1 Day I Woke Up and Wasn't Skinny Anymore

TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
I know I'm not alone in this. It's like how did this happen? When did this happen? For me it felt like it happened overnight, well not exactly. But I gained about 50lbs in a little more than a year. I am 5'10 and when I was in high school I weighed 125. I was just skinny then. I started working out and actually went up to 145-155 range and that's where I stayed throughout my twenties. I was a size 4 or 6. I had a few 8s in my closet but that was more for cut since I'm tall. Its just been downhill since my 30th birthday. First I gained 15lbs, then I was up 20lbs. Last fall I hit 202. PCOS played a big part in the weight gain, because I never stopped working out.

I am now 33 and 194, but no where near what I'm used to. I have nothing to wear. Since the weight gain I have only purchased a few pieces just to make it through. Some of those clothes are now too small. I am really sick of leggings. I have three pair of slacks I can wear to work and I just keep alternating them. If I didn't feel bad enough about the weight gain, the fact that I have no clothes makes it worse. And buying more will be me committing to this bigger size which I refuse to do. Oh and it gets worse. I am on TV for work and yes the camera does add pounds.

I'm hoping to lose at 20 more by the end of summer, that should get me into an 8 and then work on the rest. Anyone else understand my pain, feel free to add me.


  • Treese333
    Treese333 Posts: 7 Member
    I also refuse to buy new clothes as im accepting in a way that im ok with a size i do NOT want to be. Weight is in my head day and night every hour of every day. I am eating healthy but this fitness pal has said im under eating.
    Belive me i feel your pain. Hugs x
  • jayfo1994
    jayfo1994 Posts: 17 Member
    I hear ya with the downhill since 30 thing. <sigh> I have a picture of me on my 30th birthday in Vegas wearing this cute little outfit in size 8 pants (I'm 5'10" like you) and I still have it in my closet as a sick reminder of what I used to look like.

    Someday we will both be back where we belong and then we'll have THIS moment to be the one we reflect on next. Hang in there! Really what other choice do we have??????
  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104
    I feel ya... FR sent, let's do this!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Hell yeah, 30 was the turnaround for me too.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    Somewhat similar to your story, but kind of different. But I do feel your pain. I have struggled my whole life, even though I have always been active- from swimming, to basketball, to triathlons (as a child and adolescent)...You name it, I've probably tried it. Never have thought I was skinny. Looking back at pictures, I was healthy- and very toned. Not sure if I can bring myself to saying skinny, although I have had many people say so. After having a child, I put his needs, and the needs of my family, first and let go of my outlets. In January, I decided I was ready to, not put my needs first, but realize it was ok to do things for me. So here I am, taking the "slow and steady wins the race" strategy. I had to quit logging my food because I was beginning to get obsessive about it, but am hoping to start that again soon. Anyone feel free to add me. :smile: I look forward to getting to know ya'll
  • apamapandapa
    apamapandapa Posts: 31 Member
    I have always felt bigger than I should be, but if i look at some old pictures i just cant understand where the hell was I fat. yes, I had problems with buying jeans and it always took forever (but it might as well be because of low offers in my country) so when I moved away to the Netherlands it wasnt so bad anymore. However, one day nothing fits anymore and I cant shop in my favorite shop.
    I was suddenly fat.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I used to love to shop and I was the girl at work that was always so fashionable. Now I feel like a bum most days because of my limited wardrobe options. But I need that to be my motivator. All the cute clothes in my closet that I will wear again, that i will wear this year. Its going to happen.
  • mcwhit
    mcwhit Posts: 44 Member
    I've struggled my whole life, but it definitely got even harder once I hit 30. Friend request sent!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    I know I'm not alone in this......................

    I'm hoping to lose at 20 more by the end of summer, that should get me into an 8 and then work on the rest. Anyone else understand my pain, feel free to add me.

    Same here! I was completely in denial. for me, it was 50 pounds in two years. I put the scale away and never went back.. then one day, I decided to get out the scale and was shocked! Feel free to add me if the stuff on my profile seems like a fit for you! I've got 25 more pounds to go!
  • jayjenna
    jayjenna Posts: 3
    I have found that returning to my healthier state ...is giving me my life back...for my kids...hubby..,and self
  • jmm774
    jmm774 Posts: 34
    I felt like I was reading something about myself here (only I'm short, lol). I totally feel your pain and am sending you a FR right now! :)

    I was really thin my whole life, especially in my 20s, until I had my daughter at 32. I've been battling ever since. I am now almost 38 (next month) and at 5'2" I weigh 161 (at one point I was 207). I'm not even sure I really care about the "skinny" anymore, though I do miss nice clothes (I hate the idea of committing to this size too so I have very few clothes items), I really just want to feel healthy and active again. I hate the fact that I stopped doing things I loved. I hate the fact that I can't play with my little girl the way I want to.

    Anyway, I get it.
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
    I certainly have been there - even worse more than once! I too refused to buy clothes. I think in addition to refusing to accept a larger size was not feeling I deserved clothes being so overweight. I though have struggled with weight all my life. I was diagnosed at 12 with hypothyroidism. I had gained 30 or more pounds in the year before I was diagnosed. I have yo-yo'd since then. Most of the time managing to be within a healthy range until I had my son 12 years ago and at the same time getting a job that often had me in the car 6 or more hours a day. 2008 I lost about 50 pounds and then was laid off my job of 31 years in 2010. Depression and laziness put most of it back on. This past February I joined MFP and started my walking again. I am down about 37 pounds. I say about because I wouldn't get on the scale until late April so there is guessing on my starting weight but I was going into a size 16 and now can wear some of my 6's but mostly 8's. I am hoping this is my last time. Add me as a friend if you would like. If I can do it you can too!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Glad to hear you are almost back where you want to be. I know that was a challenge with thyroid issues. PCOS has made losing very difficult for me, but I know that I will get there.
  • Canuckjen
    Canuckjen Posts: 7
    I have a very similar story! I was very active in my teens and twenties. Then I got a sedentary desk job....got married....turned 30....had two kids..... Sports and workouts got pushed aside and suddenly I've got and extra 65 pounds that needs to go!

    This is my first day on MFP. Sent a FR. I'm looking for more friends too :)
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
    I used to love to shop and I was the girl at work that was always so fashionable. Now I feel like a bum most days because of my limited wardrobe options. But I need that to be my motivator. All the cute clothes in my closet that I will wear again, that i will wear this year. Its going to happen.

    Love to "shop" in my own closet finding my old favorites that fit me again!
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    Yes, I understand. I was a very skinny kid and teen and normal weight in my 20's. The weight crept on after that. In my 40's now and struggling to keep it off and lose more. I just started here this week and the support has been so helpful. You will like it here...and you can do it! I'm sending a FR.
  • Ahumphrey41
    Ahumphrey41 Posts: 17 Member
    Hummm It seems that after 30 is such an ugly fairy tale! LOL I, too, was the single digit clothes girl. Got married at 30 and stayed pregnant for the next 5 years, three children, one every other year, plus breast feeding in between. For a while I felt like Betsy the cow, needless to say, not a pretty sight. :) At 5'1" and at my highest 198, I was NOT happy. But I will say just doing something about your weight and striving to be healthier each day has made me feel a lot better! Good luck to you. 20 pounds by the end of the summer is definitely doable. I have read a lot of stories in here and I am holding all these people to them! Thanks for inspiring all of us with your stories.
  • spokaloo
    spokaloo Posts: 25 Member
    I can TOTALLY relate! I wear the same outfits to work in rotation as well because I don't want to buy more "fat" clothes if you will and commit to a live of b.s. Friend me and we can beat the fat pants together :bigsmile: