Stay At Home Dad



  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I came back for one more thought. teeheee NEVER be a stay at home parent if you like going to the bathroom in alone / or at least in peace.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    focus on your own lives instead of worrying about others.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    So, to shut up the idiots on here. I went to the IRS website and found some stats. I don't like revealing my personal income to strangers, but let's say using Adjusted Gross Income I made more last year than about 80% of Americans who file tax returns (not counting my wife's income).

    I will venture to say to the a-holes on here, I likely (using statistics, and some common sense) make more money than you, maybe times 2. And I donated 16% of my pre-tax income to charitable organizations. What did you do?

    I would also like to add I have a 4 year degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Information systems from a University. What do you have?

    I am a STAY AT HOME DAD because I choose to be. I could afford to put my child in an expensive daycare or even hire a nanny, but instead I choose to take personal interest in my child's well being and impart my values and sacrifice my own time.

    I couldn't stand any more of the knuckle-dragging posts on here, sorry if I come off as arrogant. Sometimes it's the only way to shut up the naysayers.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    You want to know if that 'emasculates' him......Even if the situation is as you assume, One would think that he is more of a man then some others because obviously he has the 'kahunas' and pride to stand up and admit to being a SAHD. Some men would hide the fact and be embarassed of it. THOSE are the men who are emasculated in my humble opinion.

  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    So, to shut up the idiots on here. I went to the IRS website and found some stats. I don't like revealing my personal income to strangers, but let's say using Adjusted Gross Income I made more last year than about 80% of Americans who file tax returns (not counting my wife's income).

    I will venture to say to the a-holes on here, I likely (using statistics, and some common sense) make more money than you, maybe times 2. And I donated 16% of my pre-tax income to charitable organizations. What did you do?

    I would also like to add I have a 4 year degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Information systems from a University. What do you have?

    I am a STAY AT HOME DAD because I choose to be. I could afford to put my child in an expensive daycare or even hire a nanny, but instead I choose to take personal interest in my child's well being and impart my values and sacrifice my own time.

    I couldn't stand any more of the knuckle-dragging posts on here, sorry if I come off as arrogant. Sometimes it's the only way to shut up the naysayers.

    Love it!!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i would love it if my hubby was a "stay at home dad" but our kids would have him tared and feathered hanging from a cealing fan by the end of the first week, i left him alone with them for a weekend once, it wasnt pritty.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    most women these days feel entitled to be a stay at home mom and send the kids to pre school, do nails, and shopping, and out drink me on the weekends? Love a women with a little motivation in life, highly unlikely in this century.

    I was a SAHM for ten years, and let me tell you, I WISH I would have had the time (or the money!) to get my nails done, or go shopping, or sit on the couch watching soaps and eating bon-bons like I bet you think all SAHMs do.

    I work a full time job (10 hours/day) and still come home and do it all. I'm a single mom, and proud of it- I left an abusive situation and it took a lot out of me, but I'm still here and the b@stard didn't grind me down like he wanted to.

    Not all women are the same, and not all situations are the same. Painting everyone with the same brush doesn't make you look any better or smarter.

    I have been a SAHM since I was pg with the third (bed rest). It wasn't lucrative for me to go back to work when she was small because my job wasn't that high paying. I did still do college at night, though. Then we found out that #3 had numerous heart defects; she had open heart surgery and I just didn't trust anyone else to keep her when she was smaller. Just at graduation time for me, I found out I was pregnant with #4. Then it was way too expensive to go back to work. Then #5. Same story. I will go back to work after they're all in school. As far as nails-I don't get my nails done. I cut my own hair (and the kids' hair for that matter). There isn't enough money for that fancy crap. I use tax money to prepay my gym membership for a year, and with that, I get 2 hours a day of their childcare while I am on premises. That's the ONLY extra money I spend. I shop at Goodwill and thrift stores for my own clothes (except gym clothes; I buy clearance for ones that have never been worn; that's just gross). I feel no "entitlement" beyond being entitled to raise the babies I brought into this world...Oh, and I don't drink. OR go out "with the girls." My life revolves around my children and my home.
  • AnnMarie518
    So, to shut up the idiots on here. I went to the IRS website and found some stats. I don't like revealing my personal income to strangers, but let's say using Adjusted Gross Income I made more last year than about 80% of Americans who file tax returns (not counting my wife's income).

    I will venture to say to the a-holes on here, I likely (using statistics, and some common sense) make more money than you, maybe times 2. And I donated 16% of my pre-tax income to charitable organizations. What did you do?

    I would also like to add I have a 4 year degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Information systems from a University. What do you have?

    I am a STAY AT HOME DAD because I choose to be. I could afford to put my child in an expensive daycare or even hire a nanny, but instead I choose to take personal interest in my child's well being and impart my values and sacrifice my own time.

    I couldn't stand any more of the knuckle-dragging posts on here, sorry if I come off as arrogant. Sometimes it's the only way to shut up the naysayers.

    WHOOO HOOO! Well put. Your children are very lucky to have you!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    I came back for one more thought. teeheee NEVER be a stay at home parent if you like going to the bathroom in alone / or at least in peace.

    amen sister ...:embarassed: i miss peeing alone:embarassed:
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    I came back for one more thought. teeheee NEVER be a stay at home parent if you like going to the bathroom in alone / or at least in peace.

    amen sister ...:embarassed: i miss peeing alone:embarassed:

    Gah! I walked in on you ONE TIME... and I've never heard the end of it.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I love it when people claim to be "stay at home" then 10-20 years down the road kids are all out of the house, and your stuck without a job. Your left with nothing because you chose a profession that requires no education, no authority to report to, and the overall lack of knowledge needed to even apply for a job. The only time i would agree with someone being a stay at home parent is if they had a baby. Lazy bums..

    I somewhat agree/understand....however, I stayed home with my children until they began preschool. Prior to that, I wanted them raised by me. Once they both started school, I went back to work. I put being a SAHM on my resume so that employers would see why there is a gap. I have an amazing job that I love and it didn't matter that I took off work for those years.

    In my opinion everyone should make a name for themselves.. Being a stay at home parent is a short-medium term life goal. Raising a single child doesn't require a lifetime.. I agree if parents want to raise there child outside the daycare enviroment, but as soon as school starts there is no reason why someone can't pursue a career or a serious hobby that doesn't burden other people around them.

    Burden other people around them? How does a woman/man staying home somehow burden you? My husband isn't burdened. He rather likes having a SAHW. He is proud to tell people that he is not only the bread winner, but the sole wage earner. It somehow helps his manhood or some such silliness. He hated the fact that we needed the money and I had to work before...
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    So, to shut up the idiots on here. I went to the IRS website and found some stats. I don't like revealing my personal income to strangers, but let's say using Adjusted Gross Income I made more last year than about 80% of Americans who file tax returns (not counting my wife's income).

    I will venture to say to the a-holes on here, I likely (using statistics, and some common sense) make more money than you, maybe times 2. And I donated 16% of my pre-tax income to charitable organizations. What did you do?

    I would also like to add I have a 4 year degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Information systems from a University. What do you have?

    I am a STAY AT HOME DAD because I choose to be. I could afford to put my child in an expensive daycare or even hire a nanny, but instead I choose to take personal interest in my child's well being and impart my values and sacrifice my own time.

    I couldn't stand any more of the knuckle-dragging posts on here, sorry if I come off as arrogant. Sometimes it's the only way to shut up the naysayers.

    I'm a lawyer and decided to stay home with the kiddies. The guys who are dissing SAHD's have no idea what its like to be a parent.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    The guys who are dissing SAHD's have no idea what its like to be a parent.

    ^5. Or dissing SAHM's too. Being a SAHP is a tough freaking job. 24/7. No vacation. No OT pay. Always on duty.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    The guys who are dissing SAHD's have no idea what its like to be a parent.

    ^5. Or dissing SAHM's too. Being a SAHP is a tough freaking job. 24/7. No vacation. No OT pay. Always on duty.

    yes, SAHM too. lol.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    The guys who are dissing SAHD's have no idea what its like to be a parent.

    ^5. Or dissing SAHM's too. Being a SAHP is a tough freaking job. 24/7. No vacation. No OT pay. Always on duty.

    yes, SAHM too. lol.

    Although I do get that for whatever reason, guys get razzed about it more often than women. Silly. Babies are made by two people. Two people are responsible for them. I personally feel either one of those two people should raise them up--not people getting paid to do it.

    I was really lucky as a young single mom way back when, and my sister and mother (sometimes my father) always babysat so I didn't have to pay a sitter. I knew they were still being loved just like I'd love them. At a childcare facility, you really never know. It's a crap shoot. There are children who are killed or injured there. My friend's baby was severely burned at a daycare. By DRAINO in her diaper. She had to have skin grafts. :(
  • BadCookieMonster
    So, to shut up the idiots on here. I went to the IRS website and found some stats. I don't like revealing my personal income to strangers, but let's say using Adjusted Gross Income I made more last year than about 80% of Americans who file tax returns (not counting my wife's income).

    I will venture to say to the a-holes on here, I likely (using statistics, and some common sense) make more money than you, maybe times 2. And I donated 16% of my pre-tax income to charitable organizations. What did you do?

    I would also like to add I have a 4 year degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Information systems from a University. What do you have?

    I am a STAY AT HOME DAD because I choose to be. I could afford to put my child in an expensive daycare or even hire a nanny, but instead I choose to take personal interest in my child's well being and impart my values and sacrifice my own time.

    I couldn't stand any more of the knuckle-dragging posts on here, sorry if I come off as arrogant. Sometimes it's the only way to shut up the naysayers.

    I love post like this... First off i do not donate money, i will donate clothing and household items to goodwill. I have a 4 year degree in computer information systems followed up by several certificates that require college education. I currently work in government defense & military. I am also a father.. and her mother was a stay at home mom until she went to school, then she went back to work.. my question is.. What are you going to do when your kids to go school? Are you going to stay at home and collect coupons to shop at the local dollar store? Are you going to use the excuse that you have to stay at home and cook dinner, do laundry, and clean dishes before picking up the kiddos from school? All while you catch up on your daily soap shows i bet.. I am sorry, but in my honest opinion i call complete B/S on Guys that are stay at home dads. Not to be confused with stay at home parents that raise their children until school age then return to work. Sorry if i hurt your feelings, but i am calling it how i see it.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member

    I love post like this... First off i do not donate money, i will donate clothing and household items to goodwill. I have a 4 year degree in computer information systems followed up by several certificates that require college education. I currently work in government defense & military. I am also a father.. and her mother was a stay at home mom until she went to school, then she went back to work.. my question is.. What are you going to do when your kids to go school? Are you going to stay at home and collect coupons to shop at the local dollar store? Are you going to use the excuse that you have to stay at home and cook dinner, do laundry, and clean dishes before picking up the kiddos from school? All while you catch up on your daily soap shows i bet.. I am sorry, but in my honest opinion i call complete B/S on Guys that are stay at home dads. Not to be confused with stay at home parents that raise their children until school age then return to work. Sorry if i hurt your feelings, but i am calling it how i see it.

    And it is so sad when people are blinded by idiocy and just can't see a thing....

    so sad.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657

    I love post like this... First off i do not donate money, i will donate clothing and household items to goodwill. I have a 4 year degree in computer information systems followed up by several certificates that require college education. I currently work in government defense & military. I am also a father.. and her mother was a stay at home mom until she went to school, then she went back to work.. my question is.. What are you going to do when your kids to go school? Are you going to stay at home and collect coupons to shop at the local dollar store? Are you going to use the excuse that you have to stay at home and cook dinner, do laundry, and clean dishes before picking up the kiddos from school? All while you catch up on your daily soap shows i bet.. I am sorry, but in my honest opinion i call complete B/S on Guys that are stay at home dads. Not to be confused with stay at home parents that raise their children until school age then return to work. Sorry if i hurt your feelings, but i am calling it how i see it.

    And it is so sad when people are blinded by idiocy and just can't see a thing....

    so sad.

    Unrelated side-note: Every time I see your picture, I play the Brady Bunch theme in my head. ;)
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I think stay at home dads are awesome! I'd rather work then stay at home any day of the week and double bonus if my husband stayed home. Saves money! I think its so silly that people get all revved up about stupid gender stereotypes. Its all about the kids/income.... if you can make ends meet and everyone is happy then more power to whatever you are doing.
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I wrote 10 replies to this thread and erased them all. I applaud ALL parents taking care of their children. Whether you are a sahm, sahd, parent with joint custody, working (outside the home) parent, military parent, or any combination of these. As long as you love your children and are doing the best by them that you can, what difference does it make. I am a sahm that works part time from home, and I feel guilty for not being a better mom, having a super clean house, bringing in $$. I have a great supportive and involved husband, and he feels guilty for not being able to be here more. My sister works, and she feels guilty for working and having to travel sometimes. My bil is an AWESOME sahd and he feels guilty that my sister has the better working situation. It is a personal choice for every family, why the need to bash choices that aren't yours to make?