here for a new bwgining

I'm here to loose over 100 pounds. wish me luck...and determination:smile:

Created by - Free Calorie Chart


  • lowrain
    good luck!!!!!!! I also just started today
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome! This site is really great and will help you to get to your goals if you use it consistently. I wish you lots of good luck!!
  • feistygirl09
    Hi & Welcome!!!

    You picked a great place for your journey!!

    Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • rachsam1970
    Hi there!
    I'm new as well, since Monday and I already love this site. I've been trying to lose 40 lbs. since forever and now that I'm keeping track of my calories, I know why. I was eating waaaaaay more than I should have. Even if it's healthy low cal food, my portion sizes were too big. Anyhooo - enough about me. You joined the right website to keep track and see your progress. It's hard keeping on top of everything but it really does help. I also just finished a very inspiring book called "The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl" by Shauna Reid. It's a true story of a girl who lost over 250 lbs. It's very funny and very inspiring. I highly reccomend it. Good luck to you!