I love doing insanity and i love it. How is everyones take on insanity?


  • flamax
    flamax Posts: 17 Member
    I'm doing Turbo Fire right now... But insanity will be after.... Let me know how is working for you
  • im doing it also! i love it!
  • Great what is your progress? I will start Month 2 tomorrow. i'm excited but heard its harder than the month 1.
  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    Month two is brutal but doable. Todays was my last workout and tomorrow is my fit test! Doing P90X next. Loved Insanity and will probably do it again sometime.
  • I started insanity 4 days ago and right now it's brutal for me but but I love doing it. I've been absolutely exhausted at the end of each workout.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    I have done Insanity, but am currently doing p90x. Insanity is amazing! I love how intense it is! It pushes you, which is great! What have you liked about it so far? The second month is tough, especially because it is longer!
  • Amberdew1
    Amberdew1 Posts: 20 Member
    My husband and I are doing it together and LOVE it! We are at the end of week 2!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I've thought about it.....but am still not sure I want to.....
  • _tiifyjo_
    _tiifyjo_ Posts: 118 Member
    I am 6 days into and I love it and hate it at the same time. I dread the workout and then I feel like I will die during it, but after I feel so accomplished and proud. Hopefully as time goes on the pre-workout dread will die down a bit. Usually when I do a routine there are some days I look forward to, but I have yet to find a workout with Insanity that I look forward to lol.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I am and I love it!! I'm on week 2 and I feel a bit better doing it now as I'm trying to concentrate on the breathing, don't wanna lose 'form'!! I do it in the mornings during the week... It really is insane but I like it!! I have P90X at home ready to do after this...
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    How long are the workouts?
  • as time goes on it will become an obsession lol/
    Anyone feel free to add me. i love to encourage and vise versa!!! Motivation is the key!
  • im in my 2nd week and i have lost 5 lbs already! i cant wait til the 2nd month. ive heard the same thing about it being really hard,but i cant wait to get results! my body fat % is 34. so i really wanna get that down to healthy level
  • Insanity work out range from 42 min to 16 min depends on what work out u do. So no more than an hour which is great for busy people.
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    I finished Week 2 today & love it as well. Any other 'insane' folks, feel free to add me too.
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    I was doing it til I had to take a little break for straining my back. Love it and LOVE Sean T. He really motivates me!
  • svfd235
    svfd235 Posts: 26
    Tomo is my last day of week one and I love it so far! It really pushes you and gets your heart rate going like no other workout ive ever done! Feel free to add me motivation, motivation motivation!
  • myjetta3
    myjetta3 Posts: 12
    I am doing this, and have a couple of questions....on the schedule when it says cardio and abs to you do both dvd's? or are they both on the cardio one???
    and how do you get insanity on your exercise track? I have just been clicking on 30 min of circut training, general...

    The workout truly lives up to its name, and there is so much I can not do, but I am determined to push through!

    Any help would be great!!!!!
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    I love insanity!! Im currently on my third round :) I loved it so much i became a beachbody coach :) I have a ladies only support group on fb. If you're interested in joining, send me a message. We would love to have you !! :)
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    I am doing this, and have a couple of questions....on the schedule when it says cardio and abs to you do both dvd's? or are they both on the cardio one???
    and how do you get insanity on your exercise track? I have just been clicking on 30 min of circut training, general...

    The workout truly lives up to its name, and there is so much I can not do, but I am determined to push through!

    Any help would be great!!!!!

    Cardio Abs is on the disc with Pure Cardio. Many people (myself included because I saw the recommendation) do Cardio Abs first and then Pure Cardio. They said that their form suffered when they did it in the order it's listed. I tried it that way 1st and it works, so I never tried it the other way.

    The best thing is to use a HRM to keep track of your calories and then you can enter in a new exercise. But I know some have said that once they got a heart rate monitor (HRM) that the burn was in the range of the exercises listed in MFP.
