Why no sleepy at night???



  • chonji4ever
    chonji4ever Posts: 120 Member
    How long did it take for this to start working? (The 15 min then get up conditioning)
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I am a champion sleeper. Seriously. I need a medal.
  • bellaparishan
    bellaparishan Posts: 6 Member
    I do that. I know some "experts" say to get up if you don't fall asleep within 15 mins, but it's ALWAYS taken me at least an hour if not longer to fall asleep.

    Last night, was horrible, I couldn't get comfy or sleep!

    I just stay in bed and figure that at least that way I'm resting even if I'm not sleeping. If I get up, I'm going to read or watch TV which doesn't make me sleepy and wouldn't relax me either

    I used to be like this my entire life until I followed the advice to get up after 15 mins. Now I am out within a few minutes of head hitting the pillow.

    The idea is to condition yourself to know that pillow=time to sleep, not time to think/read/watch tv/rest/. Once you get that conditioning sorted it works like magic. And this is coming from someone who took hours to get to sleep ever since i was a little kid.

    And yep, the idea is to get up, do something, and not to lie back down again until tired. It's a pain at first, but it literally only took me a couple weeks to go from full insomniac lie-in-bed-for-five-hours to pillow=sleep.

    LOL, i now actually can't lie around and rest, or read or anything. Hit the pillow and i sleep. It's the best thing ever after a lifetime of sleeping difficulties.

    I definitely find this to be true... Just don't get up on fridge raiding missions (like I may or may not have been known to do...)

    I've always had sleeping issues but now I'll get up and read and or study or draw or/and listen to music, maybe a cup of green tea.
    Then when I get a bit dozy, back to bed and fall asleep instantly. :)

    And yeah you have so much more energy the rest of the day!
  • fluffysexyme
    fluffysexyme Posts: 104 Member
    Same. Most nights it's the running thoughts thing, but some nights its just like you described it. NO good reason, just hit my second wind at bed time. On those nights I usually clean or read a book and about half an hour later I'm tired.
  • popat89
    popat89 Posts: 83 Member
    Have you tried starting a melatonin regiment? Consult your physician first, of course - but when I had trouble sleeping at the time I wanted my doc told me to take melatonin at the same time everynight as I was trying to sleep to get my sleep cycle on the right path. Also, when do you work-out during the day?
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    I know I can't have caffeine after about 2.00pm or it plays havoc with my sleep cycle.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I am sleeping right now
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I am among ya'll insomniacs. My "type" varies. Some nights I lie awake for hours before getting to sleep - IF ever getting to sleep. Some nights I go to sleep okay, but wake up 25 times. Other nights I go to sleep, get a short nap, and am awake the rest of the night. Every great once in awhile I will go to bed and sleep, and wake up the next day in shock lol.
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    I only rarely have insomnia now, but it used to get bad. Wanna know something to drive you crazy? My hubby wears a FitBit and monitors his sleep cycles...it takes him about 2 or 3 minutes to get to sleep! I don't think he believed me when I said that he is asleep the minute hits the pillow, and I guess he is technically correct, but only by a couple of minutes!
  • mdermott
    mdermott Posts: 9 Member
    I'm the same way. I have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, but here are things that seem to help.
    - Read
    - Do something mundane (knitting works)
    - Listen to a story (and let it play on when you fall asleep. Sometimes just having a voice in the room helps. If you have a spouse, use an in-ear for the ear that's facing up.)
    - Deep breathing (and concentrate on that breathing)

    The most important thing is to not worry about it. The more you stress, the worse it gets. Oh, and you might have to try different things. They won't always work. Also, chamomile tea works for some too.

    I hope that helps.
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    I work the overnight. Never had trouble sleeping during the day, but the last 6 months if I get 4 hours during the day it's a miracle.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Doing it right now :(
  • kepirus
    kepirus Posts: 79
    Doing it right now :(

    Ditto . . . my husband just got me a Fitbit last week - it's claiming I fall asleep within 0-10 minutes, but that's just b/c I lay still TRYING to fall asleep. :-(
    Just can not shut my brain off. I try taking deep, calming breaths, then after 5-10 minutes I notice every muscle in my body is tense and I'm doign lesson plans for shcool in my head (as an example), so then I force myself to stop thinking and take deep, claming breaths, and 5-10 minutes later I notice every muscle is tense again . . . and so it goes for up to an hour - sometimes less, sometimes more. (FTR, schools' out for the summer, yet still tonight I found myself planning the first semester in my head as I tried to fall asleep.)
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I'm a total insomniac. The other night I was up all night looking after my poorly little boy - got less than 3 hours of broken shuteye. Al day yesterday I was absolutely exhausted and fighting sleep. I work evenings, so that was especially hard staying awake. I get home just after 10pm and have a relaxing bath. Get ready for bed and BAM! I'm wide awake! Didn't get to bed till well after 2am, and it took quite a while to actually fall asleep. It's like that all the time. It used to be that I couldn't sleep before midnight, but lately it's been creeping out later and later and now I have difficulty sleeping before 2am, no matter how exhausted I am. It' not like I have a long lie-in in the morning either - my little lad usually gets up some time between 7am and 7.30am - sometimes a little earlier, but very rarely any later than that.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Thanks for the melatonin suggestion. Took some last night and had an incredible sound sleep last night. I'll see how that affects my day today.

    For those that take melatonin, do you take it every night, or just for a few days to set your sleep cycle. I'm worried about becoming dependent on something.
