New Body November Week 1 (Anyone Welcome)



  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    I am from Hastings, Nebraska (GO BIG RED), I'm 33 going on 34 on Jan 11th, my starting weight is 242 with this group, I started at 250 when I joined this site.

    I love Nascar (GO JIMMIE), Husker Football, junior league hockey (GO STORM), I sometimes go looking at thunderstorms, (thats where I got my name here). I work 2 jobs and I have 2 dogs!

    I think this is really going to help us all with support! We are a family now!
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I am 33, live in Twin Cities, MN, 3 kids, run marathons, and that doesn't mean I'm in great shape, I'm not, I train like crazy, then give everything up but the food and I've gained 20 lbs. in the last year, and haven't been running until recently. I love how my body looks when I'm lifting weights regularly, even now I can still see the definition, but need to get it all back. I was 167 yesterday after a long weekend of crappy eating/drinking.
  • :bigsmile: Yay! Found motivation to run, it was hiding under the bed! :tongue: 3 miles in the woods w/ my doggie, beautiful!

    Is there anyway to start a new thread daily so by the end of the first week we're not hashing through like 200 posts??? Maybe like: New Body November Week 1/day 1 etc.??? If not, that's okay, just get frustrated sometimes!

    Well i was going to do a new thread weekly but if everyone else is tired of it. I can do new threads on Weds. and Sat. Everyone just let me know. Also good job on finding the motivation to run.
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    Morning All!

    I think weekly threads is fine, if you keep up on them you know where you are. but its no biggy to me!

    Last night was a bad one, I went to the hockey game and ate crappy food and then went to Skeeter Barnes after and had HEAVY food! So starting over today! Sometimes you just have to splurge just a little, lol!

    The muscles are still SORE after that video so watch out when you do them! Just giving the heads up! Thank god I have a whirlpool cause I'm thinking I'll be sitting in it tonight! OMG I'm OUT of shape! LOL. I found everything I need to get my basement set up this weekend to do that DVD so couple days off and time to set up and I'll be ready to go! LOL
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Thanks guys for the kind words of support yesterday. I think I am just having a rough couple of weeks :)

    I am 25, and live in Cleveland, OH. My Husband and I were transfered to Cleveland 2 years ago from Minneapolis, MN, where all of our family and friends live. My husband works 60-70 hours a week, and is going to school full time for his masters. We see each other about 2 hours a week at best. My starting weight is 209. I love my kindness and patience (I have a lot of it). I am trying to get to a healthy weight so we can start trying to have a baby.

    I had a minor milestone last night :smile: I have gone 36 hours without a soda. This is my biggest downfall, so I was very happy. I am trying to cut it out completely, but we will see how it goes. If anyone wants to try this with me, let me know and we can be accountable to each other.
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    good job Amanda! Thats great, It took me FOREVER to kick that habit but I did it and so can you! I now drink the flavored water just to keep the sugar craves under control. I'm sure those aren't really good either but its better than soda in my book. Don't get me wrong I still have soda but its not something I CRAVE anymore.

    I wish you luck with this journey! we can do this and I know you can get over this little bump in the road.
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Great job everyone! I'm trying to read up to get everyone's story.

    Down another pound today (still water), makes losing 10 in November a little easier :tongue: Lifted with a neighbor this morning, so just need a run later, or a walk, we'll see.

    Planning all meals, hardboiled some eggs, cut veggies, made 13 bean chili and veggie/lentil soup to eat during the day. Crock pot meals (healthy) for tonight and tomorrow.
  • Well we will stick with the weekly thread everyone.

    Stormchaser- eating that food is in the past. Move on with today. You will soon learn to eat well and feel good about it everyday. I can't wait to get my DVD. I'm getting it today, so I'll let you know how it goes.

    tahmed- the coke thing was a bigger for my husband, He suffered headache's for a week because he use to drink at least 6 a day. It will get easier. We have completely cut out cokes for our whole family but don't deprive yourself. My some way to treat yourself. We don't drink cokes anymore but we treat ourselves to one glass of sweet tea at dinner. Well being southern if we don't drink our sweet tea we die, :laugh: but the whole rest of the day we drink water. I'm sure you can do the same for yourself.

    angiebangie- sounds like you got your head on straight. Working out and eating good healthy meals is all it takes. You sound like you will reach your goal of 10 in November.

    Keep it up everyone.
  • Hi my name is Dani, I would love to join your group!!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Am I too late to join in? I think it'd help if I had a group to be accountable to (weigh ins on Saturday will keep me motivated).

    My name is Nik. 27 years old from Northern Canada. Started my weight loss journey at 230 lbs and am now at 198. My goal weight is 155 (been there in my teens, maintained it for over a year and LOVED it) but more importantly I'd really, really love to tone up and just generally feel healthier! So the first goal is to be healthier and the second is to lose weight.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Hi, can I join?? I am also trying to lose weight and am working out and eating healthy. I am trying very hard, however, not to focus on the scale because I am lifting weights, so it's going to take a bit longer for it to come off for me (I know from experience for myself). :smile: I really do need the support, however, because it just gets tough :ohwell:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    So I weighed in this morning and lost 1 pound. I really thought it would have been more this week. I was so right on with my food and exercise. At least I am down and not up.....

    I must say aside from the slow weight loss, my clothes are fitting very nice. almost no muffin top over my jeans:happy:
  • Vanddj2, sniffles, and vanimami welcome to our group. Our weigh ins are on Saturday. I will start the next weeks post late Friday night so everyone can weigh in on it for the new week. We are here for you and hopefully you are here for us.

    Ourgang- 1 pound is 1 pound. They say the average weight loss from eating right and normal exercise is 1 to 2 pounds a week, so keep it up. Any loss is better than a gain. You can really tell a difference when you try on clothes more than reading numbers on a scale.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Vanddj2, sniffles, and vanimami welcome to our group. Our weigh ins are on Saturday. I will start the next weeks post late Friday night so everyone can weigh in on it for the new week. We are here for you and hopefully you are here for us.

    Ourgang- 1 pound is 1 pound. They say the average weight loss from eating right and normal exercise is 1 to 2 pounds a week, so keep it up. Any loss is better than a gain. You can really tell a difference when you try on clothes more than reading numbers on a scale.

    Ok, sounds good. I don't go on here much on saturdays, as far as the community, but I will like to weigh in on Mondays, is that ok to keep up with?? Sorry, I don't wana join and make up my own ruls :embarassed: anyways, I'm super excited and hope that we can all stick together to stay motivated :drinker:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    "Dance as if nobody's watching."

    Sniffles - I love this saying... Just last night while I was waiting for it to be time to make diner - Instead of snacking while I was in the kitchen - I turned on the ipod and played my new fave songs, Rain, by Creed, Oh Soul Sister, by Train, and Fireflies, by owlcity... I danced around my kitchen crazy all by myself... got caught by my youngest, who decided to join me.

    Often we will turn on the strob light and get the bubble machine out, turn off the lights and play music all night just dancing......
    New plan for exercise...
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    ourgang - I love the idea of dancing around the house. I will have to try it.

    Vanddj2, sniffles, and vanimami - Welcome to the group. We seem to have a very supportive group going, and it should be a lot of fun.

    Also, I updated my profile with my new goals. Can a few of you check out my goals and see if they are reasonable? I don't want to make unreachable goals and set myself up for failure!
  • Vanddj2, sniffles, and vanimami welcome to our group. Our weigh ins are on Saturday. I will start the next weeks post late Friday night so everyone can weigh in on it for the new week. We are here for you and hopefully you are here for us.

    Ourgang- 1 pound is 1 pound. They say the average weight loss from eating right and normal exercise is 1 to 2 pounds a week, so keep it up. Any loss is better than a gain. You can really tell a difference when you try on clothes more than reading numbers on a scale.

    Ok, sounds good. I don't go on here much on saturdays, as far as the community, but I will like to weigh in on Mondays, is that ok to keep up with?? Sorry, I don't wana join and make up my own ruls :embarassed: anyways, I'm super excited and hope that we can all stick together to stay motivated :drinker:

    Yeah Monday is Fine, I just picked a day so I can keep track of most of the weigh ins at once.
  • tahmed- those seem like reasonable goals to me. We will help you reach those goals the best we can.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Thanks everyone! I'm not online much (print out my schedules and keep track on paper instead of online) but I will make a point of checking on Saturdays.


    I don't know how to dance so the only way I get TO dancing is to pretend no one's watching. Haha. Thus the quote!!!
  • I had a minor milestone last night :smile: I have gone 36 hours without a soda. This is my biggest downfall, so I was very happy. I am trying to cut it out completely, but we will see how it goes. If anyone wants to try this with me, let me know and we can be accountable to each other.

    CONGRATS!! Keep up the good work! Kicking sodas is hard but worth it. You will lose a lot of weight from this alone.
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