal. Stick with it and I know you'll love it too!! Best of wishes to you on your journey:smile:

    PS. My husband is dyslexic also and it's nothing to be ashamed of. As far as intelligence goes, he's pretty darn smart!
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Hi Cathryn,

    MFP works because it's not a diet. Counting calories to eat at a controlled deficit to lose weight is all about being aware of what you are eating, and being personally accountable to yourself. This is learning how to eat healthy by making healthy choices, learning and keeping to serving sizes and moderation. That awareness is what makes this a lifestyle change. Once you reach your weight loss goal, you're still going to have the knowledge and awareness you have built over the months you spent losing weight. MFP is nothing but a tool to help you build that awareness, but comes with the added benefit of a large community of very supportive users.

    I personally have been at this since mid-January and have lost 42 lbs from my recent peak a week after signing up here (39 lbs from when I signed up). I still eat some sweets and a little bit of fast food, but know the price I pay for eating such stuff. Portion control was another big thing for me.
  • Ke1ra78
    Ke1ra78 Posts: 146 Member
    Welcome to mfp cathryn. I love this app. I find that having my diary open to my friends is really helpful as it helps me to make healthier choices and be more accountable to myself. Would love to help support you on your journey.:-)

    no need to worry about your dyslexia. My oldest son is dyslexic and clever with it! i understand it can be a struggle.;-)
  • cathryn1158
    :flowerforyou all. What a lovely bunch you all are will reply tomorrow as my fingers are tierd. :happy: