When you fall completely off the wagon...



  • meags1985
    meags1985 Posts: 16
    For me, when I have a bad day/s, I wake up, put on the exercise DVD and just do it. It doesnt matter if I dont feel like it. I never feel like it. So I just force myself to do it, then it's done. Sometimes I have to really force it for a few days, but then it just becomes the usual routine.

    So my advice? Don't think. Just do. Go exercise, eat that healthy food you don't feel like. The first 1-2 days is hard. but then you'll be back on track :)
  • una48
    una48 Posts: 43
    Forgive yourself and move on. Tomorrow is another day. You cant do anything about what the past, but you do have control over what you choose to do tomorrow!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I forgive myself, and start again. Each day is a brand new day. Look forward not backwards. We're human, therefore we will make mistakes. It's not the end of the world, in fact - it's a brand new day. :)

    Love yourself, love your family, and love life. And start again.
  • PinkOrangeYellow
    When I fall off the wagon I find that I have to get back on one hour at a time. I gained back 3.5 pounds last week because of a 3-day, emotional breakdown/binge. When I picked myself back up I seriously had to tell myself that I won't overeat this hour. I don't know what will happen later today, but for this hour I'll be good. Repeat every hour until you get through the day.

    This is brilliant!... deffo going to use this strategy... thank you :flowerforyou:
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    Like dori said in finding nemo... just keep swimming.
    Move on. run that wagon down jump on and hold on for dear life
    Everyone slips up
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    As an expert at fall of the wagon :blushing: I would have to say that forgiving myself and moving on usually isn't enough and I end up falling off for longer because for some reason I don't understand when I try to get back on the wagon I will crave (and usually eat) large amounts of garbage food I wouldn't normally eat! (I am assuming it is not all in my mind but probably because the more sugar/processed carbs you eat the more my body wants). My latest trick that seems to really work for me is to hit the gym for a really good workout, it makes me feel soooo much better and not as hungry or crave so many empty calories and it seems to make it almost effortless with that hop back on to the wagon. It might be worth a try, good luck!:drinker:
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    take it as a cheat weekend, 5lbs is nothing, just be happy you did it and enjoyed it and get back on track!!!

    I always have some days that I say, "screw it" eat everything, next day I hate myself and that makes me do an even better job from then on! :D
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    We're all human :) Get back on that wagon! This is a lifestyle change, doesnt matter how long it takes... :happy:
  • choirgirl1130
    choirgirl1130 Posts: 80 Member
    you just have to LET IT GO! and get back on it RIGHT NOW with your next meal.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    This is why I have a "Free Day". I plan what I know I am going to do anyway.
    In your shoes just acknowledge that you had a fabulous time, but the party is OVER!
    Buck Up!
    And get right back to diet and exercise like it never happened.
    Good Luck!
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    When I fall off the wagon I find that I have to get back on one hour at a time. I gained back 3.5 pounds last week because of a 3-day, emotional breakdown/binge. When I picked myself back up I seriously had to tell myself that I won't overeat this hour. I don't know what will happen later today, but for this hour I'll be good. Repeat every hour until you get through the day.

    I like this advice.....an hour at a time.....gonna try that next time I start to fall!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    The 5-Step Plan to Success After Failure

    You failed at something.

    Maybe you’ve already given up on your New Year’s Resolution. Hell, maybe you don’t even remember what your New Year’s Resolution WAS. Or maybe something else happened in your life that would be considered a fail.

    Long story short: We’ve all been there.

    We all fail at something at some point in our lives – it’s what separates us from the animals.

    “But Steve, that doesn’t make ANY sense, and it’s definitely not true.” you’re probably saying.

    Okay you’re right. But shut up, and go with it.

    Here are five actionable steps you can take to get back on track immediately after failing.

    First and foremost, stick your right hand over the lower left half of your chest.

    (No, your other left).

    Do you feel a heart beat? Fantastic, you are officially “NOT DEAD.” If you don’t feel a heart beat, I’m impressed you’re reading this, so you can stay.

    As I like to say: “Did you wake up this morning? That’s a good start. Build on that.”

    I’ll give you a few hours, maybe even a day or two to feel sorry for yourself. Hell, you can even send me an invite to your pity party. I’m not going to attend, but thanks for thinking of me.

    Do what you need to do to get your failure pity/guilt out of your system. Put on angry music, mope, go cry in the bathroom, rage, whatever you need to do.

    And then freaking SUCK IT UP.

    So you failed – big deal. Sh** happens. What’s important is that your failure doesn’t result in a downward spiral. So, after sucking it up…
  • LittleTrish
    LittleTrish Posts: 27 Member
    When I fall off the wagon I find that I have to get back on one hour at a time. I gained back 3.5 pounds last week because of a 3-day, emotional breakdown/binge. When I picked myself back up I seriously had to tell myself that I won't overeat this hour. I don't know what will happen later today, but for this hour I'll be good. Repeat every hour until you get through the day.

    I tend to fall off the so called wagon too when im going through a stressful period. I will literally drive to Tesco and go straight to the cake section which is my weakness, drive home and eat till Im full to bursting. Its not often this happens but its when im on a real downer and some days I just really hate my body so much BUT I don't stay in that mind fram for too long
  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member
    I fall off the wagon more often than I care to admit. But I noticed that I really do have support here and I just have to ask for it. Just remember that you are doing this for yourself FIRST before anyone else!! You have to put yourself first in this so that everything else will fall into place. I hope that made sense.

    I've been dealing with depression due to being out of work and feeling guilty about it even though it was out of my control. I have no support at home so my way to deal with things is to eat. I need to stop.

    Anyway, just know that you are not alone!! We are here to support you!!

    Good luck!

  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    I am pretty sure I fall off almost EVERY day. Haha... just keep on moving. I like the Nemo reference. Just keep swimmin'. It is not an easy journey. Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust youself off, and start all over again....

    Peace out....
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    This is why I have a "Free Day". I plan what I know I am going to do anyway.
    In your shoes just acknowledge that you had a fabulous time, but the party is OVER!
    Buck Up!
    And get right back to diet and exercise like it never happened.
    Good Luck!

    Agreed... Free Day/Cheat Day/ReFeed there is lots of different ways of saying it but since I began this journey I allow myself a day to have what I want.. Normally I will have a regular breakfast, then something different than the norm for lunch and supper is more of a get out of the way cause its game on type of meal.. Yesterday was my Free Day for this week and we went to our favorite local hamburger joint and I polished off 2 loaded cheeseburgers and a Large Fry and we hit the Dairy Hut for a large Peanut butter cup tornado with nuts (our local ice cream stands take of a DQ blizzard). Had a great night out with the misses, ate some great comfort food and now this morning is back to business as usual.. My daughter and grandkids will be in town next weekend and they want to go out to our local hot spot pizza place (they use to live here and Fat Jacks is the best pizza in 10 county around here) so my Free Day next week is pretty much planned and now I know what I have to do this week to be ready for some awesome pizza... This is how I have done it through 307 lbs. of weightloss... Best of Luck.....
  • gooseafur
    gooseafur Posts: 340 Member
    Dude you're going to fall off again, it's part of the deal, nobody is 100%. I don't think there's a magic solution for this, one just has to keep on keepin' on..............

    love this....

    I just had a few weeks astray from good healthy food also, I too gained 5 lbs. I knew what I was doing, got pissed (at myself), then really disappointed... Thankfully I have a great hubby, kids & MFP friends. I got lots of support while I was down. I'm sure it WILL happen again. Soooo, I and everyone else need to keep in mind, how far we've came and to keep great support at arms reach!! Good Luck....you can do it!!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    When I was losing my weight and "fell off" what got me back "on" was my vision of what I wanted to be. Visualize what you want to look and feel like...I lost my weight a looooong time ago but, I remember I had a clear picture in my head of what I wanted to look like and that got me going and kept me going! Just because you "fall off" doesn't mean you have to "get off" that wagon. Today is a new day, just hop back on! And don't restrict your eating plan too much...allow for occasional "cheats" and aim to eat well, say 85-90% of the time, so that your chances of staying on the beam are better. I'm a junk foodie, not a saint, so I have the occasional treat and I've stayed on the beam for a very long time. It's a new day! Forget yesterday and re-start 2day!
  • HenryIsTheMan
    Remember that youve only got one body and you should keep it in shape and healthy.
    Also find out what made you fall off the wagon, then try adjust it so that barrier is smaller or no longer there, it might be exercising with someone or a certain time of day you prefer going or you need a new program to remotivate etc.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    As an expert at fall of the wagon :blushing: I would have to say that forgiving myself and moving on usually isn't enough and I end up falling off for longer because for some reason I don't understand when I try to get back on the wagon I will crave (and usually eat) large amounts of garbage food I wouldn't normally eat! (I am assuming it is not all in my mind but probably because the more sugar/processed carbs you eat the more my body wants). My latest trick that seems to really work for me is to hit the gym for a really good workout, it makes me feel soooo much better and not as hungry or crave so many empty calories and it seems to make it almost effortless with that hop back on to the wagon. It might be worth a try, good luck!:drinker:

    This is me. I need to do something big to kick start it all over again. Yes, forgive...but don't forget. I try to evaluate what made me go off and learn from it. I now know that during times of crisis is not when I binge but right after when I am tired. When I have been giving and giving and giving and not taking the time I need to recoup, then I binge.

    So, doing something dramatic helps me. Join a challenge, set a goal. Fill the house with healthy choices. Start with a day of fasting and exercise.

    Most importantly, as has been said over and over....Never quit!
