HELP! I went over my daily calories!



  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    Look at your weekly deficit, not your daily. Hopefully that will help!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I worry about weekly averages, not individual days. I've gone more than 300 cals over in a day, and just made sure I was under for a couple days after. Still losing about a pound per week.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    it takes 3,500 extra calories to gain a pound. no one can eat that much food in one setting.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    One day? Pulease! :bigsmile: You are fine.
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    Stressing about it would do more "bad" than 77 small calories. Relax. It's okay. if 3500 calories=1 pound, 77calories=roughly 1/50 of a pound. See how small that is? :D
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    You're good! As long as that doesn't happen every day, don't even sweat it ;) Get it??? Yay for being super close to your calorie goal!!
  • nataliecarter2
    nataliecarter2 Posts: 24 Member
    Not to sound crass, but 79 calories is NOTHING. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with being even 200 over. It certainly will not hurt you in the tiniest bit.

    Totally Agree :smile:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Not to sound crass, but 79 calories is NOTHING. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with being even 200 over. It certainly will not hurt you in the tiniest bit.

    Totally Agree :smile:


    Your goal is your goal to REACH, NOT to "stay under". You need to MEET those goals daily.
    ESPECIALLY if you are set at 1200. You should try to NEVER end the day under 1200.
    If you are set at 1200. Consider changing it, so you can meet your goals without seeing the red numbers. If the red bothers you, set it to 1400 and aim to be BETWEEN 1200 and 1400 daily, and anything in there is success....
  • mawray2
    mawray2 Posts: 13
    I bet you burned the extra calories just worrying about it! Relax: ) 77 calories is nothing.
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    U cant be serious lolllll
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    You know you done f**ked up, right? GAME OVER for you!
  • Siobhan699
    Siobhan699 Posts: 10

    So I went 77 calories OVER my daily limit the other day and now I am truly scared that I have messed up my weight loss for the entire week. I have been really really good about it otherwise, but unfortunately I forgot to measure my pasta yesterday and I ate entirely too much with dinner!

    Can anyone tell me from personal experience, will this little extra mess up my weight loss this week?! I really hope not. Thanks, for the help as always.

    Oh good freakin' Gandalf. Go for a freakin' walk and do some freakin' reading about calories and deficits etc.
  • Someone posted this yesterday, after someone binged on 7 brownies. (Sounds delicious....) It really puts things in perspective.



    Take a deep breath and put your thinking cap on.

    I’m going to hit you with some wisdom, ok?

    Take your weight loss calorie goal, and just toss that number out the window. We’re not going to talk about that right now. We’re going to talk about that minor (or major) freak out we sometimes have when we’re having a really good week, eating really well, then we lose our damn minds and stuff our faces with delicious delicious junk food.

    2000 calories is about what your body needs to maintain your weight and keep all your organs doing all those lovely keeping you alive things that they do. Your body burns all those calories at rest. That means that while you’re sitting on your *kitten*, walking to the fridge and back, scrolling through tumblr, etc etc.. your body is making you breathe and make new cells and **** and burns those 2000 calories.

    To gain a single pound, you’d have to eat another 3500 calories on top of those 2000. Thats 5500 calories. 5500 calories is a ****ing lot of calories, okay?

    Lets take a look at what 5500 calories looks like.

    One slice of a large pepperoni pizza from pizza hut is 330 calories. You’d have to eat a little over 2 entire large pepperoni pizzas to hit 5500 calories.
    One crunchy taco from taco bell is 170 calories. To eat 5500 calories, you’d have to eat 32 tacos.
    One double cheeseburger from mcdonalds is 440 calories. 12 of those is 5500 calories.
    21 cheetos are 160 calories. 714 cheetos are 5500 calories.
    Was whatever junk you ate probably a bad choice health-wise? Probably.

    Did you ruin all your progress? No.

    Did you even eat enough to gain an entire whole pound? Nooope.

    Are you going to survive, drink some water, go for a walk or run in the morning, and forgive yourself? Yep. You are.

    Know why?

    Cause **** happens.

    But we move on, and we stay determined.

    Stop freaking out. Forgive yourself."
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    This is the kind of thinking that will derail you. Calorie counts in general are not perfect. You might see a calorie count in the database but unless you actually had it tested in a lab the counts are pretty close but not exact. Then there is the guessing that comes from portion sizes. Is it a small apple or a medium apple. Do you always log exact measurements in everything you consume such as the gram weight or total ounces for what you are logging? No one can be perfect enough to be sure about 77 calories in the course of a week.

    I guess what I am really trying to say is if you get so wrapped up in the tiny little details you lose sight of the big picture and that is where you will get stuck and feel frustrated by the whole process. Try not to sweat the small stuff as they say and keep doing the best you can each day. Expect small setbacks and be prepared to keep on trying.

    I agree100% ^^^^^^
  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    Unforgivable. The MFP goons will be at your door to take you away shortly.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Considering I give myself 100 calories either side of my "goal" then it is obvious that I am in the camp of "don't worry about it". I have lost 30 lbs this way without much issue at all. Relax and stop thinking about it!
  • Help!!

    So I went 77 calories OVER my daily limit the other day and now I am truly scared that I have messed up my weight loss for the entire week. I have been really really good about it otherwise, but unfortunately I forgot to measure my pasta yesterday and I ate entirely too much with dinner!

    Can anyone tell me from personal experience, will this little extra mess up my weight loss this week?! I really hope not. Thanks, for the help as always.
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    You are just fine !! Relax and enjoy !!! It's not gonna derail anything. You won't always be right on count or under. We all have days (sometimes weeks) where we go over. And many of us will have "cheat" days... or cheat meals. Don't be so hard on yourself and enjoy the journey !!
  • willy79
    willy79 Posts: 11
    Howdy. I wouldn't stress about it at all. Don't get too hung up on calories. Worry more about trans fats. 0.5 grams is the RDA I beleive. Plz correct me if I'm wrong anyone. Calories are a bit more forgiving. 77 cals over, just walk up and down ur stairs afew times. If u have a high metabolizim ur grand too,u'll burn it off easy. Don't forget these are just guide lines. Different things work for different ppl. I'm 33 and could still eat chocolate all day and not gain a pound but I prefer the good food in life. As I said you'll be fine. Don't worry. :-)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    So I went 77 calories OVER my daily limit the other day and now I am truly scared that I have messed up my weight loss for the entire week. I have been really really good about it otherwise, but unfortunately I forgot to measure my pasta yesterday and I ate entirely too much with dinner!

    Can anyone tell me from personal experience, will this little extra mess up my weight loss this week?! I really hope not. Thanks, for the help as always.

    Oh good freakin' Gandalf. Go for a freakin' walk and do some freakin' reading about calories and deficits etc.

    First post EVER and I love her already.
    WIN! ♥