How much weight by september with the following combo

Hi im new here and hope i'm posting in the right place but would really like to know how much weight i can expect to lose/dress sizes I drop by going to the gym/classes 6 times a week including spinning twice a week, completing 30ds twice, and the c25k plan? On top of eating a low carb low fat diet.. I am 5ft 10, 22 yrs old and have around 30 lbs to lose overall? Hoping for 2 dress sizes?

I have a holiday coming up in sept with my in laws and would like to look ok in a swimsuit!

Look forwards to any response
Leonie x


  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    that might be overkill....

    I have lost about 9-10 pounds in 5 weeks doing lower carb and doing no more than 4hrs a week of cardio ( 65 minutes on the treadmill 4x a week) and a little over an hour a week of strength training (20-25 minutes 4x a week)
  • kkmarie11
    kkmarie11 Posts: 114
    im not sure exactly how much you will use but a healthy weight loss is 2 pounds per week (in the beginning some tend to lose more quickly) but with that workout routine combined with healthy eating I'm sure you'll get there or close to there by September just always remember that it takes time so if at first you don't see results right away stay motivated and don't forget if you slip up there is always tomorrow
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    Another big factor is how many calories you are eating versus how many calories you are burning. You can go to the gym 6 times a week and burn only 50 calories a day or you can burn 1000+ a day if you're doing longer and harder workouts. You can eat 1000's of calories without eating a single carb or you can eat too little calories with only eating carbs (a lot of veggies and fruits are high in carbs). I guess I'm just saying it depends on more than the information you're giving. A safe bet is that most people are able to lose 1-2 pounds a week with sensible eating and exercise. You have about 11 weeks before September so that means about 11-22 pounds before September.
    Good luck!!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    RECOMMENDED healthy loss is 1 lb per week. Calculate how many weeks till your vacation and that's how many pounds you should lose in a healthy manner. Ten pounds is approximately one dress size. So if you're looking to be 2 sizes smaller you really only need to lose about 20 pounds to get there.

    YMMV of course
  • leonie4190
    Ok thanks everyone for your advice :) i really hope I get there, I'm really motivated when I want to be! Haha!

    I appreciate it is difficult to judge with the information given, but with spin classes and running I would hope they alone would burn more than 50 calories :s

    If anyone has managed to drop a few dress sizes in 11 weeks I'd be keen for advice!

    Also.. I have already lost 30 lbs since Feb - not just left it until last minute to lose all the weight x