Help, I fell off the wagon!

Im sooo disappointed in myself. I had lost 15 pounds and felt and looked great! Over the past few stressful weeks Ive gained 5 back :~( I can just cry!!! Im so hungry!! All i do is eat or think about eating! Ugggg. Please, someone kick me in the a** so I get back at it!!!


  • lula2515
    lula2515 Posts: 13 Member
    I did EXACTLY the same thing... Then have lost 4 of the 5lbs over this week just by getting back on it. After just a few days I feel heaps better and motivated all over again. YOU CAN DO IT!! x
  • rcallbeck
    rcallbeck Posts: 37 Member
    Get moving!!! I've been on a 6 week slump... started running/biking since last week, and I can feel my motivation coming back! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • sevfam
    sevfam Posts: 76 Member
    I just did 30 minutes on my treadmill!! I all ready feel better lol! Thanks!!!
  • CRVDiva
    CRVDiva Posts: 98
    I think we all go through that. Myself included. The important thing is to try not to focus on what you regained but instead focus on you goal, where you would like to be. Use that frustration to get back on track. I know you can do it you just have to believe that you can do it and YOU WILL.

    Go Sevfam Go!!! :bigsmile:
  • rcallbeck
    rcallbeck Posts: 37 Member
  • Nikki0415
    Nikki0415 Posts: 9
    I am going thru the same thing, I was doing great and keeping up with my exercise and diet then I had a relative pass away and completely got off track. I've gained some weight back, but I've gotten back on track and staying positive. You can do it :D We all get off track once in a while, the important thing is that you keep trying :)
    FITHEALTHY1 Posts: 30 Member
    Been there, done that! Just climb back up on that wagon and get going! It's all downhill from here. LOL! Seriously keep going! Good luck!:smile:
  • boldtsmith
    boldtsmith Posts: 120 Member
    You know what to do when you fall off the wagon...walk for a few miles :sick:
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You're still 10 pounds down. Just keep going!
  • neale68
    neale68 Posts: 5
    I understand what you're going through. I went to a nutritionist several weeks ago. I'm dreading going back to her because I haven't lost as much weight as I wanted to. I'm trying to be kind to myself, but I'm embarrassed. I work crazy, hectic hours - my breakfast and lunch are usually pretty healthy, but dinner - forget it. Not to mention the fact that I eat breakfast around 8AM, lunch at 3PM, and then dinner around 9PM. Typically, I don't want breakfast. But dinner is mindless eating in front of the television because after working a 12-14 hour day, all I want to do is veg. It has to get better at some point. It's a constant battle - I thought I was ready, but right now, I feel as though I really wasn't ready. :indifferent:
  • DangerSass
    DangerSass Posts: 124 Member
    Get back on that dang Unicorn and keep going, for crying out loud, forward motion is the only way to reach your goals.
  • sevfam
    sevfam Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks to all of you!! It means a lot! I burned an extra 423 calories!! I can do this!
  • calimoma
    calimoma Posts: 64
    dude, me too! i gained 4 gotta just get back on and not think about it. just do it, no excuses...this is also what i am telling myself!!!
  • Still 10Lbs better off! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the road again. You are human your allowed to slide back a bit, just keep trying to move forward, Congrats on the 10lbs
  • All you want to do is Veg! have some then Carrots are great - lol
    you can do it - you've just gotta want to
  • nyteyz82
    nyteyz82 Posts: 43
    Im sooo disappointed in myself. I had lost 15 pounds and felt and looked great! Over the past few stressful weeks Ive gained 5 back :~( I can just cry!!! Im so hungry!! All i do is eat or think about eating! Ugggg. Please, someone kick me in the a** so I get back at it!!!

    We all have our days or weeks where we feel we just can't do it anymore. take pride in the fact that you have lost the weight before and can therefore so it again, that and you have all of us here on MFP to help you get through.