C25K Challenge



  • aehende1
    aehende1 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on Week 3 day 2, and I feel like it is finally starting to get really difficult, so I would love some support and motivation! Feel free to add me and we can make it happen together! I've found my strongest motivator is taking my dog with me. She loves to run, so it keeps me from skipping out early.
  • sam2674
    sam2674 Posts: 55 Member
    I plan starting C25k Monday..nervous but yet exctied
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    I just finished week 4 and feeling pretty good! I have to admit that week 5 scares me (A LOT!) Not sure how I'm gonna do it. And add to the fact that I'll be running it at a campground instead of my usual country road. Wish me luck next week!

    Just did w5d1 last night .. it REALLY wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be .. I think the lower running speeds are going to be your key !
  • yvonnster88
    yvonnster88 Posts: 4 Member
    My boyfriend and I are starting Tuesday! I'm terrified. I have a podcast that does the time downloaded onto my Nano, but I'm going to have to tell him when to stop and go and everything. I'm nervous because he's always more in shape than me. Any tips?
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 195 Member
    I ended up not doing my run this morning. I would give you the excuse I made for myself, but they are just excuses.

    I'll be out tonight, but if I get home, and can still see in front of me, I'll go for my run tonight. Otherwise, it will have to be tomorrow morning.

    Did you go? How was it? I have my last run of week 4 tomorrow... can't wait!

    A tip if you have problems making excuses... go every other day, no matter what. If you go '3 times a week' you're giving yourself the extra psychological hurdle of having to decide which days to go. Just go every other day and take the decision out of your hands :)
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 195 Member
    I just finished week 4 and feeling pretty good! I have to admit that week 5 scares me (A LOT!) Not sure how I'm gonna do it. And add to the fact that I'll be running it at a campground instead of my usual country road. Wish me luck next week!

    Just did w5d1 last night .. it REALLY wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be .. I think the lower running speeds are going to be your key !

    That's encouraging. I haven't had any problems so far, so I'm trying to trust that week five will be doable too!
  • monjet13
    monjet13 Posts: 40 Member
    Just finished w2d3 it felt great! I'm still only about 2.5 miles but that OK as long as I feel good.:smile:
  • Osbournca
    Osbournca Posts: 5
    This sounds great! I am going to have to try it out! :happy:
  • Northern30
    Northern30 Posts: 65
    I start week 2 on Monday and so far am loving it. I am doing this on the treadmill.
  • andyp79
    andyp79 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm on Week 3 day 2, and I feel like it is finally starting to get really difficult, so I would love some support and motivation! Feel free to add me and we can make it happen together! I've found my strongest motivator is taking my dog with me. She loves to run, so it keeps me from skipping out early.

    I'm on week 3 day 2 too. I was going to do it tonight but it is raining and I'm afraid I'm a dry weather runner! I'm going to jump on the exercise bike instead and hope it's dryer tomorrow.
  • Smccau3
    Smccau3 Posts: 20 Member
    I ended up not doing my run this morning. I would give you the excuse I made for myself, but they are just excuses.

    I'll be out tonight, but if I get home, and can still see in front of me, I'll go for my run tonight. Otherwise, it will have to be tomorrow morning.

    Did you go? How was it? I have my last run of week 4 tomorrow... can't wait!

    A tip if you have problems making excuses... go every other day, no matter what. If you go '3 times a week' you're giving yourself the extra psychological hurdle of having to decide which days to go. Just go every other day and take the decision out of your hands :)

    Thanks for the tip! What a great idea.

    I went this morning, but tripped and scraped up my hands, so I had to stop for first aid. I did get more than halfway through before that happened though. I am planning on redoing tomorrow.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Completed w2d1 today. Started out a little slower then picked up the pace after the first interval. I was tired when I was done but not totally exhausted and a few hours later I was ready to go out again. How crazy is that!?! I never thought I would have this much energy this soon. If you complete the weekly schedule is it ok to move on to the next week or is it better to repeat what week you are on until the next calender week? I don't want to push to hard and hurt myself but I feel good enough to do more then the 3 runs a week.
  • desbanks
    desbanks Posts: 2
    I started C25K challenge last month but I didn't like the app because it didn't tell me when to walk or run. I have an android so I will look up the link. I walk/ jog on college campus. I would love to join in on this with you guys.
  • jmm774
    jmm774 Posts: 34
    I'm so glad you all want to join me on this challenge!

    My plan is to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday runs. If you're a first timer, we can start together Monday!

    For those of you who have already started, any advice to us beginners? I know I struggled with my test run yesterday.

    Best advice I can give is DON'T SKIMP ON PROPER EQUIPMENT just because you are a beginner. I've tried running in the past and always quit. Why? I was in pain. Both from muscles/knees/ankles and blisters. :(

    Proper footwear and socks are VERY important. Go to a runners store and get properly fitted by a professional for running shoes and ONLY wear them for running. It can be pricey, but it is more than worth it to spare yourself some serious injury. Buy some non-cotton socks to go along with those new kicks. Your feet will thank you. They help keep moisture away and prevent foot issues. They should have some at the running store as well. :) They average about 10 bucks for 3 pairs.

    This has made a HUGE difference in my runs and I find I enjoy them now. :)

    Now for the less awesome, but still good advice:

    1. Study up on proper running form and try to improve yours. It makes a difference. :) You won't be a pro right out of the gate, but you will improve slowly if you try to concentrate on it during your runs. Hint: I try to work on it at the beginning when I'm not exhausted yet, ha ha :P
    (Some links: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=823
    http://video.about.com/running/Proper-Running-Form.htm )

    2. STRETCH before and after for at least 10 minutes. Stretching is VERY important and most people skimp on it. Do not skimp on it. Your body will thank you.

    3. Warm up/Cool down walking. A good thing to do. The podcasts I use have them programmed in. You can find them here: http://www.djsteveboy.com/1day25k.html

    4. Hydrate. Drink plenty of water before and bring a bottle with you on runs. :)

    5. Lastly, DON'T GIVE UP. If you can't keep up the jog, walk fast and try again on the next interval. If you need to repeat a week, do it! Just keep pushing forward. We can all finish :D

    I have severe asthma and running has to be THE most challenging activity for me (especially outdoors with my allergies), but I push through it. Remember, if my lungs haven't given out on me yet, yours will probably make it too, ha ha ;)

    I used to hate running with a passion, and I am learning to love it <3:D

    Though most of this is very good advice, it is not a good idea to STRETCH BEFORE running. You should ALWAYS stretch after running, when muscles are warm, but stretching cold muscles before a run can lead to injury. The best way to warm up before a run is with 5 minutes of brisk walking.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I'm so glad you all want to join me on this challenge!

    My plan is to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday runs. If you're a first timer, we can start together Monday!

    For those of you who have already started, any advice to us beginners? I know I struggled with my test run yesterday.

    Best advice I can give is DON'T SKIMP ON PROPER EQUIPMENT just because you are a beginner. I've tried running in the past and always quit. Why? I was in pain. Both from muscles/knees/ankles and blisters. :(

    Proper footwear and socks are VERY important. Go to a runners store and get properly fitted by a professional for running shoes and ONLY wear them for running. It can be pricey, but it is more than worth it to spare yourself some serious injury. Buy some non-cotton socks to go along with those new kicks. Your feet will thank you. They help keep moisture away and prevent foot issues. They should have some at the running store as well. :) They average about 10 bucks for 3 pairs.

    This has made a HUGE difference in my runs and I find I enjoy them now. :)

    Now for the less awesome, but still good advice:

    1. Study up on proper running form and try to improve yours. It makes a difference. :) You won't be a pro right out of the gate, but you will improve slowly if you try to concentrate on it during your runs. Hint: I try to work on it at the beginning when I'm not exhausted yet, ha ha :P
    (Some links: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=823
    http://video.about.com/running/Proper-Running-Form.htm )

    2. STRETCH before and after for at least 10 minutes. Stretching is VERY important and most people skimp on it. Do not skimp on it. Your body will thank you.

    3. Warm up/Cool down walking. A good thing to do. The podcasts I use have them programmed in. You can find them here: http://www.djsteveboy.com/1day25k.html

    4. Hydrate. Drink plenty of water before and bring a bottle with you on runs. :)

    5. Lastly, DON'T GIVE UP. If you can't keep up the jog, walk fast and try again on the next interval. If you need to repeat a week, do it! Just keep pushing forward. We can all finish :D

    I have severe asthma and running has to be THE most challenging activity for me (especially outdoors with my allergies), but I push through it. Remember, if my lungs haven't given out on me yet, yours will probably make it too, ha ha ;)

    I used to hate running with a passion, and I am learning to love it <3:D

    Though most of this is very good advice, it is not a good idea to STRETCH BEFORE running. You should ALWAYS stretch after running, when muscles are warm, but stretching cold muscles before a run can lead to injury. The best way to warm up before a run is with 5 minutes of brisk walking.

    My instructors always had us warm up and stretch before any strenuous activity as well as after a cool down. This is how all my dance classes were structured, so I just apply it to runs now. I probably should have clarified that the stretching should be done between the warm up and the run, then again after the cool down. :)

    My apologies for any confusion. I should not have assumed that everyone knows not to stretch on cold muscles.
  • KiwiKim25
    KiwiKim25 Posts: 61 Member
    I just started last week. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Don't forget there is a group on MFP with loads of helpful info and lovely people to cheer you all on!


    (starting Week 4 tomorrow and feeling worried!)
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    Just finished W2D2 today and I am feeling great! A little worn tho cuz I didn't take my water bottle with me this time but I know not to do that again haha. Won't be able to do day 3 till Friday tho.. Hopefully I will get some time on the tredmill and repeat days 1 and 2 on there so my body won't be completely lazy by friday haha
  • ambercholtz
    ambercholtz Posts: 84 Member
    :happy: I was happy to find this forum! I started this program 3 weeks ago and am beginning week 3. I just completed week 2 this morning. Granted I cannot run the 6 mph that they want you to run since 5 mph is enough for me (I am 5'3" so my legs are shorter) right now. I would love to join in with you all if I can?

    I do think I need to eat better though since I seem to be gaining weight rather than losing it and I hope it is not from my thyroid (I have a slow thyroid - at least its what the doc told me).
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    I'm in the middle of week 2 and am loving it so far!

    Last night it was 95 degrees outside, but I did my run anyway and now I feel like I can do ANYTHING! I told my husband to remind me, next time I don't want to run, that I ran when it was hella hot out and that I can do it!

    Love this program!