Vacation coming up.......

I have a 2 week vacation coming up and I was wondering what others do when they are on holiday. Do you just try to stay active and make smart food choices? Do you search out a gym and keep to your usual routine? I will have access to a gym but we have lots of activities planned and Im not sure how much free time I will have. I am also visiting a long time friend so I am assuming we will be drinking and eat out a lot :)
Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated as I am making progress and would like to enjoy my vacation without taking a step backwards :)


  • signgrrrl
    signgrrrl Posts: 74 Member
    I just returned from an 11 day gym.. I ate in moderation. Tried to make good choices. We were very active..go go go and so I only really did any type of cardio a couple of times...powere walked on the beach, but we swam everyday in the ocean walked name it. I even cocktailed many time. Only gained 3 lbs. I was very excited. Back to the grind....want to finish up my journey. Good luck , relax and have fun on your vacation and just moderate your food and careful with your choices.
  • dducroc
    dducroc Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! I want to relax and not obsess over what I eat or how much exercise Im getting. Which will be hard, since this is the first vacation Ive had since starting MFP. And I dont want to undo my hard work :smile:
  • dducroc
    dducroc Posts: 9 Member