Hi - I'm a cool dude and a nice guy - stop and say hi :)



  • ggdturg
    ggdturg Posts: 1 Member
    Be careful. I decided to take up running at 39 and now I have planter fasciitis in both feet. Make sure you stretch and stretch even when you don't run.

    I love My Fitness Pal. It's an awesome tool even for maintenance.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    At this point I don't know anymore. I feel like I've been dieting and exercising forever, with no results. I just changed things up once again, but Im so discouraged and hopeless at this point that I guess all Im trying to accomplish is some energy. My new workouts are making me so tired, so Im waiting to get over that "hump".

    But its people like you that give me the most hope. It makes me see how hard work pays off.

    I just have to have patience.

    How did you decide to do the run? and why run? I get in the gym and go for the elliptical. I can get a much higher heartrate on the elliptical than what I get on the treadmill ((because I don't run)). Maybe I should try running? But it just makes me tired looking at those skinny girls running... lol

    I know you weren't asking me, but I'd like to add in a bit. I started running last August, more by accident than anything. I was on my treadmill at home, walking as normal, and accidently bumped up the speed too high, and decided to try to stay on the damn thing. I lasted for 20 seconds, but that was enough to realize that I wanted to try it again. I started an at-home C25K program the very next day. It takes a while to get into your rhythm, but once you get there, it's wonderful. Time flies, especially during off-treadmill runs, and you fall into this beautiful free zone, where nothing matters but your body and your breathing. I never would have stuck with this for so long if it weren't for running.
    Try it out. It's pretty great.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
  • morgynsmama
    You might get hooked and keep running 5ks! They are fun, I did some when I was much much heavier and now I have even done a 10k! Just watch out for shin splints they hurt!!! Get some good shoes! You will do great! Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Malibabe
    Malibabe Posts: 1
    HI! I'm new to this site, but I like it already!
  • Twidget12
    Twidget12 Posts: 71
    Hi! Catchy topic title :) I like it!! Congrats to you for deciding to stick with MFP, it's an awesome site with some pretty wicked people! Feel free to add me as a friend, i'm always looking for "cool dudes" to add to my friends list.

    PS: the couch to 5k is an awesome app!! I'm on week 3 and loving it!! Can't wait until I get to 5k :happy:
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    sounds great man, you got this
  • youmemakesthree
    Wow...awesome determination! Now share your secret :)
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Hi! I recently downloaded a C25K app and am going to be starting that program soon. I doubt I'll ever be able to run a 5K but it seems like a good way to increase my fitness level.

    Feel free to add me if you like. I'm not so cool, but am a nice guy LOL
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Cool dude/Nice guy! I'm a sweet girl groovy chick :)

    haha sorry didn't know what to say.
    Hope you lose everything you are aiming to lose
    and gain every bit of what you deserve to gain!
  • determined86
    Hello. I have been on MFP for about six months but I fell off the wagon for about a month. I am now trying to stay focused and dedicated. Good luck with the 5K , you can do it. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it!!!!!!
  • jenntx2000
    jenntx2000 Posts: 28
    Hi and good luck with the 5K!
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    I decided to run because I always wanted to...and now that i turned 40...there's no going back as it will get harder with age...so I decided to sign up for the couch to 5K at the local Y and alos registered for a run down in the city.
    At this point I have nothing to lose, I'm making new friends on here, I'm improving my health.....so from here it all looks like good news :)

    Here is a website with the Couch 2 5k schedule just in case you cant make it to the Y.

  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Stopping by to say hi. Hi!

    I like nice guys and cool dudes. ...and nice people.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Sounds like a plan brother! As a fellow runner, I certainly wish you the best in this endeavor; You most certainly got the attitude for it! Let's get it! BAWSS!
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi & Congrats on your progress so far!! It's really awesome of you
    to have the 5k goal. One day I hope to be able to achieve that as well.
    But nowhere near ready yet..lol. Looking forward to hearing about your
    success!! Best wishes :smile:

    Beat of luck to you.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    You will be amazed at the progress you can make - I had dinner with a bunch of runner friends and decided i would run a ten mile race in four months. At this point I had never run a mile, and couldn't run five minutes straight. To my surprise, I was able to run the ten mile race! You will be amazed at what your body can do when you push yourself!

    Make sure to stretch and cross train. I found that as long as I did heavy lifting a couple days a week, my knees didn't bother me. Also, as a heavier runner, I needed shoes with a lot of cushioning. (Not running anymore due to foot injury -not from running - but can't wait to get back!)
  • sharlowbrla
    Hey! Cake is a dirty word around here.
  • raitch
    raitch Posts: 62 Member
    Hiya! Good for you! :)
  • grandmeem
    grandmeem Posts: 28
    Hi, I'm thinking of training for a 5K also. I haven't signed up yet as I just found out that I can run again. I'd really hate to do the run without my conditioning partner though (my German shepherd Miss Jade). I'd love encouragement and tips so friend me if you wish. Thanks