anybody ever hit ur goal & then fall off the wagon?

I started out at 220.

Dropped down to 180 (even then still felt fat even though I was far from it)

I had a surgery, had no activity for 2 months and stayed that way.

Went back up to 210 and now I look back and kick myself for it.

I see my 180 pics and Im like what were you thinking? You looked fantastic!

Now its even harder to lose the weight. I shouldve never ever ever fallen off and its stressing me out!

Anybody else have a similar problem???


  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    YUP!!!!! I find myself hanging barely onto the wagon lately and it scares me!
  • I was down to 190 about seven months ago from 250.

    I am currently 260. I can't even see the fu%king wagon. All I can see is McDonalds and Taco Bell wrappers.
  • jwshmoe75
    jwshmoe75 Posts: 119
    I know the feeling. I lost 64 pds on WW. Then fell off. All I had was 30 more pds left to lose. I STILL kick myself for doing that.
  • LoriJ1782
    LoriJ1782 Posts: 41 Member
    This definitely happened to me. I lost over 100 pounds several years ago and was looking fantastic. I slowly started being more laid back with my diet and exercise and after getting a desk job and being put on meds that cause weight gain I gained all 100 lbs back plus 80 more! I look back on pictures and want to punch myself! From what I hear it is common for this to happen but we have to learn from it. Now I know I must always be strict with myself and hold myself accountable. If the weight starts creeping back on I have to toughen up and stay the course.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I started out at 220.

    Dropped down to 180 (even then still felt fat even though I was far from it)

    I had a surgery, had no activity for 2 months and stayed that way.

    Went back up to 210 and now I look back and kick myself for it.

    I see my 180 pics and Im like what were you thinking? You looked fantastic!

    Now its even harder to lose the weight. I shouldve never ever ever fallen off and its stressing me out!

    Anybody else have a similar problem???

    Heck yeah. 11 years ago I weighed around what I do now..... then I stopped living a healthy life and gained 100 pounds. Not fun to have to lose it all again.
  • NevaStar
    NevaStar Posts: 9
    Yes ! Which is why I am here today (ON MFP) ! I was 213lbs and dropped to 175lbs and flew back up to 207lbs and now it's harder than ever to even get below 200lbs! I hate it, but I know what I am capable of so I am striving for it !
  • BexleyGirl
    BexleyGirl Posts: 102
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Yup - fell off - thought I could handle then kept falling off. Trying to get back on the wagon again...all I can say is I will keep trying!! Good Luck!!
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    That happened to me several times in the last 15 years
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I've done it many times. The secret is to never give up. Three years ago I lost 30 pounds and then gained it all back. Two years ago, I lost 38 pounds and gained 30 back. This past year, I lost over 50 pounds and so far this year I am down another 25 pounds. If you constantly stay focused, track your food, and make plans for success, eventually you will get there. When you reach that goal, don't revert back to old habits. You will have to work even harder.
  • scott1080
    scott1080 Posts: 109 Member
    im in the boat right now i was less then 10lbs from my goal and am currently recovering from surgery for my third week and have gain almost 10lbs back.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Yep, I am one who is barely hanging onto the wagon. My motivation used to be seeing the scale drop every week. Now that I'm pretty much at goal and I don't have to worry about that as much, I'm finding it really difficult to stay motivated.
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member 2008 I went from 194 to 159. Fell off the wagon and went up to 200. Started Jan. 1 at 200 now down to 158.75, and I have that feeling of "is it going to happen again". It kind of scares me. I want to lose 15 more, so I just have to STAY focused.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    I started out at 220.

    Dropped down to 180 (even then still felt fat even though I was far from it)

    I had a surgery, had no activity for 2 months and stayed that way.

    Went back up to 210 and now I look back and kick myself for it.

    I see my 180 pics and Im like what were you thinking? You looked fantastic!

    Now its even harder to lose the weight. I shouldve never ever ever fallen off and its stressing me out!

    Anybody else have a similar problem???

    My issue was pretty similar. I went from 225 to 185 (too quickly...I went through a bad breakup and couldn't bring myself to eat much without getting sick). Everyone told me how fantastic I looked and I felt good...I had goals to lose about 15-25 more--I'm only 5'3", so I needed to lose a bunch. I could have kept that weight while re-introducing healthy eating and exercise, but didn't (too many reasons to name). Over 5 years, I slowly went back up to 225. Now I'm working on losing that again...17(ish) down and a ton more to go! Ugh.

    You can do it, though! :) You did it once, which means it can happen again!!!
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    I am constantly worried about this.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I have lost 100 pounds twice in my life and I have lost 50 - 75 pounds several times. I will add I did become pregnant both times I lost 100 pounds and continued to lost while pregnant then fell off the wagon after both births.
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    Yes! A couple of times, so now I'm back and hoping that the third time is the charm.
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    Yes, it happed it me! I lost probably 20 pounds or so and then fell off the wagon for a few different reasons. I'm back and it sucks to have to lose it again! Fortunately, I didn't gain everything back so don't have as far to go this time.
  • ConstableOdo
    ConstableOdo Posts: 104
    Those stupid wagons have those unyielding wooden wheels. I keep tipping mine over trying to cross streams and then I die of dysentery. New Game.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    Absolutely :( Twice!

    I was always the 'skinny child' in school/home. Then, during my college years I went crazy with eating fast food (which I rarely ever did before).

    At my (first known) highest I was 165 (21 yrs old).
    Then, I lost the weight at 22 yrs old for my sister's Wedding.
    I re-gained the weight after about 2years.
    When I was 27 I was 172.
    I lost the weight again when I turned 29 1/2 (130 pounds).
    I regained the weight a year later, but not all of it. I think I was about 155.

    Now, I'm back to 142 after a long off-and-on struggle this past year. I have 12 pounds to go!