Struggling with anorexia... please help me



  • Civeng1
    Civeng1 Posts: 11
    I can't offer any advice, having not been where you are. However, I will pray that God will come alongside and assists you with overcoming this. After all, he doesn't view you by your physical appearance, but loves your soul.

    Good luck.
  • aburris94
    aburris94 Posts: 3
    you are beautiful. i know this is harder said than done, but never believe differently.
  • RitaB19
    RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
    I see you now have deactivated your account. Please get the help of both a Registered Dietitian and Psychologists to help you recover. If you believe in God, then pray that he will get you through this. I will pray for you. I am a Dietitian myself but not a lot of experience in this area. May I suggest a place like the Renfrew Center in Philadelphia? Not sure where you live though. Wishing you the best in your recovery.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Her account has been deactivated, so she isn't getting all of these responses.
  • angiereid
    angiereid Posts: 158
    i have struggled for years with this mental battle i was very bad in highschool, i wish i could tell you that it goes away but i would be lying if i did. at 35 i still feel so ugly in my own body and wish that i could be pretty and super skinny lol. i know ppl get sick of hearing this all the time because they think you want attention and you need someone to constantly say you are pretty but it is not it. it is a self esteem problem that only you can fix. i had endometriosis very bad and right after highschool i had like 6 surgies it was decided to stop my periods and put me on depo shot. well this was very hard for me for i gained 30 pounds off of this and as the years went on 17 to be exact i gained more and i didnt even eat more just d/t the medicine and steriods they put me on. i was 196 pounds after all of this and i was so unhappy, i never looked liked i weighed this much because i am tall and i exercised everyday but i became very thick and muscular which can translate to fat if you have our problem. i just had a hysterectomy last year and i am off all my meds and i still have issues but i am 170 pounds now feeling better and i will try and get to 130 because i feel comfortable there i do not want to get to 100 pounds as i was in high school because i seen myself not too pretty way too skinny.
    word of advice throw away the scale or put it away until you can just weigh yourself periodicially, weighing yourself everyday is tortue and it will hinder you if you cannot cope with numbers fluctuating. when i was in therapy for anorexia we weighed in backwards so we could not see the number. remember it is just a number and the number does not define you, i think this disease is more about control and being able to control what you eat and how and when is vital to us. however, for me there came a time when i had no control of my weight gain no matter what i did. as scary as it was and still is i have learned that you cannot control everything sometimes it is beyond are reach. with that said i had to accept my new life and focus on how to get healthy and i have lost weight and i eat 1300-1600 a day and exercise 4-5 times a week and i feel good. upon doing this i have found a new way to control my life and it is by portions and mini meals by eating 4-6 times a day small meals i do not feel overstuffed and i am very healthy and happy. do i still have self esteem issues yes and i probably always will but not eating i know has caused me many problems health wise and it is not worth it.
    everyday i exercise i feel better maybe one day i will feel more confident in my own skin but until then i will continue this battle and fight head on
    if you ever need help please message me. Why I Want To Get In Shape
    i want to be healthier and feel good about myself
    It's a lifestyle change, not a diet ~
    It's a marathon, not a race~
    It's about getting healthy, not getting thin~
    It's about doing what's right, and you will win~!
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Try drinking meal repalcement drinks if alot of food seems to much. I can feel for you even though I have not surrefered this I have had times when the emotianal battle with food as made me angry and upset. A few weeks ago my husband wanted to take me out for dinner and the thought of it was actually making me feel stressed, its stupid I know and i must have sat for a hour trying to talk myself out of this way of thinking. I think it can get a hold of you and its so easy to be obbsessed with what your eating but its also easy to let go and eat too, I swing from one to another or so it seems. If I really let myself go I would be massive and struggle with everything. I love to eat and love to eat nice foods, try eating high calourie foods, even a couple of bowls of cereal will get you higher each day, you want to live and not be unhealthy. A proper living weight is what you need, forget about what the media say about being thin, being healthy is far more important, I really hope you get well soon.