Fitness Magazine's

I'm an avid reader. So I picked up a Men's Fitness at the store a few weeks ago just to check it out. I read through it. Made some changes to my wieght training based on some of the articles I read..and I have to admit I'm reallt happy with the results.

But before I scratch a check for subscription are there any other good fitness magazine's.? I will preface this by saying I'm looking for something geared toward men, but not too GQ, and not too Playboy. But if it's loaded with interviews with models, and tells me I need to wear a pair of jeans that cost more than my suit I'm not interested.


  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    ok, so I'm not a guy...but when I was at dr's office the other day, I flipped thru a "Mens Health" looked pretty good to me...not sure if any guys on here have seen it or not...

    just a thought.

    PS..I love Prevention...but thats not geared toward guys... Just my fav.
  • sryder
    I agree with Men's health.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I get "Women's Health" magazine and I love it....I used to get "Shape" and "Fitness" but the best is Womens Health, I have cancelled everything but the if its the same just Mens I would go for that one.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I get "Women's Health" magazine and I love it....I used to get "Shape" and "Fitness" but the best is Womens Health, I have cancelled everything but the if its the same just Mens I would go for that one.

    I just realized you said Mens Fitness not Mens Health....I would pick that one up and take a look before committing to the subscription.
  • Timothy2000
    I used to have a Mens Health subscription while I was in the army although I never did any of the workouts. The articles were good and they always had cool guy gadgets.
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Men's Fitness and Men's Health are going to be your best bets. My boyfriend has a subscription for Muscle and Fitness. I should warn you that it is geared toward men who are slaves to the gym and diet, but it is a great resource for food tweaks and new work-outs (and it has a bit of a "maxim factor" meaning that you get a few pages of a hot woman lifting weights in each issue :wink: ) Just me 2 cents.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I would go pick up a few different magazines and check them out before getting a subscription. My husband likes On Fitness and a couple of others. Men's health is all very good if you want to find out how to get more sex:laugh: :laugh: They have a lot of articles about that
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I find that all fitness mag's tend to repeat themselves after a year or so, so I subscribe to one a year. When that one's out, I subscribe to a different one. I know this doesn't really answer your question, but just something I was thinking about.
  • happylittlebird
    Men's Health created the various Ab Diet programs and they put out a lot of similiar books for at-home weight training in that circuit style, plus they originated the very informative and readable "Eat This Not That" books, so if you like that style of fitness reading, I'd say Men's Health is a good mag.

    Men's Fitness Rx is also good. I assume that is what you meant re Men's Fitness.

    I'm not a male, but I read all the fitness mags, geared toward any gender ... I also like Muscle & Fitness ... :drinker:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I bought Men's health and liked it.
    Didn't get a subscription, but I did go to their website.
    lots of info, articles, I'm going to assume alot of what's in the magazine can be found on the website.
    I also signed up for e-mails and get quite a few. "eat this not that" and a few others.

    It's enough for me not to go buy any more magazines.
    If you need to read away from the computer, this won't help though.

    Just a thought.
  • bampitt
    bampitt Posts: 43 Member
    My son and daughter have subscriptions from Men's Health and Women's Health, respectively. I have looked through those magazines and found that they are mostly about fashion and lifestyle with a few articles on fitness and nutrition added in.

    For women's mags, I like Oxygen, although I know that doesn't help you much, being a man. Oxygen is all about exercise and nutrition. It has nothing on fashion and lifestyle.