A bacon sundae?? REALLY??



  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    who cares, you will buy it or you wont, you will say its gross or you will say its great, for every pro there a con
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    who cares, you will buy it or you wont, you will say its gross or you will say its great, for every pro there a con

    If everyone had this same attitude, MFP forums would be very boring.

    (Instead, MFP forums are just very stupid...and I'm not entirely sure which is better right now...)
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    As someone who believes any person that doesn't want to live has every right to end their own life if thats what they want to do, I think warning labels on food is a bit silly. People know bacon and icecream are bad for them. If they want to eat it, let them eat it.
    Oh snap! I just had ice cream too. How was I to know? I don't want to die. I have wife and kids... millions of kids! Why, god? Why?
    Sorry, I just couldn't help being reminded of that movie, The Stuff, about killer ice cream.
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    Breakfast today for me was a very healthy protien shake with banana and peanut butter power and then just because I felt like it two slices of crispy well drained bacon. Added an extra 80 calories but I wasn't hungry again until 2:00 and I really enjoyed my breakfast. Honestly, I don't need to be told what to eat or not eat, as a grown up I would like to make those choices for myself.
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    My dad wants one for fathers day this weekend. I promised him, we could. What can I say? We're a bacon eating family.
  • jessdylan2010
    jessdylan2010 Posts: 5 Member
    I think that adding a bunch of grease to such an already bad dessert is just sick. Would you like your heart attack on a cone??? I mean ice cream itself isnt that great for you obviously but it does have plent of dairy in fact mostly dairy than anything else, but whats bacon? not much protein to it mainly grease i mean its okay to indulge once in awhile in a not so healthy treat but to add a bunch of grease to it well thats just purely irresponsible. Pick one or the other as ur treat sugar or grease not a mixture of both disgusting. As far as whose fault its societys in general. It costs me 4-5 dollars to make a homemade chicken salad yet go to mcdonalds and get a double cheeseburger and fries for 2 dollars. its costly to eat right i wont lie but i think its because everyone or mostly everyone does want to eat healthy so grocery stores rake up there prices basically if ur poor/low income go to dollar menu its ridiculous!
  • Code2fornow
    Code2fornow Posts: 56 Member
    mmmmmmmm Bacon
  • lax75
    lax75 Posts: 118 Member
    I think it's hard to claim that someone wouldn't know that eating a bacon sundae is bad for them. I don't grab ice cream and think "Oh great! This is a fantastic meal for me!".

    I think there is more than enough information and opportunity out there for people to know that fattening food (ie bacon) is bad for them, and they may choose to what what they wish with that. Remember when Michelle Obama pushed for healthier lunch foods in schools? And when she worked with Walmart to make healthier food cheaper and more readily available? People reacted by blowing a head gasket and saying "HOW DARE SHE FORCE US TO FEED OUR KIDS HEALTHY FOODS! HOW DARE SHE TELL US WHAT WE SHOULD AND SHOULDN'T EAT! IF I WANTS MY BACON I'LL EATS IT!"

    I'm paraphrasing (kind of) but the general gist is - people don't eat unhealthy food because they don't realize it's bad for them. They eat it because they know and just don't care.

    Children don't always know, though, so what the schools serve I think is a slightly different category.
  • jessdylan2010
    jessdylan2010 Posts: 5 Member
    Bacon and ice cream yeah they go to the same place but only if youre replacing that as your meal. if bacon is your main course which is not healthy at all then you would need to skip eating dinner and just the sundae not bacon for dinner then bacon desert thats sick.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Speaking of bacon (and to clear my head from some of the absolutely nonsense that was very recently posted): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/632497-rsboi
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Needs a warning label? I'd have to disagree there...even the most nutritionally uneducated person would be able to tell that things like this are bad for you..otherwise, I'd have to wonder if their IQ is in the negative!! I agree with most everyone here. Let people make their own choices and deal with the outcome themselves.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    We don't need more nannies, we need to teach children accountability. No more of this public school "you are perfect the way you are" bull or "everyone is a winner". We need to teach them everything has consequences and that goes for exercise vs laziness or eating well vs stuffing yourself. Just watch the news: Nut jobs out there protesting because they took out student loans and now the bank has the nerve to ask them to pay it back. The hippies ruined an entire generation of children. We need to fix that and the choices the fast food companies offer will reflect the change in taste in the society as a whole. Companies only offer things like that because there is a market. Fix the market and the companies will follow suit or go under.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Ice Cream does not equal bad.

    Bacon does not equal bad.

    You can enjoy both in moderation.

    It is not going to kill you or ruin your health to have one of these things. You may have issues if you ate them every day or multiple times a day... but one won't suddenly make you fat or unhealthy.