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Portion Control is a killer!



  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Mine is set at 1240 and I seldom go much over that. I have found some things that are full of fiber but low in calorie and another thing, drink lots of water!
  • Fresh vegetables are very low in calories, and higher in fiber that helps you feel full longer. Also beans. Baked squashes. That's most of my diet--before I started, I regularly ate 5000 calories per day, when I WASN'T binging. Now, I have a hard time making 1200 some days--I just don't have room to eat that much.
  • poulingail
    poulingail Posts: 110
    There are some really interesting comments here and I can see that people have lots of assumptions so let me clarify.
    For breakfast I eat a whole grain hot cereal concoction that includes oatmeal and textured vegetable protein. I also use sugar free coffeemate (Diabetic)
    I have an apple for a snack either morning or afternoon. I have a small chef salad without dressing for lunch.
    I have lean meat and veggie for supper.
    That covers my calorie allowance for the day.

    At least 5 times a week, I exercise. Today it was pushing the mower for a good hour. It's usually 30 minutes to an hour of cardio, maybe yard work or my treadmill. That allows me extra calories. I exercise for fitness but since I started MFP in September, I exercise so I can eat more. Back to the original complaint ~ I'm hungry!

    For extras I have popcorn a couple times a week and sometimes a bowl of bran flakes with or without raisins.
    I checked my diary for the past week or so and saw the following cheats: bag of Cape Cod chips, a couple of Detour protein bars, some raisin bread, a cookie, a slice of coffee cake.

    A few folks commented about adding more protein and I hear you. It does seem to give me longer satisfaction. That's why I add it to my breakfast and have meat on my salad instead of simply the greens. My real hunger shows up after 3:00.
  • akgrl1020
    akgrl1020 Posts: 179
    The more natural the food, the more actual food you get in a serving...this is something I have learned along the way....I can have a great big salad, with about six cups of food for under 300 calories for lunch...or I can have something little and still be starving. I can have several cups of steamed veggies on my dinner plate, or I can have 1/2 cup of something calorie rich. It is an education process. I have learned to seek out nutrient rich foods, read labels with an eye toward realistic serving size, and only buying whole foods. Good luck!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    2 things; get yourself a scale and learn how to read a label.

    Those are 2 things I have learned from the people on this site and it was the knowledge I needed to succeed

    Until you get a handle on those two things, most portions are the size of your fist. Don't eat more, it's not worth it...and you are here for a lifestyle change not a quick fix.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Smaller bowls really help to trick me into feeling like I've eaten more than I have, as a general rule. I find having a smaller lunch around 12 and another small meal around 3 helps me to stay at an even energy level all day too. I understand that with some people's schedules this may not always be possible, but perhaps eating half of your salad and half of your apple at lunch and having the other halves at your midpoint between lunch and dinner could help, if you could find the time in your day.

    Also, fiber is another important factor in fullness. If you make your own chef salad, perhaps you could start making it with darker greens like kale or spinach to up its presence in your digestive system. Water is another great calorie-free way to quiet a rumbly stomach!
  • creatinglana
    creatinglana Posts: 6 Member
    Great suggestions since I have issues with portion control. I'm starting to think it's more in my head than I think because I do really well up until I get home from work. By the way, I counsel people on quitting smoking. Just like smoking, I think we get cravings too but it might seem like hunger. If we have tried everything that was suggested and nothing helps then we have to find something to distract us until that craving leaves...just like a smoker. We might have to take a walk, get on MFP or get busy cleaning our house...a cup of coffee helps too. I'm still working on my portion control...it's hard. My co-worker, dietician, sent me an article about "hedonic hunger" refering to the desire to eat for pleasure, and to enjoy the taste, rather than to restore the body's energy needs...see the article, http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Science/Researchers-explore-links-between-overeating-and-pleasure. It can be how we view food, too...retrain my brain. :)
  • tlc5294
    tlc5294 Posts: 3
    I been talking to alot of people that had diet in the past and they suggested to me to eat smallerl amounts but eat more often. they have a morning snack as soon as they get up then breakfast then a snack and then lunch then a snack and then dinner and then another snack. also they suggested after dinner or before bed to walk around a the block or your neighborhood, to help out... I think you get the picture... hope this helps... I know protion is hard because I blew it out of the water too...
  • Nahnita
    Nahnita Posts: 23
    This is one way I try to take control of Portion control. And within this blog is another link with any way I portion control.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I think the problem is with the food you are eating. There are plenty of low calorie filling foods out there that are great for you.

    The best thing you can do against hunger is drink a lot of water. Drink at least a cup of water before you consumer anything. If you feel a food craving coming on, drink water. If that doesn't help they your body is really hungry.

    Cauliflower and Cucumber are power foods. For 2 cups of these are around 30-50 calories and they are filling. Protein is very filling, try flaked light tuna in water - very nutritious, filling, and low in calories. Grilled chicken breast is amazing too. Wholewheat toast and olive oil are also very filling.

    Make sure you have healthy snacks available like nuts, but don't overdo it since they are fattening.

    I used to have issues with portion control and used to overeat a lot. Stick to eating less for a week or two, and I promise you will get your portions under control and not feel as hungry.

  • Megabot
    Megabot Posts: 173 Member
    I agree: try adding more proteins.

    Example breakfast: I don't eat cereal anymore if I can avoid it, because I want 2 cups of cereal and 1.5 cups of milk to even feel full. I am trying to eat an egg at breakfast (90cals) or two, and a slice of bread, or bagel thin (to make an egg sandwich.) (90-110 calories) that = a ~200 calorie breakfast, and it'll go way further than just cereal and milk (which would be for me like a 400+ calorie breakfast!!)
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Hunger is a feeling that you probably gave into your entire life.
    If you can, allow yourself to be "hungry" for 5 hours. I can pretty much assure you that after 5 hours, the hungry feeling will get easier. If you ate at noon, your body does not need more food at 3:00.

    Instead of popcorn, try a hard boiled egg.....
    Instead of bran flakes, try some chicken breast.....

    After 2 weeks of a high protein diet, I am seldom hungry. You can do this. We are all here for you!

  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    On the cereal side, I eat 1 serving of Kashi Go Lean each morning - it's my entire breakfast. High protein, high fiber, low GI = I feel satisfied for quite a long time on that 140 calories. On popcorn, as long as you are not putting something high calorie on it like butter or cheese it's the perfect snack. Whole grain, low GI, high fiber. Even an entire microwave bag of it can be as little as 220 calories, and it is high volume/low calorie like salad is.
  • pamfm
    pamfm Posts: 93 Member
    There are some really interesting comments here and I can see that people have lots of assumptions so let me clarify.
    For breakfast I eat a whole grain hot cereal concoction that includes oatmeal and textured vegetable protein. I also use sugar free coffeemate (Diabetic)
    I have an apple for a snack either morning or afternoon. I have a small chef salad without dressing for lunch.
    I have lean meat and veggie for supper.
    That covers my calorie allowance for the day.

    At least 5 times a week, I exercise. Today it was pushing the mower for a good hour. It's usually 30 minutes to an hour of cardio, maybe yard work or my treadmill. That allows me extra calories. I exercise for fitness but since I started MFP in September, I exercise so I can eat more. Back to the original complaint ~ I'm hungry!

    For extras I have popcorn a couple times a week and sometimes a bowl of bran flakes with or without raisins.
    I checked my diary for the past week or so and saw the following cheats: bag of Cape Cod chips, a couple of Detour protein bars, some raisin bread, a cookie, a slice of coffee cake.

    A few folks commented about adding more protein and I hear you. It does seem to give me longer satisfaction. That's why I add it to my breakfast and have meat on my salad instead of simply the greens. My real hunger shows up after 3:00.

    It sounds like you are eating satisfying, nutritious things. If you're still hungry, you may just have to allow yourself more calories, then. Maybe trying going up 100-150 calories? One thing about your snack, though: I love apples, but they ALWAYS make me hungry. And apparently it's not just me, because I have read recommendations to pair apples with something with protein and a little fat, to help keep you satisfied. Now if I have an apple as a midday snack, I also eat a little cube of cheese, or a handful of nuts. Try that?
  • bump
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    To stay full i try and load my diet up with high protein and high fiber foods.

    Look at what you are eating the cereal and fruit breakfast is bowl full of quick release energy. Although fruit is good for you the higher sugar content will mean that you feel hungry sooner after eating it in comparison to, say, spinach.

    Also when you start a diet it will take your body a few weeks to get used to the change, either go straight into it and accept that you will feel hungry or alternatively start off on a calorie allowance nearer your pre-diet number and drop it down 250-500/week until you are at your weight loss calorie target.
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 195 Member
    I checked my diary for the past week or so and saw the following cheats: bag of Cape Cod chips, a couple of Detour protein bars, some raisin bread, a cookie, a slice of coffee cake.

    In the past week?! Umm... I don't think portion control is your main problem! Focus on cutting this stuff out first!
  • Melampus
    Melampus Posts: 95 Member
    With a really tight allowance you can not afford to eat much food that contains plenty of calories and little other nutrition. Ideally most of the food you eat will also contain protein to keep your hunger at bay or fibre to make you feel like you've eaten a meal rather than a snack.

    Chips/crisps are a perfect example of what not to eat. These have plenty of carbohydrate and plenty of fat with little fibre and little protein. They contain plenty of calories and thus take up a valuable part of your calorie allowance without giving your body the things other than simple calories that it needs.

    Try swapping these foods for lean meat and fish and plenty of fruit and vegetables. The meat and fish gives you protein as well as calories and the fruit and vegetables gives you vitamins, minerals and fibre as well as calories. Eating these food you are much more likely to be able to avoid hunger without eating too many calories.

    Finally do make sure your weight loss goal is realistic. People don't become fat overnight and it is making hard work of it to try to become thin again overnight as well as in extreme cases risking being ill.
  • caiialily
    caiialily Posts: 28
    While I love salads at lunch time in the summer, I've often found that having a bowl of (homemade) vegetable soup is much more filling. The broth adds volume without a ton of calories and something about eating a warm dish makes me feel like I'm getting in a "real" meal. Salad is often a go-to food for those of us on a weight loss mission, and it can be a great way to get in veggies, but consider switching it up if you're not feeling satisfied after lunch.

    Also, make sure you are well hydrated. Lots of people confuse thirst for hunger. So maybe you could try sipping a glass of water before heading for the snacks. It takes a while to recalibrate, but it is so worth it.

    I really feel your pain. I only get 1200 calories a day and I admit, it is a challenge sticking to that. I also accept that if I am truly hungry, like tummy-rumbling, hands-quivering hungry, I should most definitely eat something else. But I know that I'm used to eating a lot more food than I really need, so sometimes sitting with my hunger for a little while isn't such a bad plan. I don't wait so long that I am completely ravenous and ready to go off the rails, but as an adult with a little extra cushion 'round my middle, I sure know I can wait an hour and not starve to death.

    Best of luck to you!
  • poulingail
    poulingail Posts: 110
    Definitely not drinking enough water these days. Thanks for the reminder.