Running - Tone down em' big mamma thighs?!

Hey everyone!
I am having a little problem here...I have 14 pounds to go until i am at my healthy weight but I orignally have bigger legs. Of course, people say theyre all muscle but I know theyre not because ppl who say theyre muscle really hasnt seen them without being covered!!!!:(

So my question is:
Does running help really slim down big thighs, or just legs in general?!


  • nurserae7
    nurserae7 Posts: 43 Member
    Great question....I hope someone in "the know" replies to this!!! :bigsmile:
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Bump. I problem is my inner thigh, ugh so gross.
  • amystahl
    amystahl Posts: 6
    I'm not sure about running, but I have heard (and my trainer) makes me do lots and lots of lunges and squats.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Squats and lunges! With heavy weights. I have bigger thighs, will probably never be slim, but I have noticed the shape improve with doing a heavy lifting program! (the new rules of lifting for women)
  • philippians4and13
    philippians4and13 Posts: 32 Member
    I would think running/jogging combined with some strength training would tone them up.
  • LoveLifeForever
    LoveLifeForever Posts: 18 Member
    OK! Thanks guys...I have done a lot of differnt Jillian Michaels workout DVDs (currently on the 30DS) and she does include a lot of squats and lugnes, etc...Im just so SICK of these big mamas of mine!!! lol..serious. its so gross.:(
  • bratleen
    bratleen Posts: 60 Member
    Running is cardio and will help burn fat all over, I have big thighs too and I run...I don't know if it's making them smaller, but it does make them stronger and firmer...and I'll take big, strong thighs over skinny flabby thighs any day of the week....
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    YES!!!! I have always had bigger thighs and a big butt (ever since I was a baby to be perfectly honest.). I have noticed that since I started running, I have trimmed down my thighs a great deal. I dont feel like I have saddlebags like I use to have. I still have a little way to go, however, there has been a huge improvement.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Running didn't do much for the shape of my thighs, but burned a tonne of calories so I could eat more and was great for my core (lost the bit of tummy fat that I had) weight training really helped my thighs though, I have joint issues so couldn't really cope with the lunges and squats, but lots of leg press, curls etc. on resistance machines and the shape improved! They started to look healthy as opposed to wobbly!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I'm still quite significantly overweight. But I owe my legs to running. And I think they're alright.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Do the big lifts to excel at losing the rest of the fat!
    Bench Press
    Military press

    This is a good article for you since you are down to the last few pounds...
  • 0lightasair
    0lightasair Posts: 42 Member
    Low pace long distance running never fails to slim my legs and lower abs. Moderate pace long distance walking also produces same results. I'm a pear with about 80% of my excess weight in my butt, thighs and lower belly.

    For inner thigh, I would recommend low weight, high rep resistance training or focused pilates exercises. Also, remember to stretch lots and stretch often~! For some reason tight leg muscles seem harder to slim down and stretching helps in achieving that long lean look.

    While the poundage comes off slowly, I find small noticeable changes in the mirror every week or two.

    This regiment can be appended to a strength training routine (I assume. I'm not an avid lifter.)
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    If your thighs are big because of fat, you need to burn calories and eat less. That is the only way to get rid of fat. Exercises will build muscle and help burn some calories, but ultimately you must be eating at a deficit.
  • bunnylvr
    bunnylvr Posts: 78
    For me it did. I have never liked my thighs, I always thought they were too big and with pretty much no muscle tone. I started running 3-4 months ago and now they are much firmer and slimmer. I actually like my thighs now :)
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    I have a body shape that is somewhere between a "Figure 8" and a pear. So I, too, carry more weight in my lower half. When I started running, my hips and thighs slimmed down quite a bit--moreso than the rest of me--but I think that's owing to the fact that my upper half had less body fat to give up in the first place. Now I feel like I look pretty evenly proportioned overall, but the majority of weight is still in my legs. When I was running very regularly, my thighs remained large, but much more toned.

    I suppose what I'm trying to say is that your body type is your body type, and you can do what you will to be at a healthy body fat and/or BMI, but you may find that your thighs are always going to be larger relative to the rest of you, and you're going to have to find a way to be okay with that.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Squats and lunges! With heavy weights. I have bigger thighs, will probably never be slim, but I have noticed the shape improve with doing a heavy lifting program! (the new rules of lifting for women)

    This exactly! I have big thighs and run as well as lift heavy and have seen MUCH more progress from lifting than I did from running. I now do both, but more emphasis on the lifting.

    Good luck!
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I'm afraid you can't pick which part of your body you lose fat from. Doing cardio will burn fat, but everybody has a "first on - last off" part of their body. If that's your legs, then you'll have to just keep losing weight until they're slimmer, too.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi, Running will definitly slim down your legs and thighs! Now only you know if you have big legs naturally and if so then running will help. Just don't overdue it at the start. If you haven't run much then walk a little then run a little, then walk a little, then run a little. You keep that up and you will notice that you are running more than you are walking, but take it slow so you don't burn yourself out!!!

  • Maribabpace
    First of all, congrats on your success so far ... That's terrific!!
    Running will help burn off excess fat overall but unfortunately we can't pick and choose which area goes first.
    Usually it's the area we want to lose first that's last to go, but don't lose focus now.
    What you can do along with running, are lunges for toning your legs and butt.
    Scissor kicks and placing your feet & knees together, when you are on the floor, then opening and closing your knees while your feet are still pressed together, and in tabletop position,really helps tone the inner thighs!
    Good luck!
  • DesireeKaytin
    She has a valid point. You can't choose where to lose weight. But if your burning calories and burning fat and keep at it, it will eventually fall off too. Just take times. Legs require LOTS of running and squats/lunges.