Unsupportive spouse...



  • kicker3333
    Your gonna have to go it alone fella, you must eat your own meals and leave her to eat crap, she's probably threatened by you becoming more healthy and more attractive to other women! Its not uncommon, I know a man who tied to keep his wife fat because he felt more secure that way - She's now my wife - totally supportive and just lost 10lbs of baby weight.

    Don't give up.
    Don't let her derail you.
    and to be a little harsh
    Don't eat it, buy your own healthy food.
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    You have to take your health and diet into your own hands. Maybe she'll come around and my maybe she wont, but don't let that interfere with YOUR progress. My husband used to complain about some of the healthy items I started adding into the routine for dinners (brown rice, less red meat, different veggies, etc) and I stopped cooking those frozen processed meals he used to buy all the time.

    He got with the program real quick because I work full time also and I was not going to cook two dinners. So my rationale was, eat what I prepare or cook your own meals. I wouldn't be offended because he is a grown man and can make his own decision about what he consumes. (Of course he opted not to prepare his own meals LOL) But he now likes our healthier meals, and has been motivated by my weight loss and healthier lifestyle. He has loss weight also and has changed his eating habbits on his own!

    So... you may just have to start buying your own foods and making your own meals. You may even motivate your wife to change her way of eating (especially if you stop eating her cooking). :laugh:

    Hang in there!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    Just don't ever give up, especially when you want something bad enough. Do this for yourself and she will either support you or maybe not but you will feel better in the end if you stick it out. That's your reward!
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    Your wife will probably read this and buy you some cheese..... to go with your whine, haha

    You have to do it for yourself, start buying your own food, cut back on work to go to the gym, make it your priority. My wife used to cook very fattening foods, until me and my son stopped eating it and told her, "it is too fattening we won't eat it, she refused to buy what we wanted so I went and bought it, she used to try to de-rail my exercise by trying to tell me I couldn't go to the gym because something had come up..... now she is 'on the program' I am 50 pounds lighter, and I feel great.

    After all your weight is your problem and no one elses, so don't even try to blame it on your wife!!


    When I was really heavy it was hard to watch my wife and kids eat hamburgers, fries, chicken nuggets, pasta, pizza, ect while I ate salads. I did all the cooking and when the kids were at their DAD's my ex-wife would always want to go OUT. I did all the cooking and shopping so I made two meals a night. Eventually the kids would request some of the stuff I was making for me so at least they were learning some healthy haibts. In any case you live your life and you have to control what you eat and you cant blame it on anyone else.

    My advice....stick to the diet, get healthy, and every time you get to boom boom in the magic room give her some extra "boom" you will feel better.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    What's with all the people making 2 meals?? Is she not a grown *kitten* woman who (I assume) is fully capable of feeding herself? Make your healthy food, offer her some and if she refuses, wrap it up for work the next day!
  • sarapumpkin
    Whatever you do, don't give up, she will make it harder the next time you start a weight loss program. My ex-husband was very unsupportive, but I gave him extra attention and told him I cared about his health, not just mine. Told him I don't wanna have to find another husband at 40. That helped. Didn't save our marriage but he was more supportive after that! Don't cook 2 meals, cook one. If she doesn't want it, she can make an ice cream sunday.