New Body November Week 1 (Anyone Welcome)



  • tecatecate
    I know this group has been going on for a week but I would like to join. I really need some motivation. I have been on a plateau for about 3 months now and just found this site this morning.

    Here are my stats:
    SW 294
    CW 258
    GW175 Overall
    End of month 248 (10 pounds is reasonable, right?)

    I got a membership to the Y and will start a class tomorrow. I also have a walking video that I am going to do in the mornings. I wish everyone luck. I will weigh in tomorrow, mid-day and see if the past 4 days have been good to me:)
  • madelinetg15
    Welcome tecatecate 10 pounds in a month is great. Keep up with what your doing and we will support you in every way we can.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Another great morning work out and I did pilates last night... Yeah me!!!!!

    Not sure if I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday to follow everyone else. I was doing Wednesdays.. If I'm down tomorrow I will use that as my new day, if not I'll wait til Wednesday...

    Here's to a GREAT FRIDAY for everyone...
    Have a great weekend
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Good morning! Down .4, for a total of 6.2 since Monday, I'm feeling great (water, water, but I don't care, I'm a super-bloater).

    Planning on trying a core class today at the club, followed by yoga. Have an easy run planned w/ a neighbor later this afternoon, beautiful day for it here!

    Hope everyone gets their workouts in, eats well, and keeps the motivation up! I think it's important to know this is a journey, not a day to day thing, each day certainly counts, but don't get down on yourself if you don't like how 1 day goes, keep up your new healthy practices and they will pay off, and don't forget to take a rest day, those are important too!
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    My daughter kept me up until after 1:30 last night, so I slept through my workout. I’m going to try to get a walk at lunch and/or do a video tonight when I get home. They have goodies all over my office today and temptation is calling me, but other than one cookie, I’m avoiding it.
    I did download the C25k podcasts from iTunes last night and if I can figure out how to get them on my cheepie MP3 player (or convince the husband to let me borrow one of his 2 ipods) I might take my big booty out for a run tomorrow before we drive to Oklahoma. On Sunday I plan on starting CharLean Extreme again, but using different cardio than she has on the cardio days.

    Smileydays- Welcome.

    Angiebanie That brisket sounds yummy, do you have a recipie for it?

    Naircint- Congrat son the 3 lb loss!

    Tecate- Welcome!
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    Morning All!

    Welcome to all the new members I wish much luck and look forward to supporting you!

    I went to the gym this morning since I took the day off ffrom my main job. Ok so I was forced to take the vac day or I lose it, not doing that! I got a really good workout in and the leg is doing ok so all is good. I really want to try and go back out tonight and see if I can do another hour of cardio but I will see how my leg does. I also plan to go the basement so I can do that 30 day shred video that might kill me but it will be worth it

    Well time to get my day started and get things done since i have the day off. YAY cleaning! what fun!

    I will weigh in in the morning and see how I have done.

    Good luck to all in the morning!

  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing really well at their workouts. Tomorrow I am dragging my hubby to the gym so we can renew the membership. I LOVED how I felt after working out, and I cant wait to get back into it. I am thinking it will really push my weightloss numbers up once I am working out and eatting healthy, not just working out.

    I don't typically get on during the weekends, so good luck with the weekend everyone (my hardest time to eat right)! I am going to an iceskating fundraiser with Scott Hamilton on Saturday, and then to a huge dinner at a very fancy resturant. I am looking forward to it, but I hope I can overcome the temptation of all the yummy foods.

    Good luck with the weigh girls! Have a great weekend.:flowerforyou:
  • madelinetg15
    tahmed just remember portion control and you should be able to make it through the yummy foods. Also try to eat something high in protein before you go. It will help you feel full longer and you won't be starving when you get there. That is how people over eat.

    I will have the new thread up late tonight so look for it Saturday morning to post your weighs and other comments.
  • AmandaB4588
    Another great morning work out and I did pilates last night... Yeah me!!!!!

    Not sure if I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday to follow everyone else. I was doing Wednesdays.. If I'm down tomorrow I will use that as my new day, if not I'll wait til Wednesday...

    Here's to a GREAT FRIDAY for everyone...
    Have a great weekend

    I like doing Saturday weigh-ins because they help keep me from doing bad things on Friday! :laugh:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Another great morning work out and I did pilates last night... Yeah me!!!!!

    Not sure if I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday to follow everyone else. I was doing Wednesdays.. If I'm down tomorrow I will use that as my new day, if not I'll wait til Wednesday...

    Here's to a GREAT FRIDAY for everyone...
    Have a great weekend

    I like doing Saturday weigh-ins because they help keep me from doing bad things on Friday! :laugh:

    yeah, I like Wednesday because I then have time to shed my bad weekends... Not sure why, but friday nights I really enjoy having a few cocktails to unwind after my week in the office and running kids everywhere.
    I actully just had Red Lobster for lunch with my hubby and did it around 600 cal's. So I feel really full right now, but plan on doing something tonight before we go to our sons football game.
  • AmandaB4588
    Another great morning work out and I did pilates last night... Yeah me!!!!!

    Not sure if I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday to follow everyone else. I was doing Wednesdays.. If I'm down tomorrow I will use that as my new day, if not I'll wait til Wednesday...

    Here's to a GREAT FRIDAY for everyone...
    Have a great weekend

    I like doing Saturday weigh-ins because they help keep me from doing bad things on Friday! :laugh:

    yeah, I like Wednesday because I then have time to shed my bad weekends... Not sure why, but friday nights I really enjoy having a few cocktails to unwind after my week in the office and running kids everywhere.
    I actully just had Red Lobster for lunch with my hubby and did it around 600 cal's. So I feel really full right now, but plan on doing something tonight before we go to our sons football game.

    Wow--- how'd you keep it at 600?? I cannot help but indulge on the cheesy rolls, yum!!
  • tecatecate
    Good afternoon! I am super pumped today. I got in my am workout and had a good healthy breakfast. I just had a wonderful lunch which I am glad to say filled me up. I checked the scale today, only lost 1 pound which made me smile, the scale is finally moving!!! I will check back next week to see how everyone is doing. Keep up the good work!
  • madelinetg15
    Another great morning work out and I did pilates last night... Yeah me!!!!!

    Not sure if I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday to follow everyone else. I was doing Wednesdays.. If I'm down tomorrow I will use that as my new day, if not I'll wait til Wednesday...

    Here's to a GREAT FRIDAY for everyone...
    Have a great weekend

    I like doing Saturday weigh-ins because they help keep me from doing bad things on Friday! :laugh:

    Thats why I pick Saturday as well and you can indulge a little Saturday night and work it off all week. My husband and I do this Saturday mornings because that is when we are both home together and we check each other's weight. It was hard when we started to let my husband see my weight. I weighed more than him and he has 3 inches on me. But we need to keep each other accountable and we could celebrate together when we weighed in.

    Also good job on the 1 pound tecatecate
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Another great morning work out and I did pilates last night... Yeah me!!!!!

    Not sure if I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday to follow everyone else. I was doing Wednesdays.. If I'm down tomorrow I will use that as my new day, if not I'll wait til Wednesday...

    Here's to a GREAT FRIDAY for everyone...
    Have a great weekend

    I like doing Saturday weigh-ins because they help keep me from doing bad things on Friday! :laugh:

    I hear ya, they rock.. Only had one for 150 cal's and didn't let them bring any more. I eat a salad with next to no dressing and should have gotten my standard Salmon Grilled, but wanted pasta, only eat 3/4 of a lunch portion. And when it came out I realized they don't have Wheat pasta, I haven't eaten reg. pasta in forever. Actually it wasn't as good as my wheat... Oh well

    yeah, I like Wednesday because I then have time to shed my bad weekends... Not sure why, but friday nights I really enjoy having a few cocktails to unwind after my week in the office and running kids everywhere.
    I actully just had Red Lobster for lunch with my hubby and did it around 600 cal's. So I feel really full right now, but plan on doing something tonight before we go to our sons football game.

    Wow--- how'd you keep it at 600?? I cannot help but indulge on the cheesy rolls, yum!!
  • AmandaB4588
    Another great morning work out and I did pilates last night... Yeah me!!!!!

    Not sure if I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday to follow everyone else. I was doing Wednesdays.. If I'm down tomorrow I will use that as my new day, if not I'll wait til Wednesday...

    Here's to a GREAT FRIDAY for everyone...
    Have a great weekend

    I like doing Saturday weigh-ins because they help keep me from doing bad things on Friday! :laugh:

    Thats why I pick Saturday as well and you can indulge a little Saturday night and work it off all week. My husband and I do this Saturday mornings because that is when we are both home together and we check each other's weight. It was hard when we started to let my husband see my weight. I weighed more than him and he has 3 inches on me. But we need to keep each other accountable and we could celebrate together when we weighed in.

    Also good job on the 1 pound tecatecate

    My family is having a "Biggest Loser" competition with my brother in law's family, and I almost didn't do bc I was too embarrassed to weigh in! I didn't want my own family seeing my weight. Isn't that such a shame?

    But I tell you what.... it was certainly a relief to get it out of the way. Hopefully that's the last time either of us will be embarrassed to share our weight!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Another great morning work out and I did pilates last night... Yeah me!!!!!

    Not sure if I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday to follow everyone else. I was doing Wednesdays.. If I'm down tomorrow I will use that as my new day, if not I'll wait til Wednesday...

    Here's to a GREAT FRIDAY for everyone...
    Have a great weekend

    I like doing Saturday weigh-ins because they help keep me from doing bad things on Friday! :laugh:

    yeah, I like Wednesday because I then have time to shed my bad weekends... Not sure why, but friday nights I really enjoy having a few cocktails to unwind after my week in the office and running kids everywhere.
    I actully just had Red Lobster for lunch with my hubby and did it around 600 cal's. So I feel really full right now, but plan on doing something tonight before we go to our sons football game.

    Wow--- how'd you keep it at 600?? I cannot help but indulge on the cheesy rolls, yum!!

    I hear ya, they rock.. Only had one for 150 cal's and didn't let them bring any more. I eat a salad with next to no dressing and should have gotten my standard Salmon Grilled, but wanted pasta, only eat 3/4 of a lunch portion. And when it came out I realized they don't have Wheat pasta, I haven't eaten reg. pasta in forever. Actually it wasn't as good as my wheat... Oh well
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Well it's only 3, but I've had a crazy exercise day already, I went to yoga this morning (1 hr.), a friend called and needed a venting walk ( 2 mi.), ran w/ a neighbor (3 mi.), then another walk w/ neighbor and dogs (2 mi.).

    Will be doing family yard work tomorrow, whole yard full of leaves (20+bags probably) to rake and bag, mow, compost'll be a calorie-burner for sure!
  • madelinetg15
    Here is the thread for week 2, if the link doesn't work just look for New Body November Week 2 under Motivation and Support. Good luck to everyone weighing in.
  • sparkler2112
    sparkler2112 Posts: 50 Member
    I'd love to join...i began "trying" to start this journey about 4 months ago. I wasn't ready, so it didn't happen then. Through the months (and 10 more pounds) I found myself ready to do this...for myself. Unlike most of the people I read about I havent always struggled with my weight, I was a basketball and volleyball player in high school, with a scholarship in basketball. I got really sick my senior year, they put me on steroids for an extended period and WOW I blew up! :blushing: I gained 30 pounds in about 2 months..not only because of the steroids but because I found myself loving food : ) and had began a sedimentary life-style.I couldnt even go to school!! Well, finally I was fixed-but my weight issues have gotten worse. Since high school (5 years) I've added another 30 or so pounds to bring me to 262. Don't get me wrong I was never "skinny" i was always bigger than most the people in my class but I was fit. I have no illusions, I dont even want to be "skinny" that isn't my goal. Just to be healthy and fit. My husband is also considered "obese" and he has battled his weight constantly. His weight has fluctuated badly. He's not ready just yet to join me on this journey but Im hoping through my hard work and dedication he will decide this is what he wants, too. It is not easy to do this by yourself. He tends to "guilt" me into bad food-well this is where it stops. No matter how hard it is to tell him no, he's gonna start hearing it now!! Thanks ladies for listening! I hope to be able to give the same support I will be getting :flowerforyou:
  • madelinetg15
    Sparkler2112 welcome to the group. We have started a new thread for week two. The link is below. Our weighs ins are on Saturday mornings but any day is fine as long as it stays consistent every week and you weigh your self at the same time that day. I like mornings right after I use the restroom and before breakfast. My husband luckily on this journey with me. He was just over the obese line and now he has lost 10 pounds in two weeks. You should really talk to your husband and tell him how it important it is to be healthy not only for yourselves but for each other. Tell him that you don't appreciate being guilted into eating junk food. If he is not ready that is fine but he should be supportive for you.