Anyone need to lose 100+ lbs. ?

I am starting today. Scared. Jenny Craig, Medifast, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, mixed results every time. I lose 30 or so lbs., people comment on my weight loss and something in me snaps and I binge. I am hoping that by tracking real food and being able to access this site will set me on a new course for health. Has anyone with a similar history found success? I should also mention that I am a school teacher in an at risk district with paperwork that takes 5 hours a day to complete outside of the school day including weekends.


  • lindseypro
    lindseypro Posts: 14
    Welcome! I'm fairly new to MFP too - I tried it last year and for some reason stopped. I had previously lost about 60 pounds with Weight Watchers and I LOVED IT but I stopped tracking, got a new desk job and unfortunately, gained ALL of it back. So here I am, STARTING OVER! There was a forum post earlier today that talked about trying not to look too far in the future and focusing on just today. Your food, your exercise, your commitment to your health. If you renew this commitment EVERYDAY it seems less daunting than "OMG, I have to diet forever?!" I LOVE MFP and I think you will too. I have about 90 pounds to lose until I hit goal weight - and with the support of each other, WE CAN DO IT! Best of luck to you :)
  • griega
    griega Posts: 12
    Thank you for the encouraging words. Focusing on one day at a time may be all I can handle. Good luck to you and HEALTHY EATING. :)
  • moea432
    moea432 Posts: 75 Member
    im going to 84! may need more but idk yet?
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I've definitely had similar experiences. I lost 88 pounds and felt amazing... so amazing I stopped eating right and working out, then gained almost all of it back.

    So I picked myself up again and decided to give it another try. Here I am today feeling like it's not a matter if "if I can do it", and more about "I can't be stopped"!

    I'm still in the thick of it though... 170ish down and 100+ more left to lose. Every new day is a chance to make amazing choices that your body will reward you for. Go get it! :bigsmile:
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    remember to start with small goals and take baby steps. my small goal is 40 lbs, my big goal is over 130.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    You can do it! You'll not do it today or tomorrow, but starting on the path is a good step to take.
    And don't get discouraged about a binge - just use it as a learning curve, and start again the day after.
    If you want to, add me for motivation, since I've got a way to go myself.
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    I have 100+ to lose. Before using this site, I was on low carb, and lost 25lbs doing that
  • griega
    griega Posts: 12
    Thanks for sharing. You are definitely an inspiration, I just have to keep dusting myself off every day. :smile: I will be excited to see you reach your goal!
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    You can do it!! I have another 100 pounds to go - but I am determined!!
  • pbecraft
    pbecraft Posts: 17
    I have 100+ to take off. I too have tried all those plans and did the same thing; once people noticed I figured I was good and let myself sabotage my efforts. Where do you teach? I teach as well, but don't have the 5 hours of paperwork, wow that is a ton of stuff to do in addition to your day:smile: You can do this!
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I know exactly how you feel I've done diets like that lost weight then stopped. Or my family will say something like oh you can't have that donuts and then ate as many as I could just to prove them wrong (or so i thought in my head) Even with the time constraints instead of watching TV on the couch watch TV while working out. That one hour TV show is a 1 hour work out.
  • griega
    griega Posts: 12
    Yep, when they know you are actively trying, they hyper analyze everything. I can vividly remember the breaking points for my time on the Atkins diet and Medifast, it was like a fragile membrane broke and all self-control fled.
  • misugrrl
    misugrrl Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there, I am new here. Decided to give the whole tracking foods a try. I was having some success at maintenance with sparkpeople but decided I needed a little more, so I'm trying here. After a serious back injury that required surgery (I wasn't able to walk at all, was in a wheelchair and was in pain. Terrible way to waste your 20's), I gained roughly 110 pounds. I always a thicker girl, but the 110+ lb weight gain was just too much. On my own, I changed my diet to exclude as much sugar and dairy as possible, and focusing more on whole foods. Its been a struggle, but I have dropped 65 lbs from my highest weight, and today am looking at another 80 or so. It is hard, and I currently go up and down within the same 8 pound range. But, I've maintained the loss for about a year and a half now, and feel its time to refocus my efforts on losing again. Just take it a day at a time. And celebrate the little victories. For example, my family loves to fill the house with icecream and cakes and chips and candies - a victory for me is being able to resist those temptations. I've been doing well, as long as I don't get overwhelmed with the bigger picture. Plus, shopping helps - so much more fun to shop now :) Just find the little things that keep you motivated, keep you happy, and keep you loving yourself. Because remember, your efforts at losing weight are because you do love yourself and want to improve. Good luck!
  • jamie_maddox
    jamie_maddox Posts: 57 Member
    I have 93 lbs. to lose in total. So far I am down 27 lbs. as of today (all since the end of April). I take it 1 day at a time and I set mini-goals for myself (10 lbs. each). Please feel free to friend me on here!!
  • griega
    griega Posts: 12
    Super encouraging. Thank you!
  • Nanee24
    Nanee24 Posts: 21 Member
    You can do it! I've been on my weight loss journey for a year in August and started with 100 to lose. I had hoped to be down at least 52 lbs (one a week) by the one year mark. Got a little side tracked over the last few months and have been stuck at 33. BUT...I am down 33! I take it one day at a time and I look at all of the things I can do now that I couldn't do before, like running an entire 5k, participating in obstacle course runs, paddleboarding, hiking, and more. Start keeping note of the non-scale victories...that might help you keep going...and like others have said, one day at a time!
  • My goal is to lose 65 pounds half way there. may want to lose a few more once I reach my goal add me :)
  • Today is my first day. I have a feeling that I'm going to need all the help I can get! I have 92.5 to lose - not quite 100, but close enough! Will look forward to chatting with some of you here!
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I guess I honestly don't know how much I will loose. I've lost 41 lbs so far and I will loose another 60 lbs and than reevalute my "goal" depending on what I feel like, look like and if I think I can lose more or if I'm at a place where I can maintain. I don't think of this as a short term decision. I will be doing this for the rest of my life. It's easier for me to see it that way. I know that it's a forever thing so when I "fall off the wagon" even for a couple of days it's OK- I know that I can just get right back on and pick up where I left off. I have lost weight before and like you I just lost it one day and started to eat again and I didn't stop for 3 years. It was Easter day 2003 I remember it- I had Easter dinner and I don't think I gave it a thought again until last year. My wight loss is slow, but I know that this is something that I will be doing for the rest of my life so when I only loose .5 a week I just smile and think hey it's still a loss. I work out 5-7 days a week for about 1.5 hours alternating running/strengh training and just running. Good Luck- just take it one day at a time and if you have a bad food day- just pick it up again tomorrow.
  • somatiff
    somatiff Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome to mfp!

    I've been a member for a while, but I am just now getting involved on the boards in order to get some inspiration and motivation from people!

    I am 5'3, just weighed back in at 219 last Friday and realized that I had reallllllllly fallen off the wagon. I have to get back on the wagon again though so I am determined to make it work this time.

    I ultimately would like to lose about 90 lbs, but right now, I'd just like to lose 30 to start! We can do this. :)

    Add me as a friend if you'd like and we can encourage each other.