Scared of my stretch marks



  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    Hehe, thanks for all the encouragement guys, but I'm not actually self-conscious about them. I don't mind other people seeing them; my problem is that they actually scare me. They look like gore to me and I'm very squeamish. I'm going to look into some of your suggestions and in the mean time hope that I can get over my fear of, as I call it "THE ZOMBIE STOMACH" (*bum bum buuuuuuum*). Thanks again.
  • LatentColors
    They fade in time.

    Just think of them as battle scars ;D
  • nyteyz82
    nyteyz82 Posts: 43
    I have them as well, on my stomach and back, they will fade with time, Vitamin E cream helps, supposedly, as does Bio-Oil, again supposedly.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I say wear them with pride!!! :happy: You gained weight, yes, but you also lost that weight; which is why they are more noticable!!! :happy:
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
  • JustTrying2Live
    I too have some fairly gruesome ones. My mom calls me The Zebra as they are all over my body. I got mine during my pregnancy. No, getting them on my tummy just was not enough. At times I feel like I'm the only one in the world who looks like this and have to cover up under layers of clothing. You can emagine just how out of place I look as I live in the tropics and always in a cardigan. But worst of all is the depression and self-loathing that comes with it. I try really hard not to dwell on it but it's a struggle every time I remove my clothes. I would give anything to feel carefree and attractive again instead of feeling like a leper. I wish I could just shed my skin....
  • botheredbridetobe
    I have had them for ever-literally started getting ones on my inner thighs and hips when I was about 13, then chest, then a few on the back of my arms. I literally wept when they finally spread to my stomach-I only had one there for ages and stupidly dug at it so I have a scar there too. Now I have horrible looking ones on my stomach, REALLY horrible angry looking ones on my left bicep, virtually none on my right bicep (???) and most recently on the outside of my thighs.

    Currently trying emu oil and seeing a little improvement on my arm. Also weight loss will help I think, hopefully they fade before I have to wear a wedding dress... :s