Eating More...

I just need to share a strange thing that has happened and ask for opinion...
I've been dieting (a little obsessively some may say) for almost a year and have lost over 100lbs. My weight had been really stable for about 5 weeks and I was starting to reconcile in my head that maybe I was at the weight that was right for me. Becoming more stringent with what I ate wasn't resulting in a shift on the scales. Last week I was away watching the TT and dieting was furthest from my mind. With plenty of snack vans and cafes fuelling day times and restaurants fuelling the evenings I ate a rich and calorific diet. I fully expected to have gained a couple lbs. However, I lost 1lb that week and since being home and have continued to lose another 4lbs.

I'm now utterly confused about the impact of a hedonistic week, and back to questioning whether I'm really at my ideal weight or could, and want to, lose more.

Any ideas?


  • maanctil
    maanctil Posts: 15 Member
    You shocked your body; in a good way, it was in a routine. Good to let loose every now and then!
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    You shocked your body; in a good way, it was in a routine. Good to let loose every now and then!

    ^Agree!! About a month ago I hadn't lost more than 2 lbs. in three weeks. If you look at my ticker, you'll see I have A LOT to lose. We went to my MIL's house and ate what she fed us (not too healthy at all). Over a weekend I lost 4 lbs. :)
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    When I lost weight previously I plateaued several times. For a day or two I would go over on my calories by either just eating more of my regular food or I would eat a meal of something I restricted myself from. Then switch back to my restricted "diet" (I dont like calling it a diet). The plateau would break within a few days and weight would start coming off again. You needed to shake things up every now and then!
  • Pavington
    Pavington Posts: 5
    Ok, so shaking things up can help break a plateau. But how do you know when you've lost enough weight? My BMI is 22.5 so I'm certainly not overweight anymore... but when is it really time to stop losing?