I need Lunch ideas!



  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    I'll do a cup of couscous with a cup of roasted veggies (lately squash, zucchini, and eggplant) and a sprinkle of romano cheese, maybe with some diced tomatoes.

    A cup of pasta topped with roasted eggplant, roasted tomatoes, and 1oz mozzerella.

    Salad with grilled chicken breast and balsamic and oil.

    Pita with hummus and diced tomatoes, cucumbers, and olives.

    A cup of rice with half a cup of black beans, topped with salsa, cilantro, and a lime squeeze.

    Leftovers are great. Sandwiches are nice too.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    my favourite lunch is a soup & sandwich!

    Buy some low sodium soups or make your own in bulk & freeze it.
    My favourite is called Fall Harvest Soup:

    2 Tbsp butter or oil
    1 Large onion, chopped
    2 Large leeks (white part only), chopped
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1 Large potato, peeled & diced
    1 Cup chopped celery
    1 Cup chopped carrots
    1 Medium butternut squash, peeled & diced
    1 Large tart apple, peeled & diced
    5 Cups of chicken stock (I use vegetable because I am a vegetarian)
    1 Tsp thyme
    1/2 Tsp ground allspice
    1/4 Tsp nutmeg
    salt & pepper

    Saute onion, leeks and garlic in butter in large pot over medium heat until soft. Add potato, carrots, celery squash, apple and stock. Bring to boil, then reduce heat. Cover and simmer about 30 minutes, until vegetables are tender. Add seasonings.

    Puree mixture until smooth in blender or food processor. Return to pot and heat well, but do not boil.

    Serve piping hot, garnished with minced chives or green onions.

    Yield: 6-8 servings

    looks like baby food, tastes like heaven
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I eat WW and Lean cuisine but the sodium doesn't really affect me....I did make sandwiches for awhile but I got tired of them.

    Sara Lee 45& delightful bread (2 slices)- 90 calories
    1oz cheddar Cheese - 110 calories
    Oscar Meyer Deli turkey - 45/50 calories for 6 slices
    1 snack pack of mini rice cakes - 90 cal/bag

    Total 335 cal for lunch!
  • misfit34
    misfit34 Posts: 104 Member
  • trinoc
    trinoc Posts: 73
    I do a lot of the options mentioned.

    I also love big veggie wraps w/ hummus and any vegetable I have in the fridge wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla. Or, mmmmm, avocado!

    Cottage cheese and grape tomatoes are a favorite of mine.

    Mini-frittas are delicious and easy to make ahead and heat up at work. Mix up eggs, milk, and any fillers you love (I adore spinach, mushrooms, and cheese...peppers are good, so are onions, just anything works...even some meat if you want). Spray a muffin tin w/ cooking spray. Add egg/vegetable mixture to each tin and bake at 350 deg F until set. Pop them out and freeze...then they can be reheated for lunch or breakfast.

    I also love homemade granola and yogurt for lunch.

    OR...a great big smoothie.
  • cOOkieLpX
    cOOkieLpX Posts: 63 Member
    I love lentil soup. I make it once in a while and pack in baggies then freeze them. I pull one out to take to work and dump it in a mug and microwave it. Once you can make lentil soup, you can pretty much use the same recipe but with garbanzo, split peas or lima beans. I try not to but I enjoy it the most with a piece of baguette bread. I know its the summer but I love soups anytime of the year.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    Diced Sweet potato, black beans, and (barbeque) rice... Easy to prepare in the microwave and very filling
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I'm a sandwich, salad, leftovers kind of person. If I have something in the fridge from the night before: Awesome. Sandwich: meat, cheese, condiment, lettuce, tomato, various veggies, etc. Salad? Tons of veggies, different dressings, sometimes combined with a sandwich or leftovers on top.

    Usually between the leftovers, sandwiches/wraps and salads I never eat the same thing twice for lunch in one week.
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Personally, for me salads don't leave me satified and I get bored and you know what happens then.

    I find soup is filling and you can make so many kinds that I haven't been bored and I eat them every weekday for lunch. I usually do a double batch on the weekend and freeze half. That way I always have a few varieties in the freezer to choose from.

    Canned soup is very high in sodium so it's best if you make your own. Not only can you use the low sodium, low fat broth but you can leave out things you may not like. For me it's peas and mushrooms. There's a whole world of flavors out there from spicy korean beef to Sausage, Kale & Lentil to Mexican Meatball. Your tastebuds will be dancing with happiness and you'll actually look forward to lunch instead of it being a chore to chomp through yet another bowl of greens.

    Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a salad now & then as a side, but it just doesn't fill me up more than an hour as a meal..

    Cooking Light, Better Homes & Gardens special cooking editions, Weight Watchers and Eating Well magazines are great resources for soups & stews. And don't forget the internet and your own imagination. The majority I've made are under 300 calories a cup!
  • lfm1968
    lfm1968 Posts: 44 Member
    I do lunches that I can make on the weekend ahead of time.
    I pre-make salads with all the good veggies you like and use the Bolthouse dressing (they are yogurt or olive oil based and pretty good). Add a greek yogurt or grilled chicken/tuna on the salad and you're good to go.
    There is also a good black bean/quinoa dish that I like to make (low in sodium high in fiber and protein) that I got off of the allrecipes.com website. I separate out into serving size portions and store.
    I also will cut up fruit and make 1.5 cup servings ahead of time or cut up apples to grab and go.
    Hope this helps -- Good Luck!
  • sonjalucia
    sonjalucia Posts: 120 Member
    Today is meatless Monday for me:

    3 cups of baby arugula salad
    1 tbsp of Zorba's Goat yogurt tzatziki and 1/2 fresh lemon juice
    1 pkg of New Zealand Kiwi Mussels (steamed with 3/4c. water, dill and lemon juice)
    1/4 pkg sunrise firm Tofu

    That with a partly skimmed mozarella string cheese and 2 plain rice cakes is heavenly!
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Lean Cuisine and other frozen meals are garbage! Loaded with sodium and unhealthy carbs, processed meats...yuck!


    Just start eating salad for lunch! At first you'll really miss all the refined carbs and whatnot, but over time you'll start to really enjoy the salads.
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    my favourite lunch is a soup & sandwich!

    Buy some low sodium soups or make your own in bulk & freeze it.
    My favourite is called Fall Harvest Soup:

    2 Tbsp butter or oil
    1 Large onion, chopped
    2 Large leeks (white part only), chopped
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1 Large potato, peeled & diced
    1 Cup chopped celery
    1 Cup chopped carrots
    1 Medium butternut squash, peeled & diced
    1 Large tart apple, peeled & diced
    5 Cups of chicken stock (I use vegetable because I am a vegetarian)
    1 Tsp thyme
    1/2 Tsp ground allspice
    1/4 Tsp nutmeg
    salt & pepper

    Saute onion, leeks and garlic in butter in large pot over medium heat until soft. Add potato, carrots, celery squash, apple and stock. Bring to boil, then reduce heat. Cover and simmer about 30 minutes, until vegetables are tender. Add seasonings.

    Puree mixture until smooth in blender or food processor. Return to pot and heat well, but do not boil.

    Serve piping hot, garnished with minced chives or green onions.

    Yield: 6-8 servings

    looks like baby food, tastes like heaven

    MUST try this, yum.
  • molly_grue
    molly_grue Posts: 215 Member
    I eat a lot of eggs lately. I nuke them in the microwave for 45 seconds rather than cooking them in a pan. I usually put them on pc thin buns.
    greek yogurt is great for lunch. I like to put a tablespoon on pumpkin seeds in mine.
  • cowgirlup327
    cowgirlup327 Posts: 58 Member
    You can make some great lunches if you're willing to do a bit more prep the night before (or maybe even just a couple of nights a week).

    - Cut up some chicken breast and cook in a bit of olive oil and garlic. Can have enough for a few days to add to salads or steamed veggies (I like to get the Green Giant Healthy Vision frozen veggie package - low on sodium and fat...adding chicken gives you your protein).

    - Quinoa (protein) with summer squash/zucchini, carrots, broccoli cooked with it. Sprinkle on a little parmesan cheese. 1 cup of quinoa (dry) makes a huge amount!

    - Set aside a portion of the previous night's dinner to have for lunch.

    - On the weekend, make a batch of chili, chicken soup, etc. and freeze in 1-2 serving size containers. Thaw the night before so you'll be able to have for lunch the next day.

    - Hummus with raw veggies and/or crackers, low-fat string cheese, apple slices with a little peanut butter, raw almonds, yogurt with fruit/honey/oats/etc. are all great "extras" to add to a light lunch.

    - Morningstar Farms Spicy Black Bean burgers are awesome. Microwave 1 burger (120 calories) for 1 min. 30 sec., chop up in a tortilla with a little shredded cheese or salsa. MSF and Boca have a decent selection of "burgers" that are great and lots of ways to eat them besides as a traditional burger.
  • Sometimes I want something sweet for lunch. I'll sometimes toast a piece of whole grain bread, add 1 tbsp peanut butter, a sliced banana and 1/2 tsp honey to the top. Delicious!

    Also I like combining a cup of Fage 0% total plain greek yogurt with fresh berries and/or watermelon, and a couple tbsp of granola on top. A couple raisins in it are really good as they add a bit of texture and sweetness.

    Salads are also great! I have noticed, though, that they don't fill me up unless I have both a healthy fat and protein in them. I like adding fish and avocado, and using balsamic or red wine vinegar as a dressing. Yum!

    And I agree with the posters above who like sandwiches/soups too. Tuna salad sandwich on toasted bread is an old fave. A homemade veggie wrap with hummus, feta, and mixed vegetables is great too! And I like any "chunky" hot soup.

    I will also sometimes have a meal replacement shake. I don't mean one from one of those scam companies. I make my own healthy one. You can add something sweet (banana/berries/tsp. honey)/something green (think spinach/kale)/protein powder/skim milk or a low or non-fat alternative like soy or almond milk.
  • Mariang83
    Mariang83 Posts: 1
    :smile: thanks for the GREAT ideas!