
My biggest downfall right now is holding myself accountable to myself. I seem to think that I can just eat a snack that I am craving since no one will know about it. Or if I gain that no one will care (besides myself of course).
I have tried Weight Watchers but even though I weighed in week after week, I seemed to get lost in the shuffle and if I ever had a gain I was always told that next week will be better. Gets kind of frustrating.

Sorry....vent over.

Feel free to friend me if you feel that you could kick my *kitten* in gear LOL.


  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Okay think of this. If you want to a snack that's not on your radar for the day go for a walk to burn it off. After a while you'll come to realize if I keep on going over then I need to exercise to get back on track. Its the most basic way of thinking about it.
  • 1nsanity
    1nsanity Posts: 95 Member
    Okay think of this. If you want to a snack that's not on your radar for the day go for a walk to burn it off. After a while you'll come to realize if I keep on going over then I need to exercise to get back on track. Its the most basic way of thinking about it.

    i pretty much see extra food in terms of exercise now after starting mfp. i may be craving some cake... but i sure as **** aint craving the 20 minutes of cardio im gonna need to burn it off. helps me a lot to stay away from the bad stuff.
  • mcnultymm
    mcnultymm Posts: 1
    I have a similar issue of being accountable to myself and I also did Weight Watchers for a year. I keep trying to get away with as much as possible and push the limits of my food intake without gaining. First things first, being aware of my 'mood' and 'cravings'. Today I was bored so I went to the snack drawer for something sweet. I picked up a cookie, then threw it away and ate an apple instead. It did the trick. I think we all need to embrace our small accomplishments and make one good decision at a time. They're sure to add up and show on the scale.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Two tips that worked for me:

    1. I try to avoid the simple carb foods that give me the cravings in the first place- things like chips, crackers, pretzels- because if I eat them, even in the right portion, 15-20 minutes I want more! I have replaced those simple carb foods with more complex carb varies, and/or protein instead.

    2. Plan your "must have snack" into your journal, first thing if you must, so you already have the calories alloted and won't feel guilty for having your treat! My evening snack lately has been sugar free choc pudding and cool whip, or sugar free Klondike bar!

    Break the cycle and it will be easier! You can do it!