Falling down

Hi everyone.

Well on the 1st of February this year, I became inspired to lose weight and become fit.

From then until about mid-April, I lost about 4kg and I was gaining what was starting to look like a flat tummy!

During this time I was working casual hours and had plenty of time to exercise everyday.

Then I started a full-time office job. Ever since, I just can't be bothered exercising or eating well and I feel I have fallen back into my old habits, ie. rebellious eating, not knowing when to stop, binging, etc.

So since then I have stayed the same weight. I can't remember the last time I ate below my calorie limit. I am exercising a little still but not really enough to make much of a difference.

I even feel hungrier. I just want to eat and eat lately, even when I know I'm not hungry. I try drinking tea, heaps of water, busying myself... but nope. It probably also might have something to do with my inactive job. But all I can think about it eating huge amounts of junk food. I feel as if my brain is split into to sides - logical and child-like - and the child-like side always wins... it tells me, "Eat it because it's bad, and eat copious amounts!"

Anyway, if anyone can offer me some new advice or inspiration, it would be most appreciated. I was doing so well and I would hate to see all my time and effort wasted. I really do want to be a healthy person who does not crave or have to rely on junk food so much.


  • niksinnotts
    niksinnotts Posts: 62 Member
    its so hard to change your way of thinking isn't it, i saw someones success story on here some time ago and he said that he used his calories like money and with only so many, he had to choose what to " buy" its a pretty good tip! still i find that with cravings you can end up eating round them only to give in and then splurge!! then you've totally gone over your allowance, sometimes its ok to let yourself have a little something that is unhealthy and fit it into your calorie allowance, that way you're not depriving yourself, good luck getting back on track:flowerforyou:

    feel free to add me as a friend if you like!:smile:
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Um, well, I sort of let myself binge when I need to or my cravings get pretty ugly, but I'm still always under my cals because I keep a bunch of stuff in the house that's low cal, etc. For instance, some say it's bad to replace food with stuff that's not good for you, but I figure, hey, I could eat 20 cookies OR I could eat 4 cups of sugar free jello (Yes, I have done this to the tune of 40 cals). I have those Special K chips for when I think I'll die if I don't have some potato chips and I keep sugar free dark chocolate pudding (they last pretty much forever) and weight watchers smart ones in the freezer if I really need an ice cream fix.

    So sure, I don't always eat healthy, but I always make that d*mn calorie goal.

    BTW, I do eat healthy most of the time, but dudette, when you want a tato chip and dip and you just gotta have it, Dean's lo cal dip (35 cals for 2 tbsps) and 30 Sea Salt Special K chips (100 cals) are better than 9 Ruffles (which you know I'm not stopping at 9) and regular dip to the tune of 500 - 1000 cals.

    I also exercise at least twice a day, even if they are minis. In the morning I do abs and walk the dog. In the afternoon or evening I do my cardio. I try to get up and at least walk around every now and then (I work at a desk).

    Keep the spirit, Chica!! And congrats on knowing what you want!! You deserve to be happy, healthy, and have energy!!
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    The only thing I have found to stop me snacking at work is All Bran.
    I have breakfast, then a sandwich with egg or cheese.
    If I'm still hungry a handful of All Bran, straight from the pack, no milk. That holds me till lunch.

    Office jobs are snack city.

    The only exercise I get on work days is usually the walk from the car to the office so make it count. at least 15 mins each way,
    I log dinner before I eat it and if I don't have the cals and I do have any energy at all I use the stationary bike at home.