Offering solutions

banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
I am putting this in the motivational area because I think it's important for people to realize it.

The most sucessful, intelligent people in the world didn't get that way because they listen, it isn't because they understand, and it isn't because they are good observers. These are all good traits to have, but they are all only part of what makes someone great. One of the key ingredients in making you a better person is the ability to apply a thorough, reasoned solution to a problem, and to be able to articulate that solution to others.

I was told very early on in my career by my first (and IMHO BEST) mentor was this: "Steve" he said one day in his office, "I don't care if you slack off for 30 hours a week." He paused and smiled as my 23 year old brain tried to wrap itself around this statement. "As long" he continued after seeing that I was thoroughly confused, "as you give me solid solutions to the problems that you are handed, that have reasonable, well constructed, and feasable plans of execution!" It took me days to figure out what he was trying to say. It boiled down to this. Don't regurgitate my problems back to me, give me answers.

After about 12 years of thinking on that topic, I have found that he was right. Answers, even wrong answers, are better then nothing. This can be applied to just about any subject in life. Even here on our website. As nice as compliments and support are (and sometimes we all just need to know that we aren't alone), well thought out, articulate responses that move people toward a solution are always better. Even if your answer is wrong, it still moves someone toward a solution because it eliminates that wrong choice from the pool of options.

I urge people on here, (especially our younger folks that haven't had some of the life experience that some of us old *kitten* have had), to try to always move forward with people's issue, offer any guidance you may have, and if you are the one with the issue, always try to listen, even if you think an answer is wrong, because perspective is an evil little gnome that can throw you way off track, seeing something in a different light may help you see the solution right in front of your nose.

regards all!



  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I am putting this in the motivational area because I think it's important for people to realize it.

    The most sucessful, intelligent people in the world didn't get that way because they listen, it isn't because they understand, and it isn't because they are good observers. These are all good traits to have, but they are all only part of what makes someone great. One of the key ingredients in making you a better person is the ability to apply a thorough, reasoned solution to a problem, and to be able to articulate that solution to others.

    I was told very early on in my career by my first (and IMHO BEST) mentor was this: "Steve" he said one day in his office, "I don't care if you slack off for 30 hours a week." He paused and smiled as my 23 year old brain tried to wrap itself around this statement. "As long" he continued after seeing that I was thoroughly confused, "as you give me solid solutions to the problems that you are handed, that have reasonable, well constructed, and feasable plans of execution!" It took me days to figure out what he was trying to say. It boiled down to this. Don't regurgitate my problems back to me, give me answers.

    After about 12 years of thinking on that topic, I have found that he was right. Answers, even wrong answers, are better then nothing. This can be applied to just about any subject in life. Even here on our website. As nice as compliments and support are (and sometimes we all just need to know that we aren't alone), well thought out, articulate responses that move people toward a solution are always better. Even if your answer is wrong, it still moves someone toward a solution because it eliminates that wrong choice from the pool of options.

    I urge people on here, (especially our younger folks that haven't had some of the life experience that some of us old *kitten* have had), to try to always move forward with people's issue, offer any guidance you may have, and if you are the one with the issue, always try to listen, even if you think an answer is wrong, because perspective is an evil little gnome that can throw you way off track, seeing something in a different light may help you see the solution right in front of your nose.

    regards all!

  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    well said!