What is the healthiest pizza I can buy from Domino's?



  • danahake
    danahake Posts: 64 Member
    gluten free with light cheese, ham and pineapple.. and of course thin crust only... still id do a 2 piece max.. thats probably round 400-500 cals.. i love pizza..
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    thin crust (preferably whole wheat) veggie, easy on the cheese is always lowest on calories....

  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I don't think you should eat pizza just because it's 50% off. If you really want pizza, as Acg said, find a way to fit it into your calories, but you're not going to find a pizza that's significantly healthy enough to make a difference.

    (Then again I'm from NY and you couldn't force me to eat Domino's)

    Dominos is terrible. Im from NJ though so I'm in the same boat as you. Give me a coal brick oven margarita pizza any day over that crap.
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    The fat comes from the cheese, fatty meat toppings and excess carbs from the dough. The healthiest pizza would be a vegetarian with low fat cheese on a skinny or thin crust. The thinner crust cuts the amount of carbs down by a good 35%.
  • Honestly, skip it. Don't sabotage your diet because something's half off.

    Agree 100%
  • MrNoisy
    MrNoisy Posts: 69 Member

  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    The cardboard box.
  • fbandit14
    fbandit14 Posts: 61 Member
    i love WHITE pizza but I don't order it: my treat is THIN CRUST with LIGHT sauce, chicken, onion and green peppers YUM
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658

    Most fast food pizzas aren't good for anyone. They are full of processed junk and loaded with salt.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Domino's is having a 50% off sale right now on all menu priced pizzas (code : 50off) and i'm thinking about ordering one but I don't want to destroy my progress so far. The Artisans look pretty lean, but have a lot of cheese...so what do you guys think i should order?

    Please be careful.... just reading through why you joined and this is nothing to mess around with! It can be very serious!! 1/2 price pizza isn't worth your health with the diagnosis you have.

    Foods to Avoid for Fatty Liver Disease
    There are certain foods that you should avoid during fatty liver as having these foods could worsen your condition.

    You should avoid food having:
    concentrated sugar - This includes jam,sweets,soft drinks,ice creams and other similar foods.
    High cholestrol - This includes meat, nuts,diary foods, eggs,cheese,etc.

    Saturated fats and Trans Fats - These include fatty beef, pork, eggs, fried foods, pastries, french fries ,pizza,etc. Basically, what we should do is to spit out anything that tastes good.

    Home made is fabulous and you can add all sorts of veggie, leave out the sauce or use cauliflower for the crust, or a small bit of mashed avocado and you'll never want fast food pizza again, yes making it at home is just that good and way healthier.

    Because the sky is the limit when you have complete control cooking at home!:flowerforyou:
    Honestly, unless you are obsessed with having a washboard stomach, buy whatever pizza you want and just take it easy on how much you eat. I ate two slices of domino's a couple days ago and didn't gain any weight. It's about the big picture and a couple slices of pie shouldn't be the end of the world. If you do it all the time though.............
    :huh: for someone with Fatty Liver Disease it could be the end of the world........:frown:
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Honestly, unless you are obsessed with having a washboard stomach, buy whatever pizza you want and just take it easy on how much you eat. I ate two slices of domino's a couple days ago and didn't gain any weight. It's about the big picture and a couple slices of pie shouldn't be the end of the world. If you do it all the time though.............
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member

    Home made is fabulous and you can add all sorts of veggie, leave out the sauce or use cauliflower for the crust, or a small bit of mashed avocado and you'll never want fast food pizza again, yes making it at home is just that good and way healthier.

    Because the sky is the limit when you have complete control cooking at home!:flowerforyou:

    I agree, I LOVE my homemade pizza :)

    Calories / Carbs / Fat / Protein / Sodium
    Total: 1029, 141, 38, 52, 2198,
    Per Serving(8): 129, 18, 5, 7, 275,

    May not be as good as lettuce and grilled chicken, but for a yummy pizza, its perfect!
  • I eat pizza all of the time, never once has it stopped my weight loss progress....what stops progress is going over on your calories.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I LOVE PIZZA!!! Me and my hubby eat pizza at least once a week..But like the others said you just have to make room for the extra calories throughout the day (cutting back, extra exercise, etc;) Sometimes I end up going over on the days we have pizza but I don't worry about it at all. I just make sure I get right back on track the next day. I usually order a thin crust with veggies or chicken. However, last Friday we had Domino's and ordered the New York Stlye Philly Steak and it was AWESOME!
    I'm with you. We eat pizza once a week, and I never feel bad about it. I never have more than two slices, and I always have a veggie or salad with it.
  • tjphilly
    tjphilly Posts: 2
    hilarious (to the guy that suggested veggie with no crust cheese or sauce). Guess the replys don't thread like most.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    The fat comes from the cheese, fatty meat toppings and excess carbs from the dough. The healthiest pizza would be a vegetarian with low fat cheese on a skinny or thin crust. The thinner crust cuts the amount of carbs down by a good 35%.
    You really think Domino's has low fat cheese?
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Is this post for real? Some people lack dedication...
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Is this post for real? Some people lack dedication...

    Good job. That's both condescending and insulting at the same time.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Is this post for real? Some people lack dedication...

    Good job. That's both condescending and insulting at the same time.

    If you want to be sensitive about it I guess it is; I believe that you are what you eat and that food is fuel. So if I feel that someone one on a health forum is lacking dedication because they want to indulge in terrible food because of some sale, then I have the right to say so. You can be the person who encourages bad eating habits, I don't choose to do so.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    With all the great pizzas available basically everywhere, why Dominos? Even if free, I'd be hesitant to eat Dominos.