In need of motivation and support

Hello everyone!

My name is Katherine and I am need of more motivation and support. I've been a member of this site for almost 2 years and fell off the bandwagon. I have unfortunately gained back everything I lost and I have hit the point (again) where I can't stand being this way anymore.

I need to stick with it this time and feel so driven to succeed! I already have some great MFP friends that I wouldn't trade for the world, but would also like to talk with, support, motivate and get some/give some advice from/to some other faces! The more support the better right?!

I am 5' 9" and about 200 pounds (probably a couple more pounds, I've weighed myself recently but don't have a scale yet to weigh myself today. Will update my real start weight once a scale is acquired!) I would like to lose about 50 pounds, perhaps more once I get there. I would like to reach a goal weight of 150 pounds.

If you have similar goals to mine whether it be we are the same height and weight, same height, same amount of pounds to lose, same weight, or you are just looking for some more MFP friends, please feel free to add me or message me here!

Again I would love some fresh faces and would love to be a support system and motivator for others too!

Get out there and workout today... trust me... you'll feel better!


  • Bdtrainer2012
    I'm 5'9" and 216. I've been trying to drop below 200 and finding it difficult. I'm going to school to be a personal trainer and it's frustrating to be large and try to be the image of fitness. However, I know that I will get there, but that I will have to apply myself. I've got some high school friends from Facebook that have joined me on this site in keeping me honest :) It's nice to get that friendly "kick in the tush" once in a while and get me back on track.

    Just stay with it. If you need a "friend", I would be glad to help you because we all need a little support! Good luck and "Git 'er done" LOL :flowerforyou:

  • amalei
    amalei Posts: 4 Member
    I'll totally be your friend! And cheerleader, too. I have 40lbs that I'd like to lose, myself. I'm adding you now. =D
  • rebby41
    rebby41 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I have belonged to myfitness forever, but never really stuck with it, but I am determined to this time! 29 yr old 5'11 188 pounds, would like to get down to 160! Started today, officially! - Rebecca :-)
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    Hi! Nice to meet you. I am not even close to your height (I'm only 5'2"). I have about 30 more pounds to lose to reach my ultimate goal of 120. I am always looking for new MFP friends to motivate and keep me motivated. I have been on this site since February, and it has helped me so much so far. Feel free to add me :) .... that goes for anybody on this thread!

  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    Feel free to add me new friend and motivation sounds good to me. I've just got back in the MFP game after putting it all back on (and more).

    Anybody else wanting another MFP friend feel free to add me.

  • KeishaRenee8
    KeishaRenee8 Posts: 7 Member
    Im Keisha! i just started my journey im currently 277 i've gained 77lbs in the bast 4 years :-( 20 of those lbs in the last year! IM SO ASHAMED! My goal is to get down to about 150 as well so i've got about 140 lbs to lose...I know its alot of work but i can do it! Add me!! And lets get the weight off!! :-)
  • Aprillouwho
    I think we could certainly support each other :) Shoot me a friend request if you like! P.S. Welcome back!
  • mokab
    mokab Posts: 29 Member
    Totally shoot me a friend request. I am new here but not to the losing weight thing. This time, it has to stick and since I am off for the summer there should be no excuse.
    We will support each other,
  • Powergirl123
    hello itrust me i know how u feel! except iv been over weight my whole life so i give u my full support and if u did it last time u can loose the weight again trust me!

    tips: trough out the day eat low carb hiogh protein snacks that are half of the recommended portion that way u dont feel hungry or gily for eating 5 snacks in a day.

    and i started this website just last week and im fully motivated.
  • mstclair03
    mstclair03 Posts: 151
    First of all, welcome back to the wagon! I'm 5'8" & 180, and have been sittin there since high school. Goal is 150lbs, and I'm not looking to take backward steps or make any more excuses! I'd be happy to support you and be supported by you! :-)
  • donnab83
    donnab83 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! Ive sent u a friend request! I'm 5"7, my start weight was 224lb, current is 187, goal 165-150. So I'm in the same boat! Hope we can motivate each other! Any others feel free to add me! We all need as many cheerleaders as we can get!
  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member
    Hey there, I'm 5'4 and have roughly 80-100lbs to lose, any of you can add me and I will do my best to cheer you all on as you would me. Support and knowing that others will be "looking" for me daily has helped keep me accountable thus far! I enjoy it, and for me - it works!

    I'm Shae btw, and you are??
  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    I am 5'6" and weigh 224 lbs right now. I have been here once before, had a baby and gained 100 lbs during the pregnancy. I have lost 70ish lbs and what to lose a minimum of 45 would be happier with 75 more. Maybe we can help each other. I would love the support. I know it is a lifestyle change or I will just gain back some. I don't want to. Add me as a friend if you like. Goodluck on your endevor.:smile:
  • aphillips8180
    aphillips8180 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello! I'm looking to lose 30-40 lbs (we'll see how much once I get there) and I'm 5'7 so we are kind of similar. I could always use extra motivators and I do my best to help motivate my mfps. Feel free to add me. :)
  • musicalshadow00
    musicalshadow00 Posts: 21 Member
    I'll be your friend as well! I just sent you a request.

    I'm in the same boat, I've been a member here for a few years but just came back with a new passion. I'm 5.7 and just over 200lbs.
  • Daisymae2010
    Daisymae2010 Posts: 14 Member
    I would love to have a friend to check in with and to keep each other motivated. I'm starting out on this site while still doing Weight Watchers because I needed a change. I lost 25 pounds about a year ago and for the most part have maintained it, but I have more to lose and feel it's now time to see this through. I'm looking to lose about 60 to 65 pounds, it may be more than I need to lose but I truly want to get healthy and just began exercising after several years. I view this journey as a change in lifestyle, not as a diet per se, something I've never done before. But I have a motto that it keast helps me to not get too discouraged: Slow and steady wins the race. I'm sure you've heard it before and ai truly believe it whole-heartedly. Hope we can become friends and help each other. Good luck!
  • Daisymae2010
    Daisymae2010 Posts: 14 Member
    You're weight loss goals and height is very similar to mine. I agree with your statement about needing cheerleaders. Hope you add me as your friend, as well. Good luck! You've done very well so far!
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've been on the wagon and fell off. I think i've lost and gained weight more than anyone ever! hahah. But this time I am back in gear for good. I have successfully lost the weight before but I actually got hurt among other things and put it all back on. So I know how it goes. And I know it sucks most of the time. It's good having support and people to motivate you. Im here if you want to add me. This goes for anyone
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You can add me : ) Skip the scale and measure yourself....intil you have motivation. It doesn't take much to get discouraged when you start!!
  • DuchessofMD
    DuchessofMD Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'0 and 160 pounds, this much weight on me makes me look like an oompa loompa, I have just joined Take Shape for Life 5 and 1 plan fueled by MediFast I get a free health coach, weekly nurses calls I can join in on and much more. I feel very confident I will succeed and even though I don't have to track anything I eat because the plan already accounts for the 5 MediFast meals I will eat, I keep track for my own knowledge and also to know the calories, carbs, etc of my 1 Lean and Green meal of the day. If you'd like to know more I can give you info. What, if any, plan are you following? I need something structured like this plan, having to figure out everything throughout the day has never worked for me, just when I think I had a healthy day, I put the info in my tracker and BAM...I was SO wrong :/ Good luck to you and you've already done it once, you KNOW you can do it again!!! :)