73cals left and really want a burger =|



  • robinregina
    robinregina Posts: 131 Member
    Oh no!!! Now I want a burger!!!!!! I think I'll have a turkey burger for dinner with a 100% whole wheat bun. Only about 300 cals. I'll load it with veggie, like tomatoes, lettuce, onions, and so on..........Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks for the dinner idea.

    You rock!!

    Oh and good luck with you burger discision. I hope you make the right one, but I agree with one of the replys, throw away the bun or do turkey!!! Lean of course.
  • robinregina
    robinregina Posts: 131 Member
    How about do some fast pace walking for about 30 minutes around the neighborhood. That will add to your 73 cal.

  • At the end you are the one who is going to decide what to do

    Everyone has given you choices and good ones (Exercise, Walk, change the source either Tuna or Veggie Burger, etc.)

    Make your decision and live with it. Don't feel guilt for something as simple as a bite of food (IS NOT A SIN TO EAT) This is a great tool use it wisely, see how much calories a alternative protein food can give you

    Tuna Salad = 383 Cal
    Burger King = 350
    Veggie Burger = 170

    See? You've got options

    Enjoy AND GET MOVING!!!
  • I can't go out for a walk or run as my little ones are in bed,and doing star jumps with ff breast is not a easy job loool which is why I'm dieting or calorie cutting so I can get a little lighter then begin a more vigorous exercise regime,Im craving a burger as my friend just told me she ate two burgers with all the toppings and it just sounds lush,I don't eat tuna in a water on its own or just with salad that's what I mean by I'll need to adjust to blander fresher foods in time,well my crave for a burger has gone down a little so im not sure about what contains a lot of protein ect I'm new to this so just learning xx
  • Have the burger.. don't starve yourself. if you working out consistently your body can deal with it. Just burn the extra calories the next day to make up for it.
  • You can eat it...
    ...or be one step closer to your goal.

    All your decision.

    Burguer Vs. Dream body
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    If you're craving a burger, you might need some protein... eat some chicken or tuna and see if that helps.
    If you absolutely have to have it, then earn the calories... if I find myself wanting something (usually chocolate) after my calories, I make myself go for a walk/run to burn it off.

    Try to distract yourself... chew some gum, go for a walk, etc.
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    My advice would be to NOT deprive yourself. Cleaning burns calories...I read that your babies are asleep so you can't go anywhere...but it's another option. Or drink a large glass of water...walk away from the kitchen and busy yourself with something...the craving may then pass
  • beachloe
    beachloe Posts: 51 Member
    I would eat it and then get on the treadmill or something to burn the calories back off. It would probably take an hour or so, but that is how I decide if it's worth it or not.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I know it doesn't help for today, but try planning things like burgers into your day. Whenever I know I'm going to want something fatty or high in calories (like fast food or a big bowl of pasta) I go light on my other meals to make up for it. Having half a bagel instead of a whole one for breakfast, cutting out side dishes at lunch, those calories add up and you can splurge a little at dinner. Going for a walk to burn some of those calories helps, too.

    This. I log my food ahead of time, especially if I know I'll be going to a restaurant, so that I don't get to dinner and realize I have no calories left for the day. It's much less stressful that way.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I propose that you use MFP to figure out EXACTLY how far you would have to run if you ate the burger to stay within your goals.

    You say you have 73 cals left. One burger with a bun from McDonalds quarter pounder is 490 cals. That means you would be over by approximately 420 cals.

    For me, running a 10 minute mile burns approx 100 cals. So, theoretically, you would have to run 6 mph for 42 minutes to burn off that extra 420 cals.

    Now...ask yourself, are you willing to run 4.2 miles for a burger? If the answer is yes, I say run 2.1 miles to McD's and get your burger and run 2.1 miles home.

    If the answer is no, eat 1 tbsp of low calorie choc chips (70 cals!) and drink a glass of water!
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    My simple solutions for these types of things, is if I _really_, really want whatever it is (even after drinking tons of water, distracting myself, etc) are:

    - work out - look up how many calories in (or estimate with the help of) the MFP database - and burn it. Chances are you after the burn, you might decide you want something healthier...and if you still want the burger, then you can eat it guilt free. Bonus is that you start to learn the amount of effort it takes to burn the indulgences. ^_^

    - no time to work out, then meet yourself half way and compromise - get a smaller sized burger (or cut it in half), no cheese, load it up with veggies and if you like condiments, absolutely no mayo or fatty ones - stick to a small bit of mustard or ketchup to keep things from being dry, then take off the top bun...and have at it.

    It's day five, it's hard in the beginning. We've all been there. :) Don't deprive yourself so you feel like you're suffering through a diet, just start thinking about things a bit more (that's what counting calories via MFP made me do) and start making smarter choices towards a lifestyle change.
  • LKnipfer3
    LKnipfer3 Posts: 3 Member
    boca burger!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    You've only just begun your journey, so I don't think you are in need of a "break" yet, or even a spike day. With that said, I don't think anyone should go hungry. That doesn't mean you need to eat a burger to satisfy your hunger though (if you are indeed hungry and not just craving food because of old habits.) I can't view your diary so I don't know what you have been eating but try eating foods higher in protein and fiber as they will help keep you fuller longer. It is a shock to the body when we start restricting calories, so it will take some time to get used to it. If you are genuinely hungry try some veggies (preferrably raw, they are more filling that way.)
  • pika67
    pika67 Posts: 12 Member
    Also, think about other options which may give you that burger feel! Grilling a portabella mushroom often satisfies my meat cravings and is low in calories...
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    boca burger!

    with no bun! exactly 70 cals! (I eat boca burgers all the time!)
  • beachloe
    beachloe Posts: 51 Member
    I don't believe in traditional "diets". We need to adjust our overall eating to something we can maintain forever- diet in the broadest term.

    Instead of looking at the calories by the day, try to think by the week. Sure, the burger will put you over today, but could you eat a little less for the next few days - just by 50 calories or so - so that within a 7 day period your calories average to what your daily total should be? It's a little extra work, but I think it helps to put everything in perspective.

    Were it me, and I was hungry, I'd have it. Just skip the high calorie toppings- stick to veggies, mustard, ketchup, etc....

    This is great in theory, but I know that for me it wouldn't work. I need the daily discipline and it has worked well for me. If I get into the mentality that I'll make up for it later in the week it'll never happen.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    eat one then exercise it off :)
  • Mischa_V
    Mischa_V Posts: 1
    When i was over my daily calorie goal one day in the evening i just simply took jumping rope and was jumping in the garden. And trust me thats a great cardio and you shed those calories quickly if you do it properly and fast
  • hannahchiarella
    hannahchiarella Posts: 28 Member
    My advice would be to NOT deprive yourself. Cleaning burns calories...I read that your babies are asleep so you can't go anywhere...but it's another option. Or drink a large glass of water...walk away from the kitchen and busy yourself with something...the craving may then pass

    It totally does! When i do a proper spring clean i always lose something (just a shame i hate cleaning) haha