Cheat day :(

Well I was doing really well especially last weekend and last week, but this weekend I had two barbeques with alot of beer and desserts. My two biggest weaknesses. By last night I felt miserable, bloated, tired, and had a headache. I guess this is my bodies way of telling me it likes the healthy food better! It's just so hard to never eat these things and when I have them in moderation I just want more.
I guess better willpower is the answer here. I'll take my 1 lb. gain and move on.


  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Learn from your mistakes. I know we've all been there. The best thing you can do for your body right now is drink lots of WATER and to exercise. Take a long walk, go on a bike ride, do some cardio to get your endorphins running again and you'll feel better in no time.
  • PrincessShay135
    I went off yesterday and gained back 3.6 pounds in one day and almost nothing I ate yesterday was really even worth it. Good luck to both of us as we get back on track and stay there :)
  • Karen5732
    Karen5732 Posts: 64 Member
    We all have bad days, but at midnight they are gone and the best thing to do is forget them and move on....We can not be good all the time's called having a life !!! Hope you are back on track today and good luck
  • Lisapayne76
    Lisapayne76 Posts: 157 Member
    I cheated yesterday for Father's Day (like I needed an excuse) and I am up 1.2 lbs. I am so mad at myself. I always start with a flourish and then find excuses to cheat. I am back on the wagon today and doing my best. Good luck girls. We can do it
  • DrowningMermaid
    I had a really horrible weekend of cheats and refuse to step on the scale or measure until I've had a good week of intake. The least I can say is that I did manage to get in some exercise and sweat a TON. I always feel guilty after a cheat, but I refuse to let myself totally sacrifice everything that tastes great. Excess in moderation~!
  • pk6868
    pk6868 Posts: 16
    I totally understand!!! "Everything in moderation" is great advice, but that is so hard for me. Once I take a bite of a bar or whatever it is, then I just want more. Before you know it I have had a bar, plus a piece of cake with ice cream, and who knows what else I snacked on that really put me over my calorie limit. If I totally limit myself and not eat sweets at all then eventually I end up going back to them and eating way more than I should. This has been a challenge forever for me. I try not to have that stuff in the house, but there is always work and parties, especially in summer. I try to find low calorie desserts to curb that sweet tooth. For example, I found the 3-2-1 cake in one of the recipe posts and so I made that, well I am staying within my calories for the day but I don't think eating that cake everyday is a good idea. :s Somebody please help!!!!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    The biggest thing to learn about a cheat day is that it's one day!!! Move on and get on with life after that day.

    I had a cheat day on Saturday.. heck i had a glass of wine on sunday. For me that's unheard of, but I did it. I felt like crap and then today I am down a pound. Sometimes it helps if you shock your body and then you are ready to go again with renewed energy.
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    Sounds like a food hangover! Pick yourself up and move on :-)
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    What ever you gain will come off again its no biggy as long as you get back on track you'll be ok it happens don't worry about it :happy:
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Odds are you won't see any "real" weight gain. You would have to eat a LOT of calories for that to happen. Now, you might see some water weight due to sodium or a temporary gain due to simply the physical amount of food you put in your system. Honestly I would NOT weight within the next couple of days because the scale might show these temp amounts and depress you... but it will come off. ONE DAY is not going to ruin your weight loss!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I don't have a cheat day. I have a reward day. And on that day (usually Saturday or Sunday), to my daily goal I add 100 calories for each day I hit my cardio and food goals. I've started doing this more and more as I've been going. I can even earn a bonus 25 for each 200 extra cardio cals I burn per day (admittedly I don't usually hit this one). Total I can get is 750 extra yummy, well earned cals. Keep in mind this is built into my weekly caloric goal. So daily goals are 1200 cals (I do not eat back mine) to maintain. 583 calories burned each day (no comments about net cals for the day, I have a low metabolism and this is OK with my doc). Weekly cal goals are 9000 (1287 or something like that a day - still a maintenance amount for me). Let's face it, unless there is a wedding or something on the weekend where I know I'm going to possibly be stupid, I about never get those extra 25 a day.

    That means I get what I want, I just can't go ballistic, you know. And I do lose weight. Most weeks it's about .5 lbs and that is OK with me.

    I feel better calling it a reward day and not a cheat day. Cheating makes it sound like I'm doing something I'm not supposed to do, and I really don't feel like that is what I'm doing.

    Take care and be healthy. You deserve it!!