NOT just another friend request..

:flowerforyou: I'm hoping to find a few Good Supporters or maybe 25 :happy: that will be logging in for daily commenting and or little messages. I am encouraging and supportive and will comment and message you back as often as I can. I need support and to be engaged having others to communicate with through this weight loss journey of 100 pounds or more. Please send me a special request if you too have 100 pounds or more to lose and would like to stay connected regularly, motivating each other and not just getting lost in the sea of "added friends" :heart:


  • amyschintler
    Hi, I would love to have you as a friend for support. I need to lose about 30 kg and so far have been on track(this is my first week). :flowerforyou:
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    FR sent! I've got about 40kgs to lose initially which is approx 88pounds (somehow I seem to like kg measurements better... 40 seems so much more doable than 88! @_@)

    I'm up to week 3 on MFP!
  • sillygoose03
    I'd also like to have you for a friend for support. I joined only a couple of days ago so I'm also looking to build a group of supportive friends who are on a similar journey.
  • iloso
    iloso Posts: 156
    Im on everyday and logging my meals every day/night. We can support each other!
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    and would like to stay connected regularly, motivating each other and not just getting lost in the sea of "added friends" :heart:

    If you want to be held accountable, pushed and cheered on, and your willing to do the same for me im your girl...
  • Mlashun_BeastPrincess
    OMG, Vivacious!!!! I have been thinking the same thing about those TRULY dedicated to sticking with this no matter what and not falling off from supportiveness!! That has TRULY gotten me through and I've got 250 more pounds to go! I need the continued support also, so I completely understand your sentiments! You've helped me thus far and I'm looking forward to sharing our journey together!!!! I've TOTALLY got your back through this ENTIRE process!!!!!
  • ashleygx26
    ashleygx26 Posts: 140
    feel free to add me! I am always on this site, and love motivating those who motivate me, reason why I am always looking for new and motivational friends!
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    I'm on here everyday and you can definitely add me if you would like to. :)
  • jmlw75
    jmlw75 Posts: 3 Member

    I have about 30kg to lose, 40kg to be ideal...

    Anyone on this forum....... I would love to be added as friend.
  • TransformationOfADIVA
    TransformationOfADIVA Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all, newbie here from Pittsburgh. I am 28 years old and been using MFP for a little over two weeks. I have been on my weight loss journey seriously since March 2011, I started out doing Weight Watchers which I love, but, due to financial reasons had to stop for now. I did well and lost 20lbs by Nov 2011 but due to a family tragedy I gained it all back and was 5lbs over my original starting weight of 310. Since April I have lost 10lbs total and even accomplished my goal of participating in a 5k. My longterm goal is to be able to be 200lbs or under. I have no set time frame for this, but, I am very serious about this journey because one of my biggest goals/dreams in life is to be an active mother and do all I can to have a healthy and active family when God blesses me with one.

    Feel free to add me, I am always looking to make new friends and gain new support and encouragement.
  • ByeByeBigGurl
    Feel free to add me! 100+ lbs to lose also!
  • ArtsieSarah
    ArtsieSarah Posts: 129 Member
    I am on here all the time especially with the app! Anyone feel free to add me :bigsmile: It's nice having friends who comment and support on the statuses posted
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I absolutely love the smiling celery head!!
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    welcome! I log every day (usually the night before!) I started with about 140 to lose... so I'm more than halfway there! I'd love to have another friend who is dedicated to making a life change :)
  • chrissyd2218
    chrissyd2218 Posts: 18 Member
    Would love new friends! I wish you the best of luck!