Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 7



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hmmm ... this isn't going well at all ... it's only 3:45 PM and I still have to have my supper and my calories left for the day is at (negative 41). I'm pretty sure I'll be going over today. Oh well ... I'll eat something nutritious and act like I didn't go over during the day ... I'll just carry on. Hope you're all doing better then me. It all started with that Whole Grain Raspberry muffin from Tim Hortons for breakfast and it's been downhill since. :blushing: Can you believe they have 400 freaking calories???
  • good mornin to all my peppers! :flowerforyou:

    just had my 580 calorie breakfast and my tummy is acting like it is STILL hungry?? :grumble: think i'll have a some whole wheat toast and peanut butter.... had to get some lights fixed on my bus after my shuttle this am, so exercise will have to wait til later. also wiped down my 22 seats w/sani wipes, not sure it will do any good, but it is better than nothing! :wink: headin to my folks soon to paint again. takin tuna salad, laughing cow, spinach and veggie tortilla wrap and baby carrots for lunch. wonder what kind of comments i will get today?:happy:

    Kelly - I hope that you have a great day regardless of what comments you get! You have all the great people here backing you!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I do feel better today. My knee is stronger and I’m able to actually bend it now. As long as it doesn’t swell up tonight like it has been the past few nights, I might try going to the gym tomorrow to use the elliptical. I think it would probably be easier on my knee than walking would be. Bike riding would probably be okay, but it is out of the question until my DH gets his truck fixed. There is no where safe to ride in my neighborhood and we can’t transport the bikes in my little bitty car.

    Kelly, good job standing up to your mom!! I hope it went as well today.

    Barb, great job on being the BL for your Curves group!! That must have been an awesome feeling.

    Jacque, your car was so smart for finding the gym!! Yay!!!

    MissV, hope you are feeling better soon.

    Sindy, love the new pic. Adorable!!

    Mag, well, you know how many calories the stupid muffin is now. I hate learning the hard way. Good attitude, though, just finish you day the best you can.

    Everyone have a wonderful evening!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    howdy folks!

    i am kinda tired right now, but gonna do my treadmill walk/jog soon, and stretch with Denise. will do some other form of movement during BL, excited for that! :bigsmile:

    well, it went ok @ my folks....was only able to 'really' tell my mom, since my dad was outside, but i was just honest and told her i have battled my wt for a very, very long time, and i think now i am figuring it out. if i can eat like i have been here lately 90 % of the time, then well, i may have just won the battle with my bulge. she didn't really say much, but mind you folks, she is very obese, diabetic and smokes. she is a ticking time bomb in my eyes...and yes, it does hurt to see her do this to herself, but it is her choice. i only once kinda lectured her, a long time ago,and i will never go there again. it is funny how some ppl think they are eating healthy when in reality they are not. both of my parents (adoptive) have suffered heart attacks and have had stents put in. my bio mom is a smoker and slightly over wt. none of them exercise, ages 72, 66 & 63. i just need to do this for "my" health and i am ok if they don't support me, also i am finally gettin a lil back bone and being more comfortable with saying "no thank-you". i hope i keep with my exercise and it will be blessing if i can continue to move like i do now, well into my 70's or longer. it is just so vital....

    anyways....only the hallway and kitchen left to paint. i dont have to go back til next week, so i get a break now, and really need to work in my own house now...

    Erica ~ oh darn....sorry to hear you're ill hon....get some rest and take care! hope your dd recovers as well! :heart:

    artichoke ~ how is your day going? better i hope! hang in there!

    magglett ~ it's ok....just eat healthy and it will be no prob...lil zig-zag wont hurt a thing!

    crystal ~ glad your knee is better. be careful not to jump back into it too quickly.

    well, hope you all have a nice evening! go smokin hot green peppers! let's really try hard these next couple of days to eat healthy and exercise!! i am so proud of you gang! love ya all! :heart:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Maggie - try again in the morning.... Wednes is a new day.

    Kelly - good job for sharing w/Mom.

    I talked my family into heading out to eat between counseling & orthodontist. If I didn't, then I would be driving home - drop off 3 family members - then drive back to the same town for ortho.

    So we went out to eat. I had BLT, some fries, 1 small bag chips, 1 sliver of dill pickle and two small cookies.

    This place was new to us and became my Dave's favorite wing place.

    Gotta go, daughter wants to use the printer....
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Going to bed My voice is totally gone:noway:
    Thanks for all the well wishes! I swear It seems like I or someone in this house is sick all the darn time this year!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Ill check in tomorrow. Thanks lovies!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    I had a muffin problem yesterday too, I ate it before I checked the calories and yes it was 400 calories, I ended up going over :grumble: not by too much. But like Kelly said a little zigzag. :laugh: I wont get a big walk in today, have class tonight.

    Crystal, glad your knee is feeling a little better. That is my son at age 3, he is 18 now, have a picture of him in my photo's.

    Kelly, glad to see you are in control, it hurts when you dont get the support you need from your family, but you have lots of support with us, and we will be there for you. :heart: :bigsmile:

    MissV, hope you are feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Got to get back to work, have a great day, will check back later. :bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Morning Peppers:

    Hope everyone is doing good ...... as for me I am sick ... started out with a head cold monday night (sore throat, watering eyes, and running nose) now its in my chest and i have no voice .... i am the biggest baby when it comes to being sick ......on a happy note i weighed myself with my other group this morning and i have loss 2 pounds WOOOOOHOOOOO....alright i am going back to my couch .... have a good day everyone
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I hate to hear that everyone's so sick!! I hope all of you get better soon.

    I've decided that my knee still isn't up to adding exercise back yet. It still swelled up last night from all the use during the day. I want it to stay unswollen for at least 24 hours before I start adding stress to it. I had a bike accident over the summer and it wasn't this bad!

    I'm being very careful with my food to keep it in line. Not sure if I'll see a loss this week or not. I'm trying something new, so that's always ify.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Sorry to hear people are sick. I hope you all feel better soon.

    MissV. - you look great!

    Kelly, sounds like it went well yesterday with your lunch. Good for you.

    I worked out with the Wii Fit last night for 20 minutes while watching biggest loser--couldn't fit anything else in.

  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Wow hope everyone feels better. :flowerforyou: I have Hand sanitizer all over the place at work and in my bag for the subway. Dont want to get sick. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I just finished my 36 min. walk, It was sooo slippery with leaves on the ground. Had to be very careful not to slip.

    Crystal, glad you are going to wait on the knee. You will be back soon enough. :flowerforyou: I have been mixing it up a bit myself, sometimes it works and I loose and sometimes it dont. But gotta try new stuff.

    Back to work. :bigsmile:
  • 'morning all! i just got back from a spin class and.....OMG. OW!!..and my abs are so sore from pilates yesterday....YAY :laugh:

    i've done well on food and water for the past couple of days, and am doin' my part for the exercise challenge. i am so going to another spin class friday and have a workout with a trainer tomorrow....a little worried about that one!! ...but i'm determined to show a loss this friday. determined!

    okay- have a great day, peppers! sweat out those germs....
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey team ~

    another 1/2 day here....i think we are more o-u-t of school than in sometimes! :wink: oh well, same amount of pay and done by 1:30. :smile: so much to do here, don't know where to begin. my pugger's need their nails trimmed, but i won't do it unless the sun is shining. laundry is up the kazoo, need to plan supper and just learned my mil has shingles. does anyone know if this is contagious? we are suppose to wrap beef this weekend, and i really don't want her around my meat:happy: or am i being silly? oh i forgot to add that when i did my treadmill walk/jog yesterday that i improved my time. i did a mile in less than 14 minutes, and at one point i was jogging 5 mph!! yea!!

    Miss V & ittybitty ~ sending some *** get well quick *** vibes your way! take care girls! :flowerforyou:

    ittybitty ~ way to go, 2 lbs down! yippy! :drinker:

    Crystal ~ you are doing the right thing and waitin for your knee to get better. very smart! take it easy and be patient. don't worry bout that Mr Scale, just keep on track otherwise.

    Sally ~ great job with the Wii! they are pretty neat and very affective!

    artichoke ~ loving your attitude, keepin it positive! you are sure to have a loss come Fri!

    well, 2 more days folks. stick to your eating plans and get in some good workouts! make each day a great and healthy one!
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Great job on the exercise!

    My mil had shingles a couple of years ago. It's from the chicken pox virus. And, if I recall, if the kids or adults have been vaccinated, they are ok. If you or anyone's not been exposed, they need to stay away.

  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Kelly, I actually had shingles 3 years ago. So painful!!! I feel for you MIL.

    Sally is right, it is caused by the chicken pox virus. A person with shingles can't give anyone shingles but they can give chicken pox to anyone who has never had them or only had a light case. My work wouldn't let me come back for a week because there were people who had never had chicken pox.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I don't believe this --- the local gym CLOSED early due to the world series game.
    What?????? OK, I don't understand this..... could be because I'm not a sports fan.

    I know not to post my views on facebook because there would be a HUGE amount of public outcry since I live in an area where the Phillies are the favorite team. Same would be said if the Eagles or Sixers.

    So instead of I walked in my development for 25 minutes..... and saw, not get this, CHRISTMAS decorations on someone's front lawn. Um, wasn't halloween just a few days ago......

    Anyway, this house had a navity scene & those wicker light up reindeer. I'm all for promoting Christmas is birth of Jesus......just I'm not in the mood for seeing decorations this early.

  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    BAIcott, I'm sorry to hear about your gym closing. I'm not a sports fan either...I'd be mad too.

    I walked in my neighborhood too today. 42 minutes. I only saw Halloween decorations, yay. I would be amazed if I saw that. I did see a Walmart Christmas commercial last night...seemed early.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well everyone ... I've really fallen off the wagon lately ... I'm just going to have to get over this negative crap in my head. It's really causing negative crap in my life ... you know ... kinda like a country song. Imagine the following with a bit of a twang to it ...

    I'm working two jobs and being paid for one ... home renovations are never done
    Attended a funeral for a good man who died ... car clunked out so I sat down and cried
    Ate so much that I thought I'd explode ... so now I've decided to take a new road
    It's time to get back now and really fight ... because everything is easier when your health is alright

  • My head is just not where it needs to be! Work has been the CRap!! lately, to many deadlines. Well I got in 35 min last night of walking. Did more to clear my head than exercise. Need to re focus!
    Hope everyone start feeling better! :flowerforyou: Sorry evryone having a rough time.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Very busy at work today. Plan on getting my walk in today, hopefully it does not rain. :grumble: . This has been a very busy week and I am just tired. :sad:

    I cant wait until Saturday, my mil and a couple of us girls are going to see Christmas Carol, Jim Carey. It should be so much fun.

    Hope you sick Pepper's are getting better :flowerforyou:

    Crystal hope your knee is doing better. :flowerforyou:

    Jacque very busy at work too, and I have classes Mon and Weds. so sometimes I have to just stop and rethink how the day is going to go. I am having a tough time focusing as well.

    Magglett my eating has not been the best. But I am staying with in my calories. New day it will get better.

    Got to get back to work, will check back later. :bigsmile:
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