Switching over from Loseit 

e46dude Posts: 15 Member
After hearing all the praise for my fitness pal on reddit, I decided to give it a try. So far I'm really impressed with the food database, it has had entries for everything I've checked on. With Loseit I had to manually add a good portion of the things I eat on a regular basis, and often times even things that were in the database weren't completely accurate. 

I'm in the home stretch of my weight loss endeavor, I've lost 134.6lb over the past 25 months; using loseit to count calories and doing a moderate amount of exercise. I still have another 19.4lbs to go before I reach my goal weight of 170lbs, which I hope to achieve by the end of summer. Afterwards, I plan on changing my focus to gaining muscle mass which from what I've read will be another long process. 


  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    Well done on the weight loss so far. MFP is great I am sure you will love it here :)
  • hatsu30
    hatsu30 Posts: 2
    Hey I just switched over from sparkpeople last night! I have lost 77 lbs. there in the last 13 months and now that I am 3 lbs. away from my origional goal weight I have added 20 more. I am now working on becoming more toned and building endurance (my mile time is pretty weak!), and of course the transition from weight loss to maintaining is looming. I refuse to go back to who I was but when I read the stats on how few people actually keep the weight off it makes me nervous. Anyway seems like we are at similar places on the weightloss journey- feel free to add me to your friends. Good luck!!!
  • e46dude
    e46dude Posts: 15 Member
    Great job on your weight loss. I know how it goes for having to update your goal. 
    My original goal was 200lb, but it was pretty apparent after I reached that mark that I still had plenty of fat to lose.  I'm hoping 170lb will put me around 15% BF, if not I may have to reassess again.

    The stats are a little disheartening that so many people gain the weight back. Even in my own family, my sister lost around 100lbs when she was a teenager and gained most of it back over the next ten years. Thankfully though, over the past year she has rededicated herself and is down over 80lb,  she's only a few pounds away from a normal bmi level.
    The stats on regaining the weight is one of the reasons I'm planning on continuing to have fitness goals even after I lose the weight, and I plan on counting calories even during maintance.