Support and Motivation needed please guys!

lisajo91 Posts: 13 Member
Hi, my name is Lisa, I created a profile in Februrary, but didnt actually start a diet!! Now I think its about time to get on with it, all my clothes are so tight, I am beginning not to have anything to wear.

I need to loose about 2 stone in total, so any hints, tips or suppport you could offer me would be really appreciated, I really am not sure where to start :(

Looking forward to hearing from you and making some new friends

bye for now
Lisa x


  • trish318
    trish318 Posts: 1
    Hi Lisa!
    My name is Trish & I'm in the same exact boat as you!!!!
    It's such a depressing feeling when old cute clothes no longer fit. That is my main goal to be able to wear my old clothes!!!
    I just signed up to this a few days ago but it's helping me to stay on track & accountable for my food intake!
    I've found with myself mind set is the most important key, to stay focused & motivated!!!
    I wish you all the best, you CAN do it!!! Stay focused & put your mind to it!
    Trish :-)
  • lisajo91
    lisajo91 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Trish
    What a lovely surprise, thanks for responding to my message!

    Its so hard isnt it, getting motivated and I find sticking to it, is the main problem for me.

    Sounds like you have been doing really well so far, even if it has only been a few days, its helping you stay on track, which is brilliant.

    What sort of things have you been eating? are you hungry or managing to get by?

    Perhaps we can motivate each other to stick with it this time... imagine how we will feel when we can get into our lovely smaller clothes again.....

    Lisa x
  • ashleygx26
    ashleygx26 Posts: 140
    Lisa, welcome to MFP!

    Back in January I was in the same boat... but 6 months later I am down 60 pounds!

    Feel free to add me, I am always looking for new and motivational friends.
  • lisajo91
    lisajo91 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow thats amazing, well done to you... you are giving me hope that this time I can do it.

    How did you manage to do it this time, what was different from before do you think. Is there anything I need to know on this site that will help me?

    thanks for replying by the way, lovely to meet you
    Lisa x
  • immarungirl
    immarungirl Posts: 35 Member
    Def adding you as my friend :) Great Motivation..:smile:
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    Hi Lisa, my name is Norman. I have been here since Jan 2012 and have dropped 42 lbs. Great site and good motivating people. I was stationed in England in Newquay at RAF St. Mawgans in 1979-1981. Feel free to add as afriend if you want to do so. I wish you best of luck and just know that you can do this if you set mind to it!!! Good luck!!
  • choccyqueen83
    choccyqueen83 Posts: 27 Member
    me too!! I've got 4.5 stone to loose. Its my 30th in May 2013 so I really hope I can stick to it and would love any adds!
  • lisajo91
    lisajo91 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Norman
    thanks so much for replying, I have sent you a friend request, well done for your weight loss, that is amazing amount of weight, bet you feel so much better for it now!
  • lisajo91
    lisajo91 Posts: 13 Member
    You have got a year to loose your 4 stone honey, I am sure you are going to be able to do it. Keep focussed, everyone seems really friendly on here, I think we can all help you!!! :)
  • perrydjlj
    perrydjlj Posts: 6
    hey, this is a long journey, so stick with it.

    a tip i have is take a photo today, then again in 8 weeks. its a slow progress an you wont notice it everyday. then hopefully you can see a change for the long run.

    all the best

  • carpediem4263
    carpediem4263 Posts: 167 Member
    First, start by tracking EVERYTHING you eat/drink.

    Clean out your cabinets and only buy things that you would be proud to put in your diary. This doesn't mean you have to go without chocolate and other sweets, but try to only buy those occasionally. I have found that if you let yourself have sweets occasionally, you actually eat better than cutting out sweets completely. Skinny cow ice creams are great. They are around 90-120 cal if I am remembering correct. Not only that, but they taste good.

    When you buy fruit and veggies, prep them right after your get them home. Portion out the bag of chips or crackers or even meat into sandwich bags. It makes it much easier when you want to eat a snack, you know okay, I can have this bag. I even write on mine how many and how many cal that bag has.

    Get some friends or family to do this with you and create a support system, but keep in mind that ultimately, you are the only one in control of if you succeed or not.

    Also, make sure you are exercising along with eating right.

    I hope this helps. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'd love to help support you! YOU CAN DO THIS!