from under the sheets........



  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    depends on the night before... but normally.... it is stumble into the bathroom... and um.... ahhhh...... then walk into the kitchen for coffee.... then to the utility room, to move cloths from washer to drier.... refill washer... back to the kitchen to start the dishwasher and finally a plank, push ups, squats and a few other body weight exercises. back into the bathroom for shower and out the door.

    I have been trying to add this thing called breakfast, not working as of yet
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    drop the kids off at the pool, brush teeth, shower, make breakfast.
  • BigRedgw2010
    BigRedgw2010 Posts: 127 Member
    I get up at 4:15 am almost every day, except on's 6 am on that day. Go to the restroom and think about what exercises I am going to do and how heavy and how many reps I am going to do. At 4:30, I'm on my bike riding to the gym. By 5 am the one hour of cardio begins, and the rest of the day is going to be easy.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Dog wakes me up...about 3 minutes before the alarm
    let dog out
    call dog to come in
    put on pajama pants and shoes, go get dog from backyard
    feed dog
    shave / dress / contacts / etc.....yes, I'm dressed before I can see
    let dog out again
    get him in again
    Go to work....get huge cup of coffee!
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    You're an awesome friend too. Thanks for that.

    When I wake up in the morning, I look at my autographed picture of Gordie Howe and give thanks that I am a Red Winger for life. After that, I head for the Keurig and hope its stimulation will lead to long lasting effects. No snooze button for me - I'm gonna kick some *kitten* every day.

    Thanx Gunnar! Before I moved I used to have a Red Wings shrine going on in my computer room so every morning I would wake up and look at my signed Lidstrom jersey that I have encased on my wall.
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    LOL well it's kind of an echo here but....

    Hit snooze, roll over
    Hit snooze, moan about getting out of bed and drift off
    Hit snooze, vow to self this is the LAST time to hit snooze
    Hit snooze, then realize exactly WHAT time it is, curse incessantly under my breath, crawl out of bet

    Kamikazee shower, brush teeth, dress children, make protein shake, and make a fast break for the door.

    Haha, yes it seems that most of us dislike the thought of having to wake up in the a.m!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    put on some
  • BenisaMartim4
    BenisaMartim4 Posts: 6 Member
    6:00 *scream, scream, punch, slap* If you kids don't stop and lay back down Mama is coming with the swat (lays back down).
    6:02 *scream, scream, punch, slap* I mean it! (lays back down)
    6:05 *scream, scream, punch, slap* Ok, here I come! *silence* (lays back down)
    6:10 *scream, scream, punch, slap* FINE!! I"M UP!! (happy, happy, joy, joy):yawn:
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    6:00 *scream, scream, punch, slap* If you kids don't stop and lay back down Mama is coming with the swat (lays back down).
    6:02 *scream, scream, punch, slap* I mean it! (lays back down)
    6:05 *scream, scream, punch, slap* Ok, here I come! *silence* (lays back down)
    6:10 *scream, scream, punch, slap* FINE!! I"M UP!! (happy, happy, joy, joy):yawn:

    ouch, you may need to invest in ear plugs and some armor!
  • DangerMouse7
    DangerMouse7 Posts: 57 Member
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*

    I just don't do mornings... :bigsmile:

    ^ This when at home..not usually a morning person...I'm a night owl!! :-)

    But when travelling its very different I'm up at sunrise and off for a walk or swim then get ready for the day. :-)
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Hit snooze a lot, finally get up and find my way to the bathroom, then brush my teeth and hop back into bed for some naughty time

    Did that the other night/day...don't remember his name though.SMH..
  • cranford_s
    cranford_s Posts: 55 Member
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*

    I just don't do mornings... :bigsmile:

    I always seem to be confused about the fact that time doesn't *actually* pause when I hit snooze. Every morning.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    Hit snooze.
    Listen for the dog to jump off the bed signaling he has to potty.
    Stumble into bathrobe
    Turn off house alarm.
    Take the dog out.
    Wait patiently for him to finish.
    Run inside cursing because I REALLY need to use the restroom.
    Trip over toys left out that I can't see because it's still dark out and I'm NOT turning on a light.
    Hear the alarm going off again while on the toilet. Curse some more because the baby has managed to crawl into my bed and that stupid alarm is going to wake him up but I have to finish my business.
    Run through the house like a mad woman yelling at those hidden toys yet again.
    Hit the "off" button on the alarm.
    Hot Date with Pedro the Coffee Pot.
    Wait for Child #1 to roll out of bed and start complaining on lack of school clothes because she forgot to run her laundry through.
    Say good-bye to Child #1 and wait for numbers 2 & 3 to roll out.
    Gossip online with my husband until one of them wakes up.
    Make a midget some breakfast.
    Make another midget some breakfast.
    Still gossiping with husband in between.
    Watch child #2 head off to school.
    Dress in gym clothes.
    Dress child #3
    Tell Husband I love him, but I have to go to the gym now.
    Take dog out.
    Feed & water the dog.
    Grab child #3 and run to the car after triple checking dog is inside and I can lock up the house.
    Forget there is road construction so now I have to rack my brain for alternate routes.
    Reach the gym.
    Explain yet again that someone needs to behave while hanging out at the gym.
    Check into gym.
    Drop off Child #3 at the onsite daycare.
    Explain one more time why they need to behave.
    Find an empty locker.
    Grab the essentials (ancient iPod & water bottle).
    This whole process takes 5 hours.
    The day drastically improves from there. :laugh: :laugh:

    And in 8 days, you'll have to ask again. Welcome Home Hubby :drinker: and welcome to "summer" :noway:
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I start my day making a cold fruit'n'veggie smoothie which I drink standing in a hot shower.

    Its the only way to start the day.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    Alarm goes off, throw myself outta bed or I will never get up
    Get dressed
    Wake up the kids or tell them to turn the tv off and get breakfast
    Cook porridge for my daughter
    Make school lunches
    Nag the kids to get ready for school
    Put wood on the fire
    Remind the boychild that yes he does have to brush his teeth and yes it has to happen every day
    Nag the girlchild to get dressed already
    Put a load of washing on
    Nag the girlchild again to haul *kitten* or we will be late
    Have a drink
    Nag the girlchild yet again to get a wriggle on
    Wonder why the girlchild is so damn slow to get ready for school
    Stand at the door jingling the keys and nagging the girlchild to hurry the hell up
    FInally get both kids in the car
    Drive to pick up the other child we take to school
    Unleash the children on unsuspecting education system
    Drive home
    Head out for a walk for an hour
    Get back,
    Hang the washing out
    Make myself breakfast
    Sit down and log into facebook and mfp intending to only be on there an hour....

    is now 5.30pm and I am still here:grumble:
  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    I work nights, so my "morning" is 4pm. My fiance wakes me up and we go cook dinner together.

    I do some lighter exercising during my breaks at work (walking, some weights) and use my days off to really work up a sweat.
    I'm a night shifter also, alarm goes off at 2:30p, I push snooze 2 time and grumble forcing myself up, bathroom, get dressed workout clothes, make coffee for its ready when I get done with my walk/jog, I go for. 3.1 mile to 4.5 mile walk/jog, get home slam some water, shower, coffee time, feed my family, by this time it's 5:20p get ready and out the door by 6:15p arrive at work by 7p it's a rush, a lot of times I exercise after I get home from work!
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I woke up quick, at about noon
    jus' thought that i had to be in compton soon
    i gotta get drunk before the day begins.....

    where noon is actually 4:30am, and getting drunk is going to the gym
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    Wake up....get some water, sit down and actually wake up ... usually about 6-6:30 I start my workouts....I am dead tired today though!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    5am- my alarm goes off
    I drag myself from bed
    If its a mon, wed or fri- I brush my teeth, throw my running clothes on, stretch and run
    I then do situps and butt/thigh exercises
    On tues/thurs I either do arms or legs
    Drink coffee
    Get kids up
    Drink protein
    745- sitter comes and I go to work
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    im usually up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off, sadly, feed the kids, do my body test on the wii, then start cleaning