Got a lot of calories left and I'm not hungry?

My calorie allowance is 1200 but I've found on the days I've been working out that it's really hard to reach that. I've not been overly careful in what I eat but I don't tend to snack on junk anymore and usually I'm about 500 calories defficient a day due to exercising and running. I know I should eat more because I'm working out more but I'm just not hungry. usually I eat something and power through but I'm not sure whether that's best for my body.

If I do eat something then what should I eat? Eating chocolate would be an easy way to boost the calories but I don't think that's right. Am I doing something wrong?

I'm not purposefully undereating. But I'm a bit worried that I'm being told I'm not eating enough. It never occured to me before. I have quite a big appetitie and easily make it over the 1200 if I'm going out to eat or really pig out but if I exercise that day or eat like a normal person I'm way under?

And despite all this I'm not losing weight. I don't think my body is in starvation mode though because I feel quite well fed.

Sprry if that was a little scatter-brained. Any advice would be welcome :)


  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I feel the same way. I have changed my eating habits to being a healthy eater. I dont ever reach the 1200 calories. I dont want to grab a candy bar to get there. I do slim fast for breakfast because I hate eating early. Most days I have slim fast for lunch and then a healty dinner.
    My phone says i could be in starvation mode but I am never hungry.
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    With that much of a deficit, and you are not losing weight? something is definitely not right.

    Have you tried protein shakes, or protein bars, I like the atkins protein shakes and the pure protein bars, and they range between 150 - 200 calories, are generally low in sugar and "bad stuff" and full of protein, which should be good for you.

    Have you tried eating smaller meals throughout the day?

    How about nuts? I cannot live without my nuts, a handful is about 100 cals, and they are not as feeling
  • cherrydrop_amy
    It's so odd. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. My nutrition values says I'm eating too much protein so I'm not sure if protein bars would help. I don't eat a lot of nuts but again I'm not sure how it would help.

    And I eat the same amount whether I have set meals or graze through the day. The only way I can eat more is if I make myself eat and I don't really want to stuff my face unless I know it's the best thing for me. It's only because I no longer crave chocolate that my calorie count has gone way low. I though healthy eating was suppose to be... well, healthy lol.

    Thanks for your suggestion though :)
  • willismack2
    There is a study out in the Journal of Applied Science that was mentioned by Runner's World. The researchers found that the brain actually reduces the stimulus to eat after aerobic exercise.

    "Exercise reduced neuronal responses in brain regions consistent with reduced pleasure of food, reduced incentive motivation to eat, and reduced anticipation and consumption of food."

    "This study suggests you might need to consciously ignore what your brain is saying is appealing and get in a few hundred calories despite their lack of appeal."
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    How long have you been at this new eating/work out regimen?

    Just a thought--this happened to me right when I started. the first week was great--I was still hungry sometimes, getting used to 1200 cals/day (coming down from who knows what...I've never been a healthy eater). After the first week, I realized that on days when I worked out, I wasn't NEARLY as hungry. One day I think I only ate lik 700 cals. I did make sure to drink lots of water though and make sure what I DID eat was healthy. Then for 1.5 weeks I didn't lose any weight at all. None. It was a little depressing, but I kept pushing through. I just know that days when I do aerobic activity, I may not hit my calorie goal (unless I also go eat out...but that seems counter productive).

    After that 1.5 week flat period, I'm now losing weight again. I think part of it is working out, getting my body used to consuming less calories, and I also think now that it realizes I am still eating and not starving :) There's also some fluid retention that goes on depending on hormone levels/workout/sodium etc.

    If you're eating healthy and working out, you are getting in better shape. Try not to focus on the weight. Look at measurements too! And how you feel. Hopefully they are both improving as you continue forward!
  • cherrydrop_amy
    Well I use to calorie count all of last year and even then it told me I was undereating so I don't think it's my workout regime. As for the weight plateau, I hope you're right and it just takes time. But as long as I'm not really doing any harm to my body I'm okay with what my weight is at the moment.

    And thanks willismack2, the article was very interesting. I think you've hit the nail on the head. I'll go get a few more calories in and not feel like I'm doing anything wrong. Just making sure I was eating healthily.

    Thanks to everyone who posted!