belly flap :(

I have lost 62 lbs and can see a huge difference all except where my belly hangs down...I should be in much smaller pants now but can't because of the stupid belly flap...what can I do to get rid of this!?!?!? it still makes me feel like crap...and looks worse the smaller that I get...


  • noturshorte
    noturshorte Posts: 56 Member
    no ideas? :(
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
  • 1969ned
    1969ned Posts: 219
    i feel your pain! i had a hysterectomy in feb and i have a similar problem, looking at the boards hanging leg raises etc can help, so i will be trying these and squats!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    I thought i was alone on the whole losing weight but belly looks worse. I have read losing weight in ab area comes from cutting down on fat which obviously is being done and cutting back on white bread and pastas. I have started doing ab work outs every other day. I've noticed on some weight loss shows some people have to have skin removal. So you do cardio and strength work outs? Sorry I'm not really any help but no you're not alone.
  • noturshorte
    noturshorte Posts: 56 Member
    thanks ned I'll have to try those and I also had a c-section when I had my daughter so I know it's from that as well as the weight...and yes amammaa I do cardio as well as strength training...most of the strength training is working on the core muscles...the stomach is shrinking just not the dang flap!
  • lisajo91
    lisajo91 Posts: 13 Member
    Well done for 62 11b weight loss, i have just started today, how did you do it, did you really just stick to your calorie allowance?
    I am truly inspired if you did! :)
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    thanks ned I'll have to try those and I also had a c-section when I had my daughter so I know it's from that as well as the weight...and yes amammaa I do cardio as well as strength training...most of the strength training is working on the core muscles...the stomach is shrinking just not the dang flap!
    I had 2 c-sections too, and gained a lot of weight when pregnant. I'm thinking about a tummy tuck...I don't think there's much else you can do for loose skin, unfortunately!
  • noturshorte
    noturshorte Posts: 56 Member
    thanks! You can do it! I've played around with my calories but typically keep it somewhere between 1200-1400 a day but according to an actual body comp analysis I can have 1670 so the difference is obviously what I lose. I've gotten a little farther off track lately but still doing decently. I do work out several times a week in some fashion. I work out with a personal trainer 3 times a week and it has really helped in losing inches. I began my weightloss journey february 8th and have lost the 62 lbs and 7 inches just around my tummy but 4 of those 7 inches I have lost in the past about 7 weeks since I started more of the weight training and not just cardio.
  • noturshorte
    noturshorte Posts: 56 Member
    thanks ned I'll have to try those and I also had a c-section when I had my daughter so I know it's from that as well as the weight...and yes amammaa I do cardio as well as strength training...most of the strength training is working on the core muscles...the stomach is shrinking just not the dang flap!
    I had 2 c-sections too, and gained a lot of weight when pregnant. I'm thinking about a tummy tuck...I don't think there's much else you can do for loose skin, unfortunately!

    I was hoping to do it the more natural way but I suppose if in the next few months it doesn't get much better I may have to look more into something like that...I just want it gone! :-/
  • lisajo91
    lisajo91 Posts: 13 Member
    Well really well done, you have given me motivation to get on with the weight loss. i signed in in Feb and set up a profile, but didnt do anything about it, so today i have stuck to my calories, but unsure what to eat really!! i will keep reading the posts and thanks for adding me as a friend x
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    I don't think anything helps with it. I lost weight before I had a kid and didn't have this issue, so I'm positive its from the belly stretching out when we were pregnant. I'm with you though, I'm sure I could fit into smaller pants if I didnt have this issue. I think surgery is the only way to correct it, and since we want at least one more, that's a no go for another year and a half. Congrats on your weightloss, you should be really proud!
  • MissC787
    MissC787 Posts: 175 Member
    I had an appendectomy while pregnant. No fun. It caused my belly to "fall". With weight gain it got bigger, and bigger. With weight loss it is getting smaller, but I have also been doing squats, lunges, leg lifts, butt lifts, and planks. Hope this helps.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I feel your pain, I had twins via csection in 2005 and although I have lost 82lbs and sit at a respectable 162, I still feel really gross about my tummy. Doesn't really seem fair. I have considered surgery (also need my ab muscles sewn back together) but thought first I would put some really strong effort into my ab area... I just do a general weight circuit at the gym. Haven't done it yet - I have no issues going to the gym, but gosh I feel lazy with this. Hang in there.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I was doing great at 165--everything was coming together as the weight decreased, then I read something that said that you shouldn't work out with weights every day. So, at 151, now I'm back to the flabby stomach, the untoned calves and the ridiculously floppy thighs.

    As with all things, one way does not work for all people. I'm back to 40 minutes of weight work out EVERYDAY...hopefully I can get back to where I was and go from there!

    I'm not really a candidate for just doesn't suit for me or my lifestyle. In the next 10 pounds I may try running for the first time in 30 years.....
  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    I've looked into what's involved in getting abdominoplasty (removing the extra skin on the belly), and they want you to do a bunch of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles first. That sounds like something we can start doing ahead of time! The idea is to tighten up the muscles to be able to hold in the gut better, and they usually have to remove some of the stretched connective tissue between the rows of muscle on each side, so you can't exercise them as much until it's healed so the further ahead you get there the better. They recommend not doing it until you're done losing weight, which makes sense but will probably be frustrating when I get halfway there. ;-)
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Ahhhh.....the dreaded belly flap! Yep, I have it, too! :sad:

    I think the only real way to get rid of it completely is through surgery. :grumble:

    I have decided that with my age and the amount of weight that I am losing, I will just deal with. Fold it over and tuck it in my spanx! :laugh:

    Wishing you continued success in your journey to a new you!:flowerforyou:
  • KBreezy76
    KBreezy76 Posts: 13
    THIS drives me absolutely crazy too!!! UGHHHH.....I feel so fat still because of this.......I definitely also feel like I could be in a smaller size if it weren't for that hideous thing!! I am definitely going to try the leg push downs and squats like my friend told me!
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    these could help... don't know, cause I am not there yet...
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    keep working out. I had a decent sized "apron" and I have noticed that it is shrinking as I lose weight.

    ETA: I had a c-section 12 years ago. I have always had a small overhang ever since then--at one point I could not SEE where my scar was because of all the overhang, in the last few weeks, I can *almost* see it. I know when I lay down on the bed, I used to have a HUGE hill of fat and skin above it--now there is barely a lump.

    For the last 3 months I have been doing strength training as part of my exercise routine. I do crunches, back extensions, assisted squats, plus some back and chest exercises.
  • SleepingBeauty12345
    SleepingBeauty12345 Posts: 101 Member