Backhanded compliment about my fatitude



  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I was 185lbs and a woman asked if I was pregnant, and even touched my stomach. I replied semi-rudely "NO, I'm just fat" and turned my back to walk away. I wanted to cry.

    This happened to me when I was 185.

    My reply: "Next month. When are you due?"

    She soon shut up.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am curious if other people have recieved backhanded compliments related to their weight. Mine was:

    "Lain, I don't know how you fat. You don't eat fat people food."

    Said years ago by a coworker was from mainland China. And he is right, I have always eaten healthy stuff. I hardly ever binge on the "fat people" food. The problem for me is to move enough to eat the amount of healthy stuff I want to in a day. (1800 to 2100 cals at day). *sigh*

    I have been a vegetarian my entire life. I eat what people refer to as "rabbit food" yet these are by the same people who judge me for my weight

    My cholesterol is fabulous (120), I'm not a diabetic, and the only health problems I have are things that I had no control over, from birth.

    My mother in law, who I care very much about, told me a few weeks ago that the shirt I was wearing would look really good on me once I lost enough weight to have the body for it..I was flabbergasted. It was a regular shirt, nothing revealing, and my husband said I looked fine...her words hurt. a lot.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    my sisters favourite to wind me up is "give us a jiggle of your belly" followed by her shaking my flab!!
    She then goes im only joking your not "that" fat ...... O_o
  • thunderchld
    thunderchld Posts: 46 Member
    I've had the "When are you due" comment.

    My favorite comment was "I didn't realize you were that fat!". >_> thanks?
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I've gotten "you carry your weight well." So, my fat is shaped nicer than other people's? Yeah, okay.

    This is a good thing. To me, it means "I hear the number you gave me, but you look thinner than what I imagine most people to be that weight to be." It's up there with a genuine "WOW! You're 37? You don't look it. Seriously, I thought you were in your mid-twenties."

    And it's way better than my favorite, "Don't sweat your weight or your physique. You have birthing hips, which means it'll be easy if you ever have kids." I'll be sure put that on the tag when I launch my own clothing line for women with natural hourglass figures. :/
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Ohhh, I totally ate fat people food to get this fat and it was glorious!
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    i've always exercised (including running and heavy weight lifting) and i've always had healthy food (i've always loved vegetables and grilled seafood and fruit), so yes i have gotten this A LOT during my journey into fattyville. people have even gone so far as to tell me i had a thyroid problem or hormonal issues even though i never have :laugh:

    i dont necessarily think it's a backhanded compliment. i think some people just legitimately dont understand how weight gain and weight loss works. if you eat more calories than you need then you're going to gain weight. it's that simple.

    just because i was burn 3000 calories a day through living and exercise isn't going to negate the fact that i ate 4000+ calories a day

    I love your totally realistic view on this. You really take responsibility. Admirable.

    As for OP, I have no idea how that even constitutes a compliment, backhanded or not. People are just insulting sometimes. We have to have thick skin sometimes!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    OMG reading your post is funny. I went to college with a lot of girls from China and they are blunt. It's definitely a cultural thing, I remember at graduation one of them saying to my roommate that she looked fat in her dress, my roommate wasn't pleased and the girl couldn't understand why she was so upset.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I went to visit my aunt 2 weeks after the birth of my twins. I walked into the room she immediately took a baby and then said "Oh my god are you sure they havnt left one in". I was so hurt i had just had twins weighing 7lb 4 and 7lb and they immediately expected me to be skinny. not the way it works.
    Now i get all the time you are getting too skinny time to stop now. I am no where near skiny but they say things like your face looks drawn or your boobs are going. I also get asked if i am addicted to exercise they don,t get that someone can actually enjoy running. I tell them i will stop when I think I am at my target and will never stop exercising this has been a total lifestyle change.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I always got you have such a pretty face :mad: Okay I have other parts too guess they are not pretty as well :brokenheart:

    Uggh I hate the pretty face one. I have gotten that as well.
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    Mine I think has to be,
    "Don't worry, You're only fat because you had a baby"

    Yeah... it was there before the baby. Plus I had the baby 16 months ago.. I don't think I can get away with that excuse anymore
  • jst4gp
    jst4gp Posts: 3 Member
    OMG......... too funny!!!!!!!!!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    My mother says things that I'm sure there is no malice behind but stings nonetheless.

    I was leaving her house one night and she said "Oh you have a date tommorrow don't you wish you could lose like 10 more lbs"
    To me that said I wasn't worthy of dating at the weight I was, obviously I wasn't going to lose 10 lbs in one day and the guy knew what I looked like it wasn't some blind date. So yeah that stung, she didn't mean it in the way that I took it, I know she knew how hard I was working to lose weight, but it hurt nonetheless.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    A few hours ago while at a park with some ladies from Church I got, "Well those pants make you look slim but that brown skirt you wore last time made your butt look huge." She then goes on about how she was wondering if I was pregnant but that no, I must not be.

    And then she proceeded to tell me about how she just lost 60 pounds because of her divorce (and honestly she probably needs to loose 150 more to be a healthy bmi). Thanks lady. Thanks for killing my buzz of only being 2 pounds from my goal weight.

    Who says that to somebody anyway? I mean really? I'm 23.9 bmi currently and lower than I was in high school and YOU are going to tell me I look fat?

    A friend of mine was at the grocery store and she's tall and thin but has a small pouch of a belly but by no means fat. This big fat lady in one of those scooter things rides up to her and tells her she shouldn't eat cheese and proceeds to tell her what WW products she should be buying to lose weight.
  • It's not a backhanded compliment but when I was 14 a complete stranger came up to me in the street and said "Do you realise you're fat? You need to loose weight!" It was the middle aged woman and I still want to cry when I think about it even though I'm 23 now
  • llsand
    llsand Posts: 87
    Straight out if a doctors mouth at the end of a consultation (woman): “You’ve gained weight; it’s too bad, yet you’re so pretty” ( translated this from French so might've lost it's impact from the translation ). Looked at her straight in the eyes and said “so what’s the problem then?” Didn’t get an answer.

    A couple of days ago a new co-worker of mine was informed that I’m on a diet, first thing out of his mouth “so before the diet it was cookies and candy all day” that got him a dry NO from me and dead silence from the other team mates. In his defence, I’m starting to think he’s a bona fide social idiot: when he learned that I was an immigrant, he asked very naively if I came on a boat...
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I've gotten "you carry your weight well." So, my fat is shaped nicer than other people's? Yeah, okay.

    I've been told this too! And that I'm "tight, you don't jiggle like other fat people".....yeah....that was the most weird thing!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I was 185lbs and a woman asked if I was pregnant, and even touched my stomach. I replied semi-rudely "NO, I'm just fat" and turned my back to walk away. I wanted to cry.

    I got that when I was in middle school all the time. "When are you due?" My reply, "When you wise up and learn how to speak to a lady." Sooo...I guess I'm never having children then. :laugh:
  • I've been told "You hide it well!!"
  • "You would be so pretty if you just lost some weight"

    This makes me so mad! Yet, several people have said it.