Weird & Strange movies?



  • shendras
    shendras Posts: 46 Member
    "The Stuff" - very strange!
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    Donkey punch
    Mysterious skin
    y tu mama tambien
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Welcome To The Dollhouse--funny/horrible indie flick....stars many of todays popular actors.
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member

    the human centipede

    its gross, dont watch it:indifferent:
  • Becka_D89
    Becka_D89 Posts: 60
    Existenz - the beginning is the end and the end is the middle..... the film is not only WEIRD but in totally the wrong order too!

    12 monkeys. I've seen it a few times and im still not sure i get it.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Gummo - centered around Xenia, a town in Ohio close to where I used to live. Beyond strange, plotless and a little disturbing.

    I have read through a few pages of replies. I didn't think Trainspotting was all that weird, just sort of sad in places. I love Snatch and The Science of Sleep, oh and someone mentioned I heart Huckabees. That is weird, but pretty good. Jude Law should never be allowed to do an American accent, though. I guess Donnie Darko was a little bit weird, but I don't know....maybe I just like strange films. One of my favorite movies is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and while I didn't think it was all that weird, when my husband and I watched it together (after I said "Ooh, I love this. Let's watch it!") and I asked him what he thought, he just looked at me and said "What the ****, Bee?"

    Oh and Secretary. A little strange but I love it!
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    Not sure how much these fall into the weird or strange cat....but I suppose it all depends on who is watching them....all in all, these are all GREAT movies...
    Here are some that stand out in my mind as my faves:

    ♥ Natural Born Killers (One of my all time faves....I could really never get tired of this movie)
    ♥ Snatch (its worth watching just to try and figure out WTF brad pitt is really saying)
    ♥ Rum Diaries
    ♥ Orphan
    ♥ The Beach (One of my other faves......and the soundtrack is awesomeness)
    ♥ Fight Club (I just love Marla....that is all)
    ♥ Requiem for a Dream ( You really do feel like you are on drugs)
    ♥ American Psycho
    ♥ Boondock Saints
    ♥ A Clockwork Orange
    ♥ The Crow
    ♥ Kids
    ♥ Trainspotting (Great book also)

    These should get you through a few weekends♥

    snatch and fight club are amongst my favourite movies ever! lol
  • johncole90
    johncole90 Posts: 23
    Rubber. Its about a murdering car tire with psychic powers.
  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    Wow, there's quite a few movies on here I wouldn't class as 'weird' at all - not sure what that says about me lol! For me though, I think the weirdest movie I've seen has to be Society - it's been a fair few years since I saw it and that ending still sticks in my mind!
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I would say that the strangest movie that I had ever seen is an independent film entitled "The Last Man."
  • Becka_D89
    Becka_D89 Posts: 60
    Wow, there's quite a few movies on here I wouldn't class as 'weird' at all - not sure what that says about me lol!

    Me too!
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    Natural Born Killers!

    The only movie I have ever paid for and then walked out on!

    LOL, me too,
  • Becka_D89
    Becka_D89 Posts: 60
    Oh I forgot to mention Howard the Duck.

    I freaking LOVE this movie, doesn't stop it being a little odd though... lol
  • meowstrom
    meowstrom Posts: 37
    Taxidermia, I can't decide if it was brilliant or horrifically disturbing.
  • Hotanuri
    Hotanuri Posts: 53
    Being John Malkovich. That was one Effed up movie.
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    Blood the last vampire hunter... some things are better off left anime
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    Natural Born Killers


    One of my favorites, not weird, The Usual Suspect, Kevin Spacey won the Oscar for that movie
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I'm not looking through 7 pages of this, but has anyone mentioned:
    'The Room'
    'Rubin and Ed'
    'The Orkly Kid'
    and the oddest movie I've seen so far; Crispin Glover's
    'What is it?'
  • fitforlifeee
    Pan's Labyrinth. Such a creepy film
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    Pan's Labyrinth. Such a creepy film

    i saw that and kind of like it