Looking for busy working moms



  • jolenemp
    jolenemp Posts: 12
    I really like everyone's suggestions! I have a 40 hr week full time job (high stress which is exhausting), plus 15 hour week part time job. I don't have children, but I do have a puppy dog. By the time I get home, get dinner started, begin playing with the puppy and everything else I just want to sit and relax.

    But I think what I can change about my exercise lifestyle is go for a walk at lunch, while dinner is cooking walk with the puppy dog, TRY to get up early to walk or use an exercise dvd.

    Thanks everyone!!

  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Hi there I study and work full time, it's crazy and intense, sometimes I'll leave at 6am, get home at 9pm and then am on call until 7am and if i don't get called i go back to work again! As well as writing essays, revising for exams etc. I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old.
  • CourtLiv
    CourtLiv Posts: 68 Member
    functional alcoholism...
  • GiaBellDebbs
    GiaBellDebbs Posts: 6 Member
    Same here. My baby is 1 year old. So I am still adjusting. I want to drop 30 so I wear my pre-preggers again. TIPS???
  • hazelis79
    hazelis79 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm a mom of 2 kids ages 13 and 8. I work PT about 25-35 hrs per week. Though I love my husband dearly, I don't get any help around the house from him. So I struggle if I only have 1 hr of energy left in me - Do I clean or do I work out? Luckily my kids are older and can help, but I don't want them to be my little slaves. I'd love to add some of you as friends and support each other.
  • chowells78
    chowells78 Posts: 17
    Hi feel free to add me I'm also a busy working mum, I have 3 children luckily I only work around 25-30 hours a week but it's still a struggle to fit everything in I'd love to exercise more and have more time to concentrate on eating properly, I do have 30 day shred which is great for a quick workout it's only 20 mintues.
  • britesideoflife
    britesideoflife Posts: 39 Member

    I would love to add some of you as friend too - I am work FT and have 2 kids age 10 months and 3yrs. My Husband woks shifts so it is really tough to fit work-out in around his hours. I manage to go for a run 2 or 3 times a week if I am lucky.

    I also find that when I get home from work, by the time I have fed, bathed and settled the kids I am too tired to think of a healthy meal for myself.

    PS Sorry for the late reply, I read this post at work by our work systems won't allow me to post a reply!
  • jrobi44
    jrobi44 Posts: 7 Member
    Busy mother of 3 here...so i understand completely feel free to add me as well
  • smareeh
    smareeh Posts: 117 Member
    Also busy working mom to 3 kids, ages 8, 6 and 3. My husbands job is very demanding with long hours so I dont have the flexibility for him to watch the kids so I can work out. I am desperate to find a schedule that works for me and the kids but it is hard.
  • GiaBellDebbs
    GiaBellDebbs Posts: 6 Member
    For the 40 hour week momma. Please post your schedule. What time you wake up? Go to work? Workout? Eating plan? I need to drop 30 pounds so I can get back into my pre-baby clothes ASAP
  • ellebish
    ellebish Posts: 50 Member
    Hey Ladies - I work 40 plus hours most weeks and have a teenager (who is very acitve with extra curricular activities) and a toddler. Oh yeah and SO!! Plus I try to vounteer with the groups my kids are involved with. Busy, busy.

    the best and worst of both world :laugh: I could have a reality show called "Teen & Toddler"

    Would love to have more friends that are in similair situations to help with ideas for scheduling, well life.

    I sometimes find it difficult to try to find that balance, of work, family time and then me time.

    I am really commited to making a lifestyle change, not just losing weight and would love likeminded individuals.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Hello there- My name is Valerie and I am a single mom to a beautiful 15mo little boy! I have learned that in order to lose the weight I will have to make some sacrifices. With that said here is my schedule, Monday - Friday I work out during my hour lunch break an then eat lunch at my desk while I work.
    I don't get home until 7pm so I feed the baby, give him a bath and put him to bed around 8:30pm. I then take that time to do crunches and strength training then I shower and go to bed.
    On the weekends I usually go for either a walk or jog in the mornings! I recently bought a jogging stroller so I am able to jog with my son! He loves getting out of the house and loves it even more when mommy goes fast...lol...

    It is really hard sometimes to stay motivated but if I can do it so can you! Feel free to friend request me for motivation and support!
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    I am a single working mom with two teenage boys.... and I supplement my income with an ebay business because my ex is a deadbeat.

    I am also a single mom of 2 teenage boys with a deadbeat ex.

    I work F/T plus I have a P?T custom baking business.

    Eventhough our kids are older it is still a big juggling act of time. I make use of my lunchbreak at work to go walking and do some weights. I try to manage a workout every night in between "Mom's Taxi" runs!
  • gallerygirl21
    gallerygirl21 Posts: 36 Member
    Aren't all moms working moms? LOL.

    I work full time from home and travel. I have two kids (almost 1 and almost 3) in day care. I feel fortunate that I can work out when i'm in my office. My Dad built me a treadmill desk, so I often will walk slowly while catching up on computer work.

    I do try to do a family walk after dinner as much as we can. We let the dishes go until after the kids are asleep to make time to get outside and do something physical.
  • GiaBellDebbs
    GiaBellDebbs Posts: 6 Member
    I work full time and I have a 13 year old step son and a 15 month old daughter. AND workout AND diet....ahahahaha FRIEND ME. I already lost 14 pounds using this app. So I only have 20 pounds left to lose. I know you can do it too.
  • huggykpuma
    huggykpuma Posts: 15 Member
    It is hard to find the time for our selves as mom's, we feel guilty for doing something for ourselves not sure why? I get up at 5 am while everyone is still asleep grab my dogs and out we go for 45 to 60 min, know that it is dark, i got one of those lights for my hat and we just go. At first is was really hard, by now, i really look forward to my time.
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    I have a 4 year old boy, full-time job, and full-time grad student. Yeah... not sure what I was thinking! I have a live-in boyfriend who used to be very supportive of everything and help with my son but things haven't been so peachy lately. I try to workout while my son is playing or watching a movie in the other room. With my homework now I try to do it while he's doing those things and then exercise after he's asleep. I also play volleyball one night a week and softball one night a week and usually all day tourney's on Saturday. I make sure if I know I have a big assignment or something to use my workout as a stress reliever or a break.
  • Shyster2005
    Shyster2005 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! I'm in the same boat. Any working moms out there, feel free to add me. I work 40+ hours per week. I work out 5x a week--2 early mornings (6/6:30am) while my husband takes the kids to school (I pick them up after school) and 2 days I take a 5:30pm class while hubby picks them up and gets dinner on (those days I drop them off in the morning). I try to go to the gym one morning on the weekend and do something active with the kids the other day, even if it's just a walk or running around at the playground.
  • dlpack
    Hey ladies!! I definitely need this group. I have 3 boys, work full time, and do volunteer work. My husband is in school at the moment. I was doing very well after I had my baby in February. When I returned back to work in June, things started to fall apart. I've been trying to get it back together for about a month now. I had a medical set back that limits what I can do so my husband bought me a wonderful treadmill. I've barely used it. I know I'm busy, but I've got to get my committment back! My motivation is horrible right now. This site is great so I'm trying to force myself to come here even when I'm not doing well because someone always inspires me. I have a long way to go, but I'm tired of hiding from the camera. I want to be in the pictures with my family.
  • randomgyrl
    randomgyrl Posts: 111 Member
    I have a 5 month old baby girl. She was actually born three month premature and was in the hospital for 13 weeks. During that time I basically lived on hospital food and Mc Donalds because it was close to the hospital. Now that she has been home about two months I am back to work full time. I too have a very supportive hubby but it works atleast 45 hours a week, most of the time more. I am still working on finding the balance of everything. I try very hard to take her on regular walks, and I am hoping I can start dragging myself out of bed a half hour earlier to get in some exercise.