


  • angels0831
    I used to have that problem too. I work at a Wendy's (and hate salad) so I don't really have a lot of healthy choices for dinner on nights that I work. But I did discover that if you put your dinner in during the day, you can plan the rest of your meals around that. It helps a ton!!!! The only problem is sticking to it because if you put it in there and don't actually eat it then you're whole day is ruined. It might not be the perfect solution but it may help :)
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well you do have options. My husband makes sure the world knows he doesn't like healthy foods, so I have taken some of his favorite things - curries, enchiladas, burgers, fries, fish and chips etc... and found ways to make them a little healthier. I suggest you google "healthier insert-meal-here recipes" and compromise. You can also do what other people say and go ahead and make yourself whatever you want, leaving him to fend for himself. What kinds of things are you cooking anyway?

    Also, portion control is going to be very important if you're only eating 1200 calories a day (but why so little?) so you might want to consider eating slightly less rice. A cup is a lot, even for me, and I eat all the food.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I generally eat whatever I am cooking for everyone else. I normally cook some kind of meat and veggies and then add a starch for hubby and daughter. That way I am only cooking one meal and everybody gets what they want or need.
    On nights when they want something that I don't normally eat like pizza, I will fix myself a lower carb version of that on either flatout bread or a low carb tortilla.
    For times when they want comfort food like mac & cheese and sloppy joes, I eat my sloppy joes without a bun and may or may not eat any of the mac & cheese and everybody gets veggies on their plate.
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I am of Hispanic and Filipino descent so white rice is huge in my diet growing up. We had calrose rice every day. In fact my dad and I were addicted to it. We would get cranky if we went two days with out it. When I began my weight loss journey a few years ago I told my trainer I would give up all bread, pasta and potatoes but NEVER white rice. She was shocked at my commitment. She then recommended that I do half white rice and half brown rice mixed together. To be honest I didn't even taste the difference. You may want to try that with your husband. He might not notice and you would have taken away some of the bad calories. I have even broken my dependency on white rice and only have it once a week.
  • TXBlonde81
    TXBlonde81 Posts: 78 Member
    I mix white and brown rice together in the storage container so we don't fight over white or brown rice. I would suggest doing the same. Also when I make a rice dish I usually eat 1/3 cup rice since rice goes a long way and supplement with a healthy side dish and main dish. I let my husband make his own plate so there is no complaints about me "starving" him with so few calories.
  • Ashleacurtice
    Ashleacurtice Posts: 54 Member
    I seem to run into this problem alot to...sooo I have found alot of good HEALTHY recipes I think my husband will like also...and he has pretty much liked all of them...we dont cook rice ALOT! If I do I use the instant brown rice.

    here is a website where I get ALOT of my recipes from...all calories and everything are already counted so its very easy!

  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    im trying to stay within 1200 cals max a day by the time i get home im already at 500 remaining and 1 cup of rice is 300-350 cals...which leaves me with only 200 left so i always tend to go over....

    So, only have 1/2 cup of rice and eat a ton of veggies to fill you up. that and a bit of lean protein (3-4 oz) and you have a very well balanced meal that should still come in under your 500 remaining calories.
  • jenkidney
    jenkidney Posts: 149 Member
    Your husband can fix his own dinner. Problem solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ^This. My husband is the same way, and it's always been my downfall with sticking to any eating plan - I hate making one meal for me and another for the family. This time around I told him, that I need to do this for me and my health, so if he doesn't like what I'm cooking, he needs to make a meal for everyone else. So far it's working.
  • wilson1024
    wilson1024 Posts: 126 Member
    Cook all your meals ahead of time on the weekend to prepare for the week ahead so your meals will already be done all you have to do is heat them up :) You can do that too for your husband since he is too lazy to fix his own. That way he can just heat his up as well. Works pretty good actually! You can freeze anything just about! Try it this weekend and see :) Planning ahead and preparing meals for the week really does help alot!!! Good Luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My hubby's kind of fussy when it comes to "healthy" eating too so I've done a couple things to get around this.

    1) keep lightening up of recipes on a need-to-know basis. When I switched from regular to turkey keilbasa, I didn't say a word. DH never noticed and when he balked after seeing the package I told him, "you've been wolfing it down just fine for the last couple of months so I guess you liked it!". That usually resolves the situation just fine. The idea of diet food might be a turn off but when it comes right down to it, they usually can't tel the difference. And now he loves turkey keilbasa, hot dogs and pepperoni. :)

    2) alter your recipes in other ways. If you're making a casserole type dish with so much rice or pasta already mixed in, reduce the amount of rice/pasta and bulk up instead with double the veggies (or add veggies if the recipe doesn't call for any). It'll still taste wonderful and no one will be the wiser!

    Even easier, if the rice is a side dish, just don't take as much (as others have said). Portion control is key!
  • runningk919
    runningk919 Posts: 13 Member
    this is what i do... i don't like cooking once i get home so on Sunday night i cook dinner for the entire week. Usually it's two proteins (chicken cooked 2 different ways ha) and a crap load of veggies. I just pull out what I want to eat that night and let my kids choose what they want (from the choices I cooked the weekend prior) and everyone is happy after popping it in the microwave! my boyfriend is crazy picky so this helps with him too because i fix him seperate meals to take to work for dinner (he works 3rd shift) it's time consuming on Sunday but my boyfriend helps and it saves a ton of time monday through friday.