What is the healthiest pizza I can buy from Domino's?



  • bzgl40
    bzgl40 Posts: 69 Member
    I picked out the Bacon and Carbonara pizza which has enough protein I need and is half of the calories of a normal large pan crust . the whole Pizza is 1200 calories which is my limit. I was really busy all day today so I haven't ate anything but this pizza and it is so yummy.

    I decided on the pizza not only because its 50% off but because my current food has been boring me to tears. Salads and egg sandwiches for the past 3 weeks gets tiring.

    All you had today is pizza? You need to get out of that habbit. I get that your busy but you should really concentrate on finding quick healthy foods to eat. Start with breakfast. Lots of grab and go type things to eat. A banana takes but seconds to unpeel.
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    Personally, I make my own pizza ( I am a pizza-lover too and cannot go without it)

    I make a whole week crust, a little sauce and some low-fat skim pizza cheese shred... Its delicious for under 200 cals per slice... plus my 5year old thinks she is getting a HUGE treat when we make it!!!!!!!!!
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    I picked out the Bacon and Carbonara pizza which has enough protein I need and is half of the calories of a normal large pan crust . the whole Pizza is 1200 calories which is my limit. I was really busy all day today so I haven't ate anything but this pizza and it is so yummy.

    I decided on the pizza not only because its 50% off but because my current food has been boring me to tears. Salads and egg sandwiches for the past 3 weeks gets tiring.

    All you had today is pizza? You need to get out of that habbit. I get that your busy but you should really concentrate on finding quick healthy foods to eat. Start with breakfast. Lots of grab and go type things to eat. A banana takes but seconds to unpeel.

    One day is not going to kill her- stop acting like she is going to have a heart attack due to one pizza.
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    Use this! It's directly from their website! It's the "Cal-O-Meter" and calculates your meal. :)

  • HungerGame82
    HungerGame82 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't think you should eat pizza just because it's 50% off. If you really want pizza, as Acg said, find a way to fit it into your calories, but you're not going to find a pizza that's significantly healthy enough to make a difference.

    (Then again I'm from NY and you couldn't force me to eat Domino's)
    Haha, I bet NY pizza is so much better than anything "chain".
    So, my parents LOVE Domino's thin crust with ham and pineapple and then...this is weird...but they have them sprinkle jalapeno juice on top. It's freaking delicious. If you stick to a normal portion and fit in a big salad with healthy dressing, I don't see why you have any reason to worry. If it fits in your calories go for it and I'd like to add, finding ways to fit in what you really want make you a success story because the more deprived people feel, the more the make poor choices. So go for it, just stay within your limit!
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I usually go for the thin crust with chicken and roasted red peppers.
  • HungerGame82
    HungerGame82 Posts: 41 Member
    "What is the healthiest pizza I can buy from Domino's?"

    The veggie pizza with no crust, cheese or sauce.
    Um, are you being sarcastic? How is that possible? And really, what's the point? Unless you're being a smart-*kitten*, in which case it's kinda funny. :)
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Domino's is having a 50% off sale right now on all menu priced pizzas (code : 50off) and i'm thinking about ordering one but I don't want to destroy my progress so far. The Artisans look pretty lean, but have a lot of cheese...so what do you guys think i should order?

    Pick whatever is your favorite or you'd like to try, eat as much as you can fit in your cals. If you go over, get on track tomorrow

    first answer in is the correct one. nice.
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    I don't think you should eat pizza just because it's 50% off.

    i agree....
  • Get the book "Eat this not That" for your Kindle on your iphone.
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    The healthiest pizza you can order form Domino's is the one titled:

    Side Salad.
  • thin crust (preferably whole wheat) veggie, easy on the cheese is always lowest on calories....

    ACTUALLY, I just got Dominos to treat myself and my loss.. That was idiotic! ANYWAY, after looking at Dominos web site and reading the nutrition section, I was really shocked to learn that the thin crust has wayyyy more calories!!! I was shocked! Look it up for yourselves if you dont believe me!!! WEIRD!
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    No crust, no cheese, all veggie. Might be messy though! :laugh:

    All kidding aside, I would go with thin crust, veggie, and you can ask them to go light on the cheese or no cheese and add your own.
  • ahadel
    ahadel Posts: 7 Member
    Pizza is exempt from diet restrictions. In fact, you actually burn more calories from eating it than you would from exercising--I think the scientific term for this is enjoyercising.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    thin crust (preferably whole wheat) veggie, easy on the cheese is always lowest on calories....
    THIS. Thin crust will save you calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Moana41
    Moana41 Posts: 35
    Given your health history, really is it worth it? If you can eat up to your cal intake then good on ya. Alot of people end up doing what they want to do anyway, lets hope for your sake you choose a more healthier option.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Given your health history, really is it worth it? If you can eat up to your cal intake then good on ya. Alot of people end up doing what they want to do anyway, lets hope for your sake you choose a more healthier option.

    the only unhealthy food, by the way, is one eaten in excess.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Getting pizza one night isn't going to ruin anyone's progress. You don't need to eat only salads to lose weight. ACG nailed it in his first post. Try to keep it under, if you don't try to work it off. But learn to live your life and enjoy yourself. Not just live on salads as some temporary diet.

    I've had PLENTY of pizza during my weight loss.
  • EllenBe
    EllenBe Posts: 31
    Getting pizza one night isn't going to ruin anyone's progress. You don't need to eat only salads to lose weight. ACG nailed it in his first post. Try to keep it under, if you don't try to work it off. But learn to live your life and enjoy yourself. Not just live on salads as some temporary diet.

    I've had PLENTY of pizza during my weight loss.

    Completely agree!!!

    Some people on here can be really judgemental, I thought it was meant to be a supportive environment!
  • kbubp
    kbubp Posts: 19 Member
    There is no such thing as a healthy pizza.

    That being said, I would allow yourself one cheat day a week, and then get your favorite pizza.