
I feel really de-motivated this week. Each week for the last 15ish weeks I've lost around a kilo to a kilo and a half. Except this week I've infact 'gained' 1 kg, according to the scales this morning. I'm feeling so down about it, because I've still got 12kgs to go. In addition, this week I did double the exercise I have done usually PLUS eaten healthier. I need tips/help/guidance, pleeeeaaaaaase~!


  • lilcmac22
    lilcmac22 Posts: 47 Member
    Same story here with exercise, food and weight. From what I can figure (please note, I am just a researcher and card carrying moron, not a trainer or nutritionist) is when we exercise more or to a higher intensity our muscles are breaking down and rebuilding. As they do this, they store water to help the process of restoration. Last week I burned about 1,200 more calories than normal by swimming, which I just started up again. I was using muscles that did not get used as much with running or cycling. My muscles were being pushed to levels they were not used to and stored water to help them become even stronger- essentially water weight. Keep fighting and eating clean and don't give up! Remember the scale is only one indicator of success. Your body will level out and the scale will start falling again...just keep doing what you are doing and give it time. Hope it helps!
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    I rarely go by how much I weigh. I like to go by how I look in the mirror and believe me I quite a ways to go.