5Ft 3inch Ladies Question



  • Hi All,
    I have just joined this app and hope to loose at least 3 stone, reading your letters will hopefully keep giving me the motivation to loose. my weight has crept up since going on anti depressant medication so lets hope all of you out there will keep me motivated and strong in obtaining my goal:flowerforyou:
  • maharrod7
    maharrod7 Posts: 32
    I'm 5'2 im nopt at 30 lbs yet but im at 20 and ive lost that in under 3 months so im hoping to lose the next 10 in a month and half watching calories and what i eat is what works for me. If u need some mfp pals dont b afraid to add me! Good luck you can lose the weight if u try hard enough!
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    of course it's going to be different for everyone --- but being 5'3 and short waisted, I can tell you that I'll never have the abs of someone 5'7 because they have the longer torso and more room for their fat pads to spread out. They suck and I hate them all. :tongue:
  • nicolettexiv
    nicolettexiv Posts: 4 Member
    I think it depends on how much you weigh to start, in addition to your starting activity level and eating habits.

    If one weighs more, is sedentary and eats when/what one wants, implementing changes to caloric/content intake and activity levels will likely result in a more noticeable change initially, in a shorter amount of time than say, someone who is already active, on a consistent diet and working on those last 20 pounds.

    I just keep telling myself "it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world.. but it's a life long effort" :)

    Paired with the "science" of 3500 calories = 1 pound, and a targeted 1-2 pound/week weight loss.. it may be consistent time to lose across the board, in terms of numbers on the scale, anyway.
  • lildoggielover
    lildoggielover Posts: 72 Member
    I started this wanting to lose 40 lbs. I lost 30 lbs in 6 months. These last 10 are hanging around but that's okay with my hubby. :flowerforyou:
  • Enufsenuf
    Enufsenuf Posts: 10
    Thanks everyone for your posts and advice.
    Seems I have totally unrealistic goals :)
    Will have to think more long term I guess.

    Very well done to you all and best of luck with the last few pounds some of you want to lose.

    Thanks for sharing
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Probably about six months, but well over a year to establish lifelong eating habits to go alongside it! I also found that when you lose a lot of weight and your body significantly changes it actually takes a while to get used to your new shape! I now even have 'fat' days - even though I know I'm not! x