New Body November Week 1 (Anyone Welcome)



  • AmandaB4588
    So I weighed in this morning and lost 1 pound. I really thought it would have been more this week. I was so right on with my food and exercise. At least I am down and not up.....

    I must say aside from the slow weight loss, my clothes are fitting very nice. almost no muffin top over my jeans:happy:

    HOORAY for no muffin top! That's awesome!
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Hi all, I am keen to join this group as well if it's not too late. I've done the whole get married and get a desk job thing over the last 2 years and have gained some weight. Not heaps but it's persistent weight so I need to get into gear and actually focus on getting some good habits in place!

    Trying for a blend of getting more exercise than usual and breaking some of my bad eating habits - like after-work snacking, eating too much and then feeling really full, giving into cravings and eating HEAPS of whatever bad food I've been tempted by...
  • madelinetg15
    Welcome Hepkity. We do weighs in on Saturdays but if you have your own day that is fine as well. We will support you as much as we can and hopefully help each other learn better habits.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Good Morning:smile: Here's to a great day for everyone:happy:

    Had a great workout this morning, decided I am going to start double workouts. AM and PM. Since it has gotten cold and dark I haven't been running after work so I will do some extra pilates or Cardio after work and continue my Bob and Jillian workouts in the AM... Here's to a push to my November 30 goal. I've accepted I may not make this goal, but I can get close...

    God's timing not mine:flowerforyou: :wink:

    God Bless:heart:
  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! My name is DIana and I would really like to join also. I am just starting out and I really need some motivation. I have about 20 pounds to lose. Thanks!!
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Okay, down another .8 this morning, what motivation, even if it is still water weight!!! I might even be under 160 by Sunday!!!

    I ate well yesterday, and lifted in the morning, had inspiration to run, but napped instead (hey, sleep is important too!), had later inspiration to do a spinning class, but lost that quickly arguing w/ kids :mad: :grumble:

    Good day planned today, clean-eating, going for a run, and maybe a yoga class later.

    Hello to all the new joiners, keep up the good work everyone!
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Hi everyone how's everyone doing today?! I didn't work out this morning since I"m planning on going for a quick run with my dog this afternoon. We're going to do about 4 miles at a faster pace than normal so I can beat my own time.

    I weighed myself this morning and I was down about .2 it sounds like I"m at least moving somewhere. I'll let you know for sure if I was successful on Monday or not. Also, it's going to be slow at work today, so hopefully I won't indulge in naughty things and stick to my game plan :indifferent:
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    morning all! Well I got on scale and didn't like what I saw so I really need to hit the gym the next couple days. I haven't done the 30 day shred since Tuesday, pulled a muscle so can't do much but I'm going to try to get out tonight and do something.

    The big plan is for this weekend and to get my basement cleaned so I can make room for me and the tv and do that DVD. I really need to watch the food but I'm starting off better today. Just fell off the wagon a little so time to get refocused (again) and get started.

    Hoping for good results come sat morning!:cry:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Good job on the weight loss girls! I also got on the scale, and I am down .5 so that is progress.

    My gym membership expired, and to renew I need my husband to come with me so they can verify he is who I say he is. I have been bugging him for 3 weeks now, and he still hasn't gotten around to it. Do any of you have good workout ideas I can do at home while I wait for him to get a move on? Last night I power cleaned, but it wasn't a real great workout. I don't have any dvd's but I do have a balance ball. Let me know your ideas!!!
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    HEY Tahmed-

    if you need more to clean I can give you my address! LOL Cleaning always makes me feel better, but so does going to the gym, can you get a membership with out him? Just drag his butt!

    As far as Videos go the 30 day Shred is cheap I picked it up at walmart for $10.00, they have lots to choose from back in the sporting goods department. If all else fails go for a nice walk its not to cold yet at least not in NE. The nites are chilly but the more you move the warmer you get! Anything works just to get the body moving!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    My gym membership expired, and to renew I need my husband to come with me so they can verify he is who I say he is. I have been bugging him for 3 weeks now, and he still hasn't gotten around to it. Do any of you have good workout ideas I can do at home while I wait for him to get a move on? Last night I power cleaned, but it wasn't a real great workout. I don't have any dvd's but I do have a balance ball. Let me know your ideas!!!

    If you have onDemand through your cable company there is a ton of exercise workouts there. If not walk the mall, run the stairs, get full laundry containers and do upper body, squats, dead lifts, etc... It is my goal to find as many FREE workouts I can.. My hubby and I have 5 children 10-20 so the extra money for a gym membership just isn't in the picture right now.. Good luck
  • madelinetg15
    Congrats on everyone's weight loss. Keep it up. I got my 30 day shred DVD yesterday and did it today. Oh my goodness. I have watch that tracks calories. I burned about 400 calories in 20 minutes. Wow you don't realize what kind of shape your in till you do something like that. But I felt great afterward. Lots of energy. For those who gets those snacking or grazing cravings as like to call them, chew sugarless gum. It keeps your mouth busy. We don't have the funds for a gym membership too but we are converting our garage to a gym well a half gym I am still leaving space in case I need to get my kids out of the car if its raining.

    I will be starting next weeks thread late Friday night so look for the new thread labeled New Body November Week 2 Sat. morning. Make sure you are drinking your water, it really helps flush your system and even if you can't workout, cleaning does count as working and it does burn calories. When you go shopping park far away so you have to walk more. Every little thing you can do counts. You can log just about anything. I have a really good site that shows calorie burn for just about anything you can think of, some stuff that is not listed in this exercise log. If you have a question about something you have done I can tell you how many calories you burned or you can go to and make a free account just to use there exercises. It is up to you.

    Welcome det3386. We have weigh ins on Saturdays and a new thread everyweek starting on weigh in day. So look for the new thread when you check in on Saturday. WE are all here to help in any way we can so if you have any questions or need to vent go right ahead.

    Everyone keep it up for the rest of the week. You are all doing great and keep pushing foward.:happy:
  • Skittles6617
    Skittles6617 Posts: 247 Member
    Add me please. I need all the help I can get..

    SW 189
    GW 130
  • madelinetg15
    Welcome Skittles, Read through the post to get to know the group a little better and you will see when weigh ins are and when knew threads are coming.

    Also to those just joining tell us a little about yourself. I have a post earlier this week to tell us your age, where you are from and to name at least one thing you like/love about yourself.
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    Sorry its been a few. I’ve been bad about keeping up.

    I’ve still been trying to break my exercise slump. I’ve been getting up, but haven’t been motivated for any of the DVD’s that I own and for some reason Exercise TV is not showing up on my Fios, but I did record a few shows that sounded interesting on FitTv today. I have made a point of taking breaks to walk the stairs and avoiding the elevator unless it couldn’t be avoided (heavy boxes etc). I really wish I could run. The problem is my kids. My husband leaves for the day at 6 AM, and its dark by the time I get home from work, in a not too safe for the streets neighborhood. That and can you imagine what I would do to my knees running at this weight? But when I get lower I will start up C25K (again) and I have a plan of running and finishing a marathon before my 40th birthday.

    Getting to know you. My name is Jenn and I live north of Dallas, TX. I’m married, with two kid, and I will be 34 next month. My husband is in nursing school, and after he finishes I get to quit my job and work part time and get to have more time to work out and cook healthier than I do now.

    Madelinetg15- Thanks for the encouragement.  I’m good with weekly threads.

    Stormchaser- Ive done the 30 Day Shred a few times and felt like Jelly. I’d dust mine off but think my sister snuck it in her suitcase and took it back to Germany with her. Good job for getting started. The morning encouragement sounds like a good idea. I think I’m going to start doing that.

    Rachelle21 Welcome!

    Sarabear Congrats!

    Angiebangie-Congrats on the 4 lb loss. Great job on the 3 miles on Tuesday. I dream of the day I will be able to run a marathon.

    Tahmed ((Hugs)) When I was at my heaviest 6 years ago, I didn’t feel big either. Now I feel like a freaking whale  but I think its because I’m older and its harder to carry the extra weight on my body. At least my knees are telling me they don’t like it. Don’t beat yourself up about your eating the other day. Congrats on the loss! Great job on the 36 hours without a soda!


    Sniffles-Welcome1 I love your picture. MY parents have just started a heard of goats LOL.

    Vanimami- Welcome!

    Ourgang- Congrats on the 1 lb loss

    Hepkitty- Welcome

    Ok at that point it got too much for me to keep up with everyone :P Sorry if I missed anything big. I'll try to get better at checking in a few times a day.
  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there,

    I would love to join this group. I started my weight loss regimen on November 1st. I weighed in at about 149. I am hoping to get down to 140 by next month.

    I currently am big on the wii workouts, like my fitness coach, wii fit, wii sports, etc., and am also hoping to learn other good ideas as well. I want to run sometimes, and walk. So hopefully this group can give me some good ideas to get my butt kicked. I saw on this thread that Jillian Michael's video was a butt kicker, so perhaps I should check that out. Any more suggestions? I will probably check in on Saturday and give you guys my weight, but other than that I will check in every Tuesday and Thursday. I look forward to motivation and I will also give motivation.

    Thanks for reading,
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Ran 3 again today, wanted to go to yoga, but doesn't look like that will happen, crabbiness abound!!!

    Ate well, made this awesome WW cuban brisket, OMG was it good, and easy, well a few different steps throughout the day, but I thought all together easy. I ended up about 60 over my calories, but it was all good, healthy food, and I probably should be eating more than 1200 a day, but wanted to see for a week, no guilt!
  • CinthyNair
    Hi everyone!
    I did awesome this week, lost 3 lbs :) Must be the interval training i had started about a week + ago :)
  • AmandaB4588
    Good job on the weight loss guys! Keep up the good work! I am looking forward to the weigh-in Saturday!!
  • madelinetg15
    congrats to those who weighed in this week and welcome to the new ones. keep up the good work everyone