I am 24 and I am struggling on this journey..

I have always have a problem with motivation. I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been at and i'm hoping to get off 50 pounds at least. I weigh 200 and I have a mini goal of 176 which was how much I weighed 4 years ago before I had my son. I'm finally taking this seriously but I have a real problem with chocolate and pasta. I just want to be healthy and feel good about the skin I am in.


  • Lmorten
    Lmorten Posts: 2 Member
    I have found that I really enjoy coming up with healthy alternatives to my favorite foods. Pasta, for example, has been replaced by spaghetti squash. I simply roast a spaghetti squash, peel out the flesh into "noodles," and then top it with my favorite pasta sauce. I satisfy that Italian food craving for a fraction of the calories.

    Instead of thinking as these little substitutions as "diet foods," think of them as a fun way to try something new or discover a new dish that you will crave. I actually crave this dish now!

    And as for chocolate, I'm sorry, but there's just no substitution for me! I allow myself a very small square of high-quality dark chocolate and I savor it! I make sure to eat it slowly and really get that chocolate taste. When you take time to notice the texture and the flavor, you can satisfy that chocolate craving with just a tiny nibble!

    But sometimes, during "that time of the month" when I need A LOT of chocolate, I make myself a low-cal hot chocolate by blending 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder, 2 packets stevia powder, and a dash of vanilla extract. It comes out to about 60 calories for a good-sized mug of cocoa and the antioxidants in the cocoa powder are super good for you!

    Keep it up. You have to want it more than anything else. And remind yourself how proud you'll feel every time you turn down that piece of cake or extra helping of dinner. It feels good to be mentally strong! Before you know it, you'll be physically strong and confident in your own skin!
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I have always have a problem with motivation. I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been at and i'm hoping to get off 50 pounds at least. I weigh 200 and I have a mini goal of 176 which was how much I weighed 4 years ago before I had my son. I'm finally taking this seriously but I have a real problem with chocolate and pasta. I just want to be healthy and feel good about the skin I am in.

    this is no joke. i know what you mean. im a pasta kind of gal but have found alternatives... but i have been beating it, still struggel, but its worth the fight. friend me if your serious
  • jaybee44
    jaybee44 Posts: 2
    On a more psychological note: Figure out what you really love to do--physically--and start doing more of it...For example, today I didn't eat all that well, but I mowed the lawn for over an hour (big yard) so I burned a lot of calories. If you find some fun activities, it will help you with everything else. Make some time for yourself within your (undoubtedly) busy life and it will help!
  • juliekat1955
    Just some friendly advice. I'm 52 and fighting like crazy to get weight off for a transplant. This has been SO damn hard. In my 20's I could drop weight fairly easy but not anymore. Get it off now. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels...:smile: