Help! Binged on 7 brownies!



  • goldenwind2p
    goldenwind2p Posts: 2 Member
    Don't be upset at doctor said, "If you over do it one day/just do better tomorrow" Your workout helps....don't worry.

    I cheated two days ago....badly....just so hungry and stressed. I ended up at , Hardee's and got the grilled cheese bacon half pound hamburger combo and diet coke. Felt so, bad but didn't gain anything...did alot of exercise that day.

    Your friend,
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I had 15+ duplex cookies and 2 pieces of fried chicken. Don't feel bad and I ate super clean this week and lost almost a lb this week! :[
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    i dunno, aren't you counting calories? enter everything in and look at your calorie surplus or deficit. what is the point of this question. your diary is closed. there is no way to accurately answer.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you have been working out really hard up to this day, and your glucose stores have been in diminished state, then yes, you are going to finally top them off and gain how ever many grams of glucose you stored.

    The rest will be stored as fat.

    If you indeed follow through with really hard workout, sounds like cardio, you'll just burn those stores back out and indeed weigh less. But it won't do anything for the fat that may have been stored.

    In other words - don't worry about it, probably needed it actually. The extra cal's anyway, perhaps not in that form of course, but oh well, nice treat.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    You're not gonna gain anything hun, try and calm down. don't beat yourself up. you said it yourself you had a great week, so that was your reward! Smile :)
  • annemeinck
    annemeinck Posts: 2 Member
    Don't panic.You're going to do that sometimes and as long as you get back on track the next day,it'll be fine.If you give yourself a hard time about it, you're more likely to think, 'I'm hopeless.I may as well give up now and eat another 7!"
    Just expect that the scales might be up tomorrow/the next day but tell yourself,"It's no big deal. I'll be back to my BB weight(before brownies) in 3 days.Squeeze in an extra brisk walk or bike ride over the next 3 days and you'll be there.
  • lauravasseur
    I wish I had 7 brownies to mess up with right now...
    was thinking the same thing, brownies sound sooo good
  • lauravasseur
    do you need a tissue box or something?? go throw up if you think its going to kill you. its not going to do anything its just food not dish detergent.

    Hey...Please make sure you think before you hit the "post reply" button.

    There are many many people on this site who have issues with food. Binging, and other EDs. To include Bulimia!

    Go look that up...and get educated. Never tell anyone to "go throw up" on this site again.
    lol easy bro... people who complain about the miniscule things in life like eating too many brownies need to gain some sort of perspective. if they choose to throw it up so be it.. im sure that was her first thought in her mind after she ate the brownies, and she didnt... then i compared it to dish detergent which is a substance that is worth throwing up because its poison not some stupid brownie... read it in context before you order others around on what or what not to say.

    Nice attempt at mixing your words around....

    You will get it one day "Maybe" are just a young insensitive kid...hopefully you will wise beyond your overly sized ego

    mixing words around... i stated why i put what i said, and if you just want to think im encouraging people to have atrocious eating disorders than whatever bro think what you want.

    ugh people are so oversensitive on this site....I don't think he was advocating for bulimia. As someone with a former eating disorder I don't think it was overly offensive...and I still want a f'in brownie now lol
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    We all slip from time to time. You can't take it back, so move on.
  • mdisebo
    mdisebo Posts: 1 Member
    I love this:

    I found this a while back on MFP (Not sure who the original poster was...sorry), and it helps me when I feel like I've over eaten. Hope it helps you too! :)

    I bet you're thinking that. I know I have. But I read this and it put my mind at rest.



    Take a deep breath and put your thinking cap on.

    I’m going to hit you with some wisdom, ok?

    Take your weight loss calorie goal, and just toss that number out the window. We’re not going to talk about that right now. We’re going to talk about that minor (or major) freak out we sometimes have when we’re having a really good week, eating really well, then we lose our damn minds and stuff our faces with delicious delicious junk food.

    2000 calories is about what your body needs to maintain your weight and keep all your organs doing all those lovely keeping you alive things that they do. Your body burns all those calories at rest. That means that while you’re sitting on your *kitten*, walking to the fridge and back, scrolling through tumblr, etc etc.. your body is making you breathe and make new cells and **** and burns those 2000 calories.

    To gain a single pound, you’d have to eat another 3500 calories on top of those 2000. Thats 5500 calories. 5500 calories is a ****ing lot of calories, okay?

    Lets take a look at what 5500 calories looks like.

    One slice of a large pepperoni pizza from pizza hut is 330 calories. You’d have to eat a little over 2 entire large pepperoni pizzas to hit 5500 calories.
    One crunchy taco from taco bell is 170 calories. To eat 5500 calories, you’d have to eat 32 tacos.
    One double cheeseburger from mcdonalds is 440 calories. 12 of those is 5500 calories.
    21 cheetos are 160 calories. 714 cheetos are 5500 calories.
    Was whatever junk you ate probably a bad choice health-wise? Probably.

    Did you ruin all your progress? No.

    Did you even eat enough to gain an entire whole pound? Nooope.

    Are you going to survive, drink some water, go for a walk or run in the morning, and forgive yourself? Yep. You are.

    Know why?

    Cause **** happens.

    But we move on, and we stay determined.

    Stop freaking out. Forgive yourself."
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I binged on 7 blondies. Never going back to the Mustang Ranch.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I binged on 7 blondies. Never going back to the Mustang Ranch.

    Old THREAD
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    You're not a dog.
    Don't reward yourself with food.

    I like that...

    I do too :smile:
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    I binged on 7 blondies. Never going back to the Mustang Ranch.

    Old THREAD

    Why do I always miss that???? lol
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I binged on 7 blondies. Never going back to the Mustang Ranch.

    Think they were as good as these? I bookmarked it a long time ago and haven't made it yet.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Don't know. You might gain. I flipped the brownies at the gas station over. EACH ONE had more than 400 calories. I was like, "OH, my God."

    You ate the brownies. Log them. Move on.

    It happened. It's done. Go forward. :)

    ETA: Damn it. Why don't I check dates?!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just a thought, but do you think you would have the same reaction psychologically if you ate 14 pieces of fruit or 7 protein bars that also totalled approximately 1400 cals?
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Advice to someone who posted two years ago. I think she's over the brownies by now. :grumble:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Move on----it's over.